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***Official - 2024 Major League Baseball Thread - Royals Stink Now Since I Posted About It. I Suck At This *** (6 Viewers)

I really hate the virtual box they use that purports to be the strike zone. I'd pay extra for a broadcast that kept that crap out.
Are you Angel Hernandez?

No, I'm no Angel. I just find it incredibly distracting. It has nothing to do with the ump's call for me. I just hate it. The worst part is that the local broadcast also flashes a sponsored cartoon re-do of the pitch with their own stupid box off to the side (a 9x9 grid if you can believe it). Horrible.
I really hate the virtual box they use that purports to be the strike zone. I'd pay extra for a broadcast that kept that crap out.
I am with you on this. All it does is drive fans crazy that the umps are terrible when they miss a call half an inch off the plate on a 90mph slider that has over a foot of movement. They could even keep the box and remove the ball marker.

I umpire a lot of games, and I assure you that the MLB umps are the best in the business even if they aren't perfect. There is a lot that goes into umpiring that most people take for granted, and most of the know-it-all people in the stands of games I ump don't even understand the rulebook.
most of the know-it-all people in the stands of games I ump don't even understand the rulebook.
This is the biggest issue I have with people that complain. No, the hands are not part of the bat!. No, a bunt cannot be an infield fly no matter how high the bunt goes in the air.
most of the know-it-all people in the stands of games I ump don't even understand the rulebook.
This is the biggest issue I have with people that complain. No, the hands are not part of the bat!. No, a bunt cannot be an infield fly no matter how high the bunt goes in the air.
The foul lines are not the basepath, interference and obstruction do not need to be intentional to be called, the ball does not need to stay in the infield for the infield fly rule to be enforced, a foul ball is determined based on where the ball is when it's fielded and not where the fielder's feet are at the time the ball is fielded, and the list goes on. A good rule of thumb is that the louder the complainer, the less knowledgeable they actually are about the rules.
the ball does not need to stay in the infield for the infield fly rule to be enforced,
I always wanted to have my teams let infield flies on the infield grass drop because then all hell breaks loose because so many people don't understand the rule. I never had the stones to actually have my teams do it though. Any time an IFF gets dropped it is hilarious though.
the ball does not need to stay in the infield for the infield fly rule to be enforced,
I always wanted to have my teams let infield flies on the infield grass drop because then all hell breaks loose because so many people don't understand the rule. I never had the stones to actually have my teams do it though. Any time an IFF gets dropped it is hilarious though.
I've had multiple instances while umping LL that they've been unintentionally dropped. It's guaranteed mayhem. The players in the dugout, coaches, and spectators all start shouting conflicting information because 90% of them don't understand the rule. The players on the field get that deer in the headlights look and almost always end up doing something stupid.
most of the know-it-all people in the stands of games I ump don't even understand the rulebook.
This is the biggest issue I have with people that complain. No, the hands are not part of the bat!. No, a bunt cannot be an infield fly no matter how high the bunt goes in the air.
The foul lines are not the basepath, interference and obstruction do not need to be intentional to be called, the ball does not need to stay in the infield for the infield fly rule to be enforced, a foul ball is determined based on where the ball is when it's fielded and not where the fielder's feet are at the time the ball is fielded, and the list goes on. A good rule of thumb is that the louder the complainer, the less knowledgeable they actually are about the rules.
It's Foul it hit home plate!@!@!#!#
If I hear "come on blue" one more time from the old fart who brings his own scorebook to the college games I might have to strangle him. 😉
Ok so I know none of you will believe me but my name isn’t actually Fred and I’m the guy that caught McCutchen’s 300th HR today. There is at least one FBG on here who could verify that. One of the best and most insane days of my life and I got to experience it with my 9 year old son!
I hope they threw beer on you ..... ;)

The fans were so awesome to us all game. When I caught that ball, they booed the heck out of me when I refused to throw it back. I just stood up, pointed to my shirt and yelled “that isn’t happening!”. At that point I had no idea that it was # 300. Then next thing I know we are being whisked away by security and taking pics/videos with Cutch and the other Pirates. This will be a day that Toren never forgets!

I think I (and maybe others) had forgotten about your son’s health journey. I’m sure it makes it even more special for your family.

How is he doing?

So happy for him!
Apologies in advance for the novel..........

Thank you @AAABatteries ! Yes Toren was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia in October of 2022. The first 10-12 months of his journey were extremely difficult for all of us (Toren, younger sister Zanya, mom and dad) but he fought hard and taught me a lot of things about resiliency and character. Kids are just different beasts compared to adults. He's now in the maintenance phase of treatment and doing great. I dare say he's pretty much back to "normal" and we can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Obviously from the video you can see that he has a nice, healthy head of hair again (unlike his dad). I told him last summer that he would soon have more hair than me and here we are! There were a couple FBGs (won't mention any names) that were instrumental in helping us get through this.

Yesterday was an absolute surreal experience for us. I really am a diehard Pirates fan and Cutch has always been my favorite player growing up (I wasn't old enough during the Stargell/Clemente days). Let me tell you about the unbelievable chain of events that had to happen for us to get that ball:

1. I had just gotten back from a business trip Thursday night and was not really in the mood to go to a game over the weekend. Toren was adamant that he wanted to see his Pirates.
2. My wife and I had planned for the 4 of us to go to the game on Saturday. However, the weather was really crappy and we decided to scrap that plan.
3. Toren was adamant that he now wanted to go on Sunday (last chance to see the Pirates in Philly unless they meet in October - lol yeah good one). We have close friends who are Phils season ticket holders and usually just buy their tickets. They had already sold them.
4. Wheeler was pitching and the weather was going to be gorgeous so there were only a handful of seats left. In fact, 4 of us going together was no longer an option. I asked Toren to pick who he wanted to go with and he picked me over mom! She's shorter than me and would have had no chance at catching that ball!
5. Tickets for 2 were also extremely limited. Basically there were upper deck and a few remaining seats just beyond the outfield fence. Obviously the upper deck tickets were cheaper but I decided that giving him a nice view and experience was worth the extra money. The potential for catching a HR ball did not play into my decision at all lol.
6. I told Toren at the start of the game that if the Pirates are losing late, we are leaving early to beat out traffic. They're facing Wheeler so we both agreed the odds of that are pretty damn good.
7. Suwinski hits that grand slam (after some sloppy Phils defense) and I tell him that we're sticking around until the end of the game.
8. The 9th inning hits and all I'm thinking is that I just want the game to end and go home. I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on at that point.
9. Then the play happens and well you all see the amount of fortuitous luck that directs that ball into my hand lol.

When we were in the clubhouse with Cutch and the other players/staff, one of the guys asked Toren if he plays baseball. Since his diagnosis, he has a port in his chest to receive his infusions and cannot play any contact sports. I thought about mentioning his cancer right there but decided not to. I felt that the moment was about Cutch and not us. In hindsight and now witnessing how classy of a man Cutch is, I feel that I made a mistake. It likely would have made that moment so much more special for Cutch if he knew that the Pirates fan (in Philly surrounded by red) who got that ball has gone through hell for the past year and a half.

The chapter isn't over yet. The principal of Toren's school has connections with people high up in the Phillies organization. He contacted me today and wants to get the word of Toren out to the Pirates. Not that I need or want anything for our family but me somehow catching that ball has probably changed his life. After what he's been through, I want him to be spoiled. I still just can't believe it happened. It doesn't even feel real and Toren's story makes it an absolute miracle.

p.s. I hate the fact that I'm all over the internet but it was all worth it for Toren to experience this.
Quick update - the Pirates found out about Toren's cancer and Bob Nutting (owner of the Pirates) gave me a call yesterday. He said he wants to invite us to a game and make it a really special experience. Basically he left things wide open and said to work with his staff. For example, Toren will likely get to participate in batting practice, throw out the first pitch, be ballboy for a couple innings, etc. We will also be seated in the owner's suite for the game. So exciting - Pirates are a pretty classy organization!
the ball does not need to stay in the infield for the infield fly rule to be enforced,
I always wanted to have my teams let infield flies on the infield grass drop because then all hell breaks loose because so many people don't understand the rule. I never had the stones to actually have my teams do it though. Any time an IFF gets dropped it is hilarious though.
I've umped for a while now. I do everything from 10-year old travel ball to high school varsity playoffs, as well as legion and amateur ball.

I try to treat the games equally in terms of my professionalism and effort, etc. Obviously the strike zones are drastically different.

Anyway, I'm umping a 14- 15-year old low-level travel ball game one time, and they're just brutal. Zero hustle. Total twats. So I'm spending most of my time yelling at them to hustle in and out of the dugout. At one point, I'm pleading with a batter to get in the box so I can start issuing balls because a pitcher still hasn't come out of the dugout for the next inning. It took me almost a full minute to get the kid in the box. Still ended up issuing six straight balls before the pitcher finally got out there. Then they wanted warm-up pitches.

Same game, runners on first and second, one out, pop fly straight up the shoot basically right at the shortstop. I let loose with my typically bellowing, "Infield fly! Batter's out!" You would have thought I opened fire on the place. The whole field and all fans in attendance just absolutely froze in terror and stared at me. Ball lands five feet away from the shortstop and sits there. No one moves. They legitimately have no idea what's going on. Finally, the kid on second starts running while the ball is laying there, then the kid on first decides to follow, then the moron batter. All three circle the bases and cross home plate and no one on defense ever did a thing. The biggest complaint? Me not counting the batter's run.

You can't make it up.
Ok so I know none of you will believe me but my name isn’t actually Fred and I’m the guy that caught McCutchen’s 300th HR today. There is at least one FBG on here who could verify that. One of the best and most insane days of my life and I got to experience it with my 9 year old son!
I hope they threw beer on you ..... ;)

The fans were so awesome to us all game. When I caught that ball, they booed the heck out of me when I refused to throw it back. I just stood up, pointed to my shirt and yelled “that isn’t happening!”. At that point I had no idea that it was # 300. Then next thing I know we are being whisked away by security and taking pics/videos with Cutch and the other Pirates. This will be a day that Toren never forgets!

I think I (and maybe others) had forgotten about your son’s health journey. I’m sure it makes it even more special for your family.

How is he doing?

So happy for him!
Apologies in advance for the novel..........

Thank you @AAABatteries ! Yes Toren was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia in October of 2022. The first 10-12 months of his journey were extremely difficult for all of us (Toren, younger sister Zanya, mom and dad) but he fought hard and taught me a lot of things about resiliency and character. Kids are just different beasts compared to adults. He's now in the maintenance phase of treatment and doing great. I dare say he's pretty much back to "normal" and we can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Obviously from the video you can see that he has a nice, healthy head of hair again (unlike his dad). I told him last summer that he would soon have more hair than me and here we are! There were a couple FBGs (won't mention any names) that were instrumental in helping us get through this.

Yesterday was an absolute surreal experience for us. I really am a diehard Pirates fan and Cutch has always been my favorite player growing up (I wasn't old enough during the Stargell/Clemente days). Let me tell you about the unbelievable chain of events that had to happen for us to get that ball:

1. I had just gotten back from a business trip Thursday night and was not really in the mood to go to a game over the weekend. Toren was adamant that he wanted to see his Pirates.
2. My wife and I had planned for the 4 of us to go to the game on Saturday. However, the weather was really crappy and we decided to scrap that plan.
3. Toren was adamant that he now wanted to go on Sunday (last chance to see the Pirates in Philly unless they meet in October - lol yeah good one). We have close friends who are Phils season ticket holders and usually just buy their tickets. They had already sold them.
4. Wheeler was pitching and the weather was going to be gorgeous so there were only a handful of seats left. In fact, 4 of us going together was no longer an option. I asked Toren to pick who he wanted to go with and he picked me over mom! She's shorter than me and would have had no chance at catching that ball!
5. Tickets for 2 were also extremely limited. Basically there were upper deck and a few remaining seats just beyond the outfield fence. Obviously the upper deck tickets were cheaper but I decided that giving him a nice view and experience was worth the extra money. The potential for catching a HR ball did not play into my decision at all lol.
6. I told Toren at the start of the game that if the Pirates are losing late, we are leaving early to beat out traffic. They're facing Wheeler so we both agreed the odds of that are pretty damn good.
7. Suwinski hits that grand slam (after some sloppy Phils defense) and I tell him that we're sticking around until the end of the game.
8. The 9th inning hits and all I'm thinking is that I just want the game to end and go home. I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on at that point.
9. Then the play happens and well you all see the amount of fortuitous luck that directs that ball into my hand lol.

When we were in the clubhouse with Cutch and the other players/staff, one of the guys asked Toren if he plays baseball. Since his diagnosis, he has a port in his chest to receive his infusions and cannot play any contact sports. I thought about mentioning his cancer right there but decided not to. I felt that the moment was about Cutch and not us. In hindsight and now witnessing how classy of a man Cutch is, I feel that I made a mistake. It likely would have made that moment so much more special for Cutch if he knew that the Pirates fan (in Philly surrounded by red) who got that ball has gone through hell for the past year and a half.

The chapter isn't over yet. The principal of Toren's school has connections with people high up in the Phillies organization. He contacted me today and wants to get the word of Toren out to the Pirates. Not that I need or want anything for our family but me somehow catching that ball has probably changed his life. After what he's been through, I want him to be spoiled. I still just can't believe it happened. It doesn't even feel real and Toren's story makes it an absolute miracle.

p.s. I hate the fact that I'm all over the internet but it was all worth it for Toren to experience this.
Quick update - the Pirates found out about Toren's cancer and Bob Nutting (owner of the Pirates) gave me a call yesterday. He said he wants to invite us to a game and make it a really special experience. Basically he left things wide open and said to work with his staff. For example, Toren will likely get to participate in batting practice, throw out the first pitch, be ballboy for a couple innings, etc. We will also be seated in the owner's suite for the game. So exciting - Pirates are a pretty classy organization!
Man, that is so freaking awesome!
All three circle the bases and cross home plate and no one on defense ever did a thing. The biggest complaint? Me not counting the batter's run.

You can't make it up.
This was 14-15 yr old's? That is terrible and worse than minors play in little league. That is not low level travel ball. I don't even know what to call it.

Those coaches should never coach again.
Gunnar Henderson's swing is just.......gorgeous.
It is.

On another note, my semi-regular rant about the stupid TV rules for MLB. I apparently live in a dead zone to be able to watch Baltimore. I'm considered "in market" by MLBTV (even though there is another MLB team twice as close to me), so I cannot even buy Orioles games. But neither is the RSN that carries the Orioles available to me on any cable or streaming carrier because I live too far away.
It is ******* stupid. Where I live the Pirates, Phillies, Mets and Yankees are blacked out. The closest of those stadiums is a 3 hour drive 🙄
Your avatar says you support the Dodgers though.
Today the Mets are at the Dodgers at 4 est. Blacked out for me on the MLB app 🙄
Feels like the White Sox could challenge the modern day record for most losses.
At least today they scored 5 runs off a reliever who came in with a 7.00 ERA. When they were down 9 in the 9th. After scoring 0 runs in the previous 17 innings against the Phillies.

Weren’t they a playoff team like 2 seasons ago? What the hell happened?
Rotation was

*Cease (just traded)
*Lynn (old and fat caught up to him)
*Giolito (tried pitching injured **theory**, traded low, now out for season w/elbow injury)
*Rodon (lost in free agency)
*Kuechel (old and bad caught up to him)

Closer Hendriks got cancer, now he's pitching for the other Sox. Tim Anderson has always been a bag of douche and now he sucks at beisubol too. Jose Abreu left in free agency. Grandal got old- fast.

Team is now basically just Eloy, Robert, and Crotch I'm leaving that auto correct.
Gunnar Henderson's swing is just.......gorgeous.
It is.

On another note, my semi-regular rant about the stupid TV rules for MLB. I apparently live in a dead zone to be able to watch Baltimore. I'm considered "in market" by MLBTV (even though there is another MLB team twice as close to me), so I cannot even buy Orioles games. But neither is the RSN that carries the Orioles available to me on any cable or streaming carrier because I live too far away.
It is ******* stupid. Where I live the Pirates, Phillies, Mets and Yankees are blacked out. The closest of those stadiums is a 3 hour drive 🙄
Your avatar says you support the Dodgers though.
Today the Mets are at the Dodgers at 4 est. Blacked out for me on the MLB app 🙄
Dodgers are killing it…
Feels like the White Sox could challenge the modern day record for most losses.
At least today they scored 5 runs off a reliever who came in with a 7.00 ERA. When they were down 9 in the 9th. After scoring 0 runs in the previous 17 innings against the Phillies.

Weren’t they a playoff team like 2 seasons ago? What the hell happened?
Rotation was

*Cease (just traded)
*Lynn (old and fat caught up to him)
*Giolito (tried pitching injured **theory**, traded low, now out for season w/elbow injury)
*Rodon (lost in free agency)
*Kuechel (old and bad caught up to him)

Closer Hendriks got cancer, now he's pitching for the other Sox. Tim Anderson has always been a bag of douche and now he sucks at beisubol too. Jose Abreu left in free agency. Grandal got old- fast.

Team is now basically just Eloy, Robert, and Crotch I'm leaving that auto correct.
The pitching has actually been pretty good this year, despite all the runs given up during the Philly series.
This Twins-White Sox series should set baseball back a hundred years. Both teams will probably average 15-20 strikeouts per game.
Thank God I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I also unfollowed all of the Os fan pages on FB because they are full of idiots and/or Yankee trolls. But I do read articles on-line from the major providers.

You'd think the Orioles were 6-26 because every single article I read talks about Holliday being 1-30 with 16 SOs. Dude is pressing and learning a new position. Honestly, they don't need him right now and I'm torn on whether to let him fight through it or send him back down for a bit. He'll be fine.

Meantime, they have the 3rd best record in MLB. 2 of their projected SPs haven't pitched yet this season. Cowser, Westburg, Rutschman, & Mountcastle (you know, their OTHER 1st round picks) are all batting over .300, with Henderson close. Mullins is doing Mullins things in CF. Guys like O'Hearn & Santander have had many big hits. Burnes and Rodriguez have been great. Get Bradish and Means back, and their rotation solidifies even more. Need help, IMO, in the bullpen and I'm not sure Kimbrel will hold up.


Sorry GB.

Worst team I can remember was the 2003 Detroit Tigers who finished 43-119. They exited April with a record of 3-21. Time to get humping, Sox!
The scored 0 runs off Chris Paddack in 7 innings. Chris Paddack!

Oh man: https://www.soxon35th.com/where-are-white-soxs-top-15-prospects-from-2017-today/
The biggest question right now is which player is going to be reluctantly added to the all star team. :lmao:
Thank God I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I also unfollowed all of the Os fan pages on FB because they are full of idiots and/or Yankee trolls. But I do read articles on-line from the major providers.

You'd think the Orioles were 6-26 because every single article I read talks about Holliday being 1-30 with 16 SOs. Dude is pressing and learning a new position. Honestly, they don't need him right now and I'm torn on whether to let him fight through it or send him back down for a bit. He'll be fine.

Meantime, they have the 3rd best record in MLB. 2 of their projected SPs haven't pitched yet this season. Cowser, Westburg, Rutschman, & Mountcastle (you know, their OTHER 1st round picks) are all batting over .300, with Henderson close. Mullins is doing Mullins things in CF. Guys like O'Hearn & Santander have had many big hits. Burnes and Rodriguez have been great. Get Bradish and Means back, and their rotation solidifies even more. Need help, IMO, in the bullpen and I'm not sure Kimbrel will hold up.
Yeah, I so want to leave the Orioles Magic group on social media. They are ridiculous, if it's not a perfect game from each player they want to fire Hyde and trade for "good" pitching.
As for Holliday, I believe he will come around, heck Aaron Judge is 3-20 with 12 strike outs in his last 5 games.
Thank God I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I also unfollowed all of the Os fan pages on FB because they are full of idiots and/or Yankee trolls. But I do read articles on-line from the major providers.

You'd think the Orioles were 6-26 because every single article I read talks about Holliday being 1-30 with 16 SOs. Dude is pressing and learning a new position. Honestly, they don't need him right now and I'm torn on whether to let him fight through it or send him back down for a bit. He'll be fine.

Meantime, they have the 3rd best record in MLB. 2 of their projected SPs haven't pitched yet this season. Cowser, Westburg, Rutschman, & Mountcastle (you know, their OTHER 1st round picks) are all batting over .300, with Henderson close. Mullins is doing Mullins things in CF. Guys like O'Hearn & Santander have had many big hits. Burnes and Rodriguez have been great. Get Bradish and Means back, and their rotation solidifies even more. Need help, IMO, in the bullpen and I'm not sure Kimbrel will hold up.
Kjerstad coming up. I haven’t seen who is going down though.
Thank God I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I also unfollowed all of the Os fan pages on FB because they are full of idiots and/or Yankee trolls. But I do read articles on-line from the major providers.

You'd think the Orioles were 6-26 because every single article I read talks about Holliday being 1-30 with 16 SOs. Dude is pressing and learning a new position. Honestly, they don't need him right now and I'm torn on whether to let him fight through it or send him back down for a bit. He'll be fine.

Meantime, they have the 3rd best record in MLB. 2 of their projected SPs haven't pitched yet this season. Cowser, Westburg, Rutschman, & Mountcastle (you know, their OTHER 1st round picks) are all batting over .300, with Henderson close. Mullins is doing Mullins things in CF. Guys like O'Hearn & Santander have had many big hits. Burnes and Rodriguez have been great. Get Bradish and Means back, and their rotation solidifies even more. Need help, IMO, in the bullpen and I'm not sure Kimbrel will hold up.
Yeah, I so want to leave the Orioles Magic group on social media. They are ridiculous, if it's not a perfect game from each player they want to fire Hyde and trade for "good" pitching.
As for Holliday, I believe he will come around, heck Aaron Judge is 3-20 with 12 strike outs in his last 5 games.
Drives me nuts. They are fine.

I do think they should start looking at trading some hitting assets for pitching come the trade deadline, though. I'm fine with "ride or die" with what they have, but they can't play all of the position guys they have up and at Norfolk.
Thank God I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I also unfollowed all of the Os fan pages on FB because they are full of idiots and/or Yankee trolls. But I do read articles on-line from the major providers.

You'd think the Orioles were 6-26 because every single article I read talks about Holliday being 1-30 with 16 SOs. Dude is pressing and learning a new position. Honestly, they don't need him right now and I'm torn on whether to let him fight through it or send him back down for a bit. He'll be fine.

Meantime, they have the 3rd best record in MLB. 2 of their projected SPs haven't pitched yet this season. Cowser, Westburg, Rutschman, & Mountcastle (you know, their OTHER 1st round picks) are all batting over .300, with Henderson close. Mullins is doing Mullins things in CF. Guys like O'Hearn & Santander have had many big hits. Burnes and Rodriguez have been great. Get Bradish and Means back, and their rotation solidifies even more. Need help, IMO, in the bullpen and I'm not sure Kimbrel will hold up.
Kjerstad coming up. I haven’t seen who is going down though.
I know Hayes went on the IL, so maybe to replace him?


Sorry GB.

Worst team I can remember was the 2003 Detroit Tigers who finished 43-119. They exited April with a record of 3-21. Time to get humping, Sox!
The scored 0 runs off Chris Paddack in 7 innings. Chris Paddack!

Oh man: https://www.soxon35th.com/where-are-white-soxs-top-15-prospects-from-2017-today/
The biggest question right now is which player is going to be reluctantly added to the all star team. :lmao:

Kopech seems like the logical choice, but yeah....suxors man.


Sorry GB.

Worst team I can remember was the 2003 Detroit Tigers who finished 43-119. They exited April with a record of 3-21. Time to get humping, Sox!
The scored 0 runs off Chris Paddack in 7 innings. Chris Paddack!

Oh man: https://www.soxon35th.com/where-are-white-soxs-top-15-prospects-from-2017-today/
The biggest question right now is which player is going to be reluctantly added to the all star team. :lmao:

Kopech seems like the logical choice, but yeah....suxors man.
He's available for trade....
White Sox season so far:

Four losses
Five losses
Six losses
Seven losses

If this trend continues, the White Sox will finish 14-148.

Yeah, I think that's possible.

I am betting on the opponent's money line for the next 137 games. #profit
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After watching the latest White Sox loss, I switched over to watch the rest of the Cubs game just in time to see Pete Crow Armstrong get his first major league hit, a go-ahead home run against the Astros.

Which led me to this :P post.

My wife, son and I went to Phoenix for spring training this year. On our last day, we decided to go to the White Sox vs. Cubs "Spring Breakout" game that featured the prospects for both teams. The game ended up being cancelled due to rain, but all of the players sat at tables in the concourse for signatures for well over an hour. If you wanted a signature from all of them, you definitely had the chance to.

Being White Sox fans, my son was totally stoked to get autographs from some of the Southside youngsters like Colson Montgomery, Noah Schultz, Bryan Ramos, Edgar Quero, Jacob Gonzalez, Nick Nastrini, etc.

But I have to say, this was my favorite picture of all of them. My son is a baseball fan so he obviously knew who PCA was and wanted to get his autograph. Pete wasn't quite as thrilled with signing an autograph for a White Sox fan. He looks a bit annoyed at the whole thing. :ROFLMAO:
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After watching the latest White Sox loss, I switched over to watch the rest of the Cubs game just in time to see Pete Crow Armstrong get his first major league hit, a go-ahead home run against the Astros.

Which led me to this :P post.

My wife, son and I went to Phoenix for spring training this year. On our last day, we decided to go to the White Sox vs. Cubs "Spring Breakout" game that featured the prospects for both teams. The game ended up being cancelled due to rain, but all of the players sat at tables in the concourse for signatures for well over an hour. If you wanted a signature from all of them, you definitely had the chance to.

Being White Sox fans, my son was totally stoked to get autographs from some of the Southside youngsters like Colson Montgomery, Noah Schultz, Bryan Ramos, Edgar Quero, Jacob Gonzalez, Nick Nastrini, etc.

But I have to say, this was my favorite picture of all of them. My son is a baseball fan so he obviously knew who PCA was and wanted to get his autograph. Pete wasn't quite as thrilled with signing an autograph for a White Sox fan. He looks a bit annoyed at the whole thing. :ROFLMAO:

I'd love to see these pics but they aren't showing up for me. I need to do Spring Training one time in life before it's too late.
I switched over to watch the rest of the Cubs game just in time to see Pete Crow Armstrong get his first major league hit, a go-ahead home run against the Astros.
Verlander chewed him up badly in his first two at-bats. It was good to see PCA hang in there against Abreu and get a good solid swing.

Seven years ago, the Cubs had Verlander on their radar but Detroit wanted Ian Happ in return which was the deal breaker. They should put him back on the radar and make an offer to Houston. The Cubs are going to need a solid backend starter because of injuries and young pitchers hitting their innings limit, and Houston probably doesn't want to pay a premium salary for a player on a team that is sinking fast.
After watching the latest White Sox loss, I switched over to watch the rest of the Cubs game just in time to see Pete Crow Armstrong get his first major league hit, a go-ahead home run against the Astros.

Which led me to this :P post.

My wife, son and I went to Phoenix for spring training this year. On our last day, we decided to go to the White Sox vs. Cubs "Spring Breakout" game that featured the prospects for both teams. The game ended up being cancelled due to rain, but all of the players sat at tables in the concourse for signatures for well over an hour. If you wanted a signature from all of them, you definitely had the chance to.

Being White Sox fans, my son was totally stoked to get autographs from some of the Southside youngsters like Colson Montgomery, Noah Schultz, Bryan Ramos, Edgar Quero, Jacob Gonzalez, Nick Nastrini, etc.

But I have to say, this was my favorite picture of all of them. My son is a baseball fan so he obviously knew who PCA was and wanted to get his autograph. Pete wasn't quite as thrilled with signing an autograph for a White Sox fan. He looks a bit annoyed at the whole thing. :ROFLMAO:

I'd love to see these pics but they aren't showing up for me. I need to do Spring Training one time in life before it's too late.
This has been creeping up my yearly to-do-list every year. ...We need a west coast cornhole in arizona. What could go wrong @urbanhack?

I'd love to see these pics but they aren't showing up for me. I need to do Spring Training one time in life before it's too late.
@General Malaise - Updated picture links. Imgur doesn't seem to work here anymore.

It was great. My son had always played baseball in Middle School and High School (Jesuit schools) so his spring break was always after spring training finished. Now that he is in college, we had our chance to go and it was awesome. We live in Florida and have been to quite a few spring training games here but the nice thing about Arizona is the teams are all compacted in and around Phoenix versus Florida where they are all over the state. We were there for 5 days and saw 5 games. Four day games and a night game. We will definitely go back.
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