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Yet another (confirmed) Cancer journey (1 Viewer)

Thoughts and prayers for the little guy and your family. Take it day by day and moment by moment and you'll get through this.
Little dude had what is supposed to be the worst of the treatments yesterday...crash cart waiting outside and all.

Took it like champ. For the most part anyway. Kinda crashed about an hour after the final drip but I was able to get him to go to sleep and he slept through the night (which means I got to sleep a little).

Good news - genetic tests came back with nothing out of the "norm" meaning we don't have to go super aggressive with chemo. On top of that his liver and spleen are showing signs of lessening swelling. Which is a sign in the right direction. Blood sugars quite a bit elevated but we knew this was coming with the steroids so we just have to watch his intake more carefully (we don't have sodas and cookies loading our pantry but this will be a more diabetic approach).

Thoughts/prayers/good vibes seem to be working. Thank you all for the positive vibes.

On a side note, he even got well wishes form Anthony Mackie, aka Falcon, on his little fb page. He just lit up at that.
Little dude had what is supposed to be the worst of the treatments yesterday...crash cart waiting outside and all.

Took it like champ. For the most part anyway. Kinda crashed about an hour after the final drip but I was able to get him to go to sleep and he slept through the night (which means I got to sleep a little).

Good news - genetic tests came back with nothing out of the "norm" meaning we don't have to go super aggressive with chemo. On top of that his liver and spleen are showing signs of lessening swelling. Which is a sign in the right direction. Blood sugars quite a bit elevated but we knew this was coming with the steroids so we just have to watch his intake more carefully (we don't have sodas and cookies loading our pantry but this will be a more diabetic approach).

Thoughts/prayers/good vibes seem to be working. Thank you all for the positive vibes.

On a side note, he even got well wishes form Anthony Mackie, aka Falcon, on his little fb page. He just lit up at that.
Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Continued thoughts and prayers for the little guy and for your family. Stay strong
We are home. The twins are incredible. A lesson in humanity really. Was a complete cluster to break out of jail but he's at least happy to be back with his brother. We gave him some Mac and cheese for dinner and while eating he just blurts out "love you brother" and his twin, without even looking up from his Legos says "love you too".

No real news about blood counts or anything but it's good to be home. As much as I want to complain about that 1980s hard a$$ couch, I can't knowing how he probably feels.

This sucks. I want to let it all out but that's just not me. I'm the "tough guy" - spreadsheets, numbers, statistics etc. And he has all of a sudden taken to me over my wife (which is new to her). Think he likes the goofiness I can bring while also not sugar coating anything.

I've had some good convos with his twin recently, who has a LOT of questions. He can now tell you what different blood cells do (white blood cells are the "Gokus" of your body - dragon ball reference). He asks honest questions and gets honest answers. Wants to know every medicine his bro is taking and what it does to him.

My wife is waaaaay more emotional than I am. She is terrified we will forget something. I've spent tonight creating a dry erase board for all of his meds with how much he gets, what days, how many times a day etc. Oh, and he now also has long QT syndrome so has a beta blocker and his glucose is spiking so we get to finger prick him 4 times a day. Yay. I also made a list of rules for our older kids and anyone we may need to ask to watch him for a bit. That's how I cope I guess.

Again, thanks for everything - TPW and otherwise. His twin now wants to be a doctor and says he's going to fix "all of this".
So glad you are home. Even with all the medical procedures you’re so much closer to a sense of normalcy than when you’re in the hospital. And so happy he is back with his brother!
My wife is waaaaay more emotional than I am.
This may be why he is sticking to you. Mr R goes all Mr Spock in emergencies. Then he apologizes for it because he thinks I may think that he doesn't care. I keep telling him I prefer the Spock stuff over weeping and wailing. I'm still not sure he believes me.
My wife is waaaaay more emotional than I am.
This may be why he is sticking to you. Mr R goes all Mr Spock in emergencies. Then he apologizes for it because he thinks I may think that he doesn't care. I keep telling him I prefer the Spock stuff over weeping and wailing. I'm still not sure he believes me.
Funny, not so dunny story....

2 weekends ago before this all happened I was sitting in my back porch and her a rumble and some weird "cries" . Went out front and thought oh no someone's dog gor run over. I realized it was kids crying ran inside, yelled at my 19 yo son to come with me...
A family flipped their gator/4 wheeler and I took of running to them. Tried to calm them down (grandma seemed to be the only one hurt).

The middle kids ran to get mom and dad I guess. I made my son tend to the 1 yo who seemed ok. Don't let her move etc. Grandma kept trying to stand up. I just tried to calm her down. Cops came. 2 ambulances. 1 fire truck. Fight or flight I guess. Just enough 1st aid training to not freak out. Not sure what I was doing but that's me. Calm the situation. Then poop hit the fan wednesday and I'm a mess.
My wife is waaaaay more emotional than I am.
This may be why he is sticking to you. Mr R goes all Mr Spock in emergencies. Then he apologizes for it because he thinks I may think that he doesn't care. I keep telling him I prefer the Spock stuff over weeping and wailing. I'm still not sure he believes me.
Funny, not so dunny story....

2 weekends ago before this all happened I was sitting in my back porch and her a rumble and some weird "cries" . Went out front and thought oh no someone's dog gor run over. I realized it was kids crying ran inside, yelled at my 19 yo son to come with me...
A family flipped their gator/4 wheeler and I took of running to them. Tried to calm them down (grandma seemed to be the only one hurt).

The middle kids ran to get mom and dad I guess. I made my son tend to the 1 yo who seemed ok. Don't let her move etc. Grandma kept trying to stand up. I just tried to calm her down. Cops came. 2 ambulances. 1 fire truck. Fight or flight I guess. Just enough 1st aid training to not freak out. Not sure what I was doing but that's me. Calm the situation. Then poop hit the fan wednesday and I'm a mess.
It usually hits Mr R later, too. I guess you just roll with that stuff, and that's okay.
Nothing super of note to report on. Had his 3rd chemo round Friday. Sat/sun/mon he is pretty wiped but he's been picking up late Monday and by Tuesday is pretty normal. Doc said his numbers are srill in the low range so infection is still a worry and we have to be ultra vigilant about hand washing and "squirty stuff" since his twin is still going to the petri dish called school.

The steroids have really gotten him. Aside from being hungry all of the time his face has gotten puffy. He looks like a little chipmunk now. BTW, he hates when you call him chipmunk. Stomach is still protruded but they said the liver and spleen seem to be going down in size.

I'm in charge of 3 U8 Boys Soccer teams (who are killing it by the way) and I got them all together pre game saturday since he obviously cant play anymore to color their hair orange and send him a video. He lights up when folks send him videos. It was pretty cool.
Oh and we started online 1 on 1 school Wednesday and he loves it. She is super goofy and uses puppets and stuff so it's really engaging. 1st day was on a day my sister was here watching him and after the session he wanted to keep doing math. According to the teacher he did enough to carry him through what the class will be doing through November lol. So lots of reading and writing coming up.
So glad to hear the little guy is home, best wishes to you all.

Man, F cancer. We just got a diagnosis in my family, stage 4. Chemo starts next week. Been having crying fits almost daily.
Man, I missed this somehow and now seem insesitive. So sorry. Here's to hoping treatment goes smoothly and kick cancers a$$.
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I’m sure you know all this, but the prolonged QT is probably from the anti-nausea med Zofran. He needs to be getting Kytril, phenergan, Ativan, or some other antiemetic when he’s getting treatment. The steroids are what is jacking up his blood sugar. That should return to normal when he comes off the roids.
So glad to hear the little guy is home, best wishes to you all.

Man, F cancer. We just got a diagnosis in my family, stage 4. Chemo starts next week. Been having crying fits almost daily.
Man, I missed this somehow and now seem insesitive. So sorry. Here's to hoping treatment goes smoothly and kick cancers a$$.
No need to apologize at all. First treatment went well. We actually had a second opinion visit yesterday at John’s Hopkins where we didn’t get any new information, but the doctor had a far better bedside manner. Treatments will continue as scheduled for now, but having a second set of (highly trained) eyes looking at everything is making us all feel a bit better.
Been a rough few days...

I had soccer games to coach Saturday and everything seemed fine. Little man had started having issues walking but I was working with him on Quasi-squats, moving around (when I work from home we take a walk up the street after lunch) but it got worse. His legs were hurting. Like to to the point of screaming/crying.

Sunday we sat around, had a few beers and I was in bed early, maybe 9 ish. Wife woke me up at 2am to tell me he had a temp of 101. Emergency room here we come. Anything over 100.4 is emergency room qualification. I called the on call oncologist to let him know and after paper rock scissors (really an argument) about who is taking him, my wife drove him down.

Been in the hospital since. Fever keeps coming and going. Negative for anything viral. They are loading him woth antibiotics but as I left my wife and him this afternoon he spiked a 103 again. No answers yet.

Even worse...he can't come home until he has more blood transfusions (low counts). He can't have more transfusions until fever is gone. They can't tell what's causing the fevers. So he'll be there the whole week we are assuming.

Then the bad news...
His cancer cell count didn't come down enough after the initial doses. Came down a good bit, just not enough. So now he is in the high risk category. After his blood counts come up enough to go home, we will start 4 days a week IV chemo for 8 weeks. Ugh. Then logistics of that are driving my BP up.

Sorry. Wish I had a happier update. Although he's still taking it like a champ (except for the leg pain). I call him Thor now. He's been so so strong but then turned into chunky Thor. He gets it and he laughs...until I try to make him walk to the bathroom.
So, we've been in the hospital since late Sunday. Fever of 101 sent us to the emergency room per protocol. They have been pumping him with antibiotics but fevers still come and go so there are looking for answers by what seems to be process of elimination. He will remain there until they can figure it out. On top of that he now has drop foot in both feet, lots of leg pain and can't walk.

But, a little bit of brightness. I'm pretty goofy. I've coached soccer for 28 years, a lot of that with younger kids. Not to pat myself on the back but I like to think I've got a good handle on what makes them tick.

As my wife and I were doing our "shift change" I was able to make him laugh. It's another FB link (sorry I don't have the time or energy to put it somewhere else) but if anyone wants to peer into how this little champ is taking things and needs a smile, check it out. Gives a little perspective on how we all nag about little things in life but here he is, going through what he is, never complaining and still had time for a good belly laugh.

Good laugh
So, still in the hospital. He developed abscesses in his legs and they determined it was staph. Changed antibiotics, added antibiotics still lingering. They drained some and he's been fine except for one spit near his groin.

Which means treatment has been delayed. Bthe oncologists are getting anxious as the initial phase only brought his cancer count to 0.4 and they were hoping/expecting to see 0.001. So we were supposed to switch to the more aggressive path but this infection just won't go away. The infectious Disease doctors are fighting any chemo until the infection is controlled.

So, the docs agreed to start immuno therapy- a drug that targets the specific type of cancer cells he has. Sounds great right? They never see side effects from this. Guess what? He lasted maybe 8 hours on what is supposed to be a slow constant drip for 4 weeks.

They have to monitor him in icu for 2 days just to make sure and he lasted 1. Back up to regular room for 2 days and now back down today to icu to try same drug at lower dose. 2-3 days in icu again. Then probably 2 weeks of iv antibiotics because of the staph.

I hate to even say it because of what he's going through but it is exhausting. My wife and I have slept in the same bed a total of 1 time the last month and that was last night when a friend offered to stay (no dots). I had to go buy an air mattress because the coach/bed is so awful and it looks like we will be rotating nights for a while.

I have to give credit to my wife though. She hasn't given me much grief about my normal day to day stuff. On top of regular work I have 3 U8 Boys Soccer teams that will wrap up their season in a week or so (his twin is in one of them). I might get a week respite then girls high tryouts are a week from Monday. I feel like I should be at the hospital a little more but I'm trying to keep a little normalcy for the twin and my high school daughter.
Man, that is so tough. I’m praying for your son. Hopefully they’ll get the infection eliminated right away so they can resume treatment.
The killer part....

Me and his twin were supposed to run by early tomorrow to drop of his tablet, "spiky hair stuff" since he got a Mohawk and some boxers I found for him (been struggling with walking so pee breaks are basically in that angled bed cup). Well since they took him back down to icu his twin can't come in and he got upset. So we face timed and he perked back up.

As I'm getting the twin set for bed I said "you look sad. What's wrong?" I could tell he'd been crying (must've been quietly because I didn't here him).

"I miss my brother" 😪
Still in the hospital but getting better. He didn't react well with the immuno therapy so we are now on 1/3 dose and he is doing better. Drained some abscesses and seem to have the infection under control. We even took a lap around the halls today with use of a walker. He can now take pills (which impressed the nurses and docs and is pretty pain free other than drop foot in his left foot so he can't stretch it all the down.

He's been a trooper. We can tell he's matured past his twin (who now has a sinus infection yay). Nothing phases him anymore and I keep pushing him to do more things. Our last convo before the wife and I switched up was "it feels good to do stuff for yourself again doesn't it?" "Yeah".

Funny thing about the walk arounds... I asked him if he wanted to put on some shorts and he said no. So I asked if he's OK just walking around in his undies and he said "duh". Okay then...show off those marvel boxer briefs little dude.
Time for an update...
He is doing well. We are getting close to the maintenance phase which is when treatments slow down. We started the next phase last week which is a 24hr chemo drip then watch numbers for kidney function. We We there til Friday. He gets a week off and we go again Monday. 4 times total. Thos is when either me or my wife has to spend the night until he can go home so we swap days here and there.

He's taken it like a champ... no nausea or anything other than a bit of the poops. I just hope it keeps going this way as opposed to the horror stories of chemo you usually hear.

One cool thing (careful, onions may be in the room or some dust in your eyes)....
The Senior Bowl had me submit a write up about him. We just got the video that some players put together. We put it on the TV and recorded the reaction. Fb link with both vids https://www.facebook.com/share/p/6oCTdsUWKYVKRJs2/?mibextid=oFDknk

Youtube link of the senior bpwl vid:
Late to the thread. Thanks for sharing. Breaks my heart when it's children. So sad. As someone who recently went through a cancer recovery with my wife I can emphasize the emotions. It just feels so different with children. Stay strong man, sounds like your role is to support and be the rock.
Late to the thread. Thanks for sharing. Breaks my heart when it's children. So sad. As someone who recently went through a cancer recovery with my wife I can emphasize the emotions. It just feels so different with children. Stay strong man, sounds like your role is to support and be the rock.
Thanks for the kind words.

There's so much more going on but it seems rather unimportant. You know since it was your wife...it doesn't seem right to post a "whoa is me" type post. He is doing as well as he can, the rest is immaterial.

I do what I do. My wife too. And we just survive....day by day.
Time for an update...
He is doing well. We are getting close to the maintenance phase which is when treatments slow down. We started the next phase last week which is a 24hr chemo drip then watch numbers for kidney function. We We there til Friday. He gets a week off and we go again Monday. 4 times total. Thos is when either me or my wife has to spend the night until he can go home so we swap days here and there.

He's taken it like a champ... no nausea or anything other than a bit of the poops. I just hope it keeps going this way as opposed to the horror stories of chemo you usually hear.

One cool thing (careful, onions may be in the room or some dust in your eyes)....
The Senior Bowl had me submit a write up about him. We just got the video that some players put together. We put it on the TV and recorded the reaction. Fb link with both vids https://www.facebook.com/share/p/6oCTdsUWKYVKRJs2/?mibextid=oFDknk

Youtube link of the senior bpwl vid:

What a great video. Continued prayers for Kruz - sounds like he is indeed a champ.
Time for an update...
He is doing well. We are getting close to the maintenance phase which is when treatments slow down. We started the next phase last week which is a 24hr chemo drip then watch numbers for kidney function. We We there til Friday. He gets a week off and we go again Monday. 4 times total. Thos is when either me or my wife has to spend the night until he can go home so we swap days here and there.

He's taken it like a champ... no nausea or anything other than a bit of the poops. I just hope it keeps going this way as opposed to the horror stories of chemo you usually hear.

One cool thing (careful, onions may be in the room or some dust in your eyes)....
The Senior Bowl had me submit a write up about him. We just got the video that some players put together. We put it on the TV and recorded the reaction. Fb link with both vids https://www.facebook.com/share/p/6oCTdsUWKYVKRJs2/?mibextid=oFDknk

Youtube link of the senior bpwl vid:

Thank you for sharing. Prayers for you and him and all involved. Much love.
Not real sure where to start here without getting too long winded but warning...long post. Also, to be clear, we won't be sure until the bone marrow test tomorrow but cancer has hit our family most likely and to an innocent child that doesn't deserve any of this.

Short version of the beginning: Close to 4 years ago we got a call that my nephews (twins) either needed to come stay with us or they were going into foster care with a 99% chance they would be split up. We were on our way home from my sister's birthday dinner (worst I've ever had at Red Lobster btw). Obviously, we turned the car around, met the social care worker in the Walmart parking lot next to the van they had been living in and took them home with us.

Twins were just shy of 3, our biological kids were 15 and 13, we live in a 2000 sf 3 bedroom house. No idea how it was going to work but we were determined to help mom figure out the world and get her kids back. This was just temporary. Or so we thought.

Biological dad wasn't going to be any help. We knew that. Mom had a shot. Until she didn't. Too lazy maybe. Too incompetent maybe. Just never took the initiative to do even the simplest of tasks put in front of her by the social worker. Then covid hit. Hearings pushed back. Mom couldn't keep a job or steady place to live.

Here we are 4 years later. Havent heard from mom in over 2.5 years. Just finally just gave us custody 1.5 years ago. It's to the point they have started calling us mom and dad. In fact, at soccer practice last Wednesday (I'm the coach), we had a new kid come to check out practice. During a water break I overheard Twin B telling the new kid "the coach is my dad". I melted a little.

Fast forward to June of this year...
Boys have had their share of strep, sniffles, whatever but for the most part all boy and definitely twins. They feed off of each other and are identical in looks but definitely not personality. They play soccer. Love doing push-ups and riding scooters. Then Twin A got what we thought was strep yet again. Took him to the doc but he tested negative for strep/flu/covid. We got the "it's a virus...fluids...Tylenol...Yada yada. If he's not better in 2 weeks come back."

2 weeks later, not better so we head back. They did a blood test. Ugh, Mono. Could be 4-8 weeks. Limit activity. Rest andhatever else the PA said. A month later and no real change my wife takes him back and requests the doctor and not PA. "I assure you it's all just part of Mono".

About 2-3 weeks ago, he got real lethargic. Swollen belly. Kinda pale looking. School called and said he had a fever. We called the doc office twice and left a message. They never called back. This weekend we ran into a nurse friend who suggested to just keep calling and demand an appointment. That was today.

I was at work, my wife took Twin A to his appointment (with PA and not the doc no less) who ordered blood work and an ultrasound. While waiting for the ultrasound, the PA got the blood results and said to take him to a different hospital to have them run and confirm some tests due to abnormal blood counts.

This whole time I'm at work trying to pry info from my wife - "what's low? Is it red blood cell? White blood cell?" I can't get a good answer so I tell my boss I have to go and meet them. As I'm pulling into the parking lot, I get the "I NEED YOU HERE NOW!!!" text.

I walk in and can see my wife in tears standing next to a doctor yet I can't get in due to sign in/metal detector/wrist band protocols and I'm yelling "THEY ARE RIGHT THERE!"

Finally I get through and it's the dreaded "come into this room" feel. Sure enough, the doctor is almost certain with all 3 blood counts (red, hemo and white) being low that it is a form of Leukemia. He said he had a look under the microscope and feels like it's the "better" of the 2 forms which has a high cure rate at this age but little dude has to get blood infusion and then a bone marrow test tomorrow to confirm.

If confirmed tomorrow, a spinal tap and port insertion is scheduled for Friday with chemo to start immediately.

This post turned out way longer than I intended but it felt good to type out. My wife is a basket case. I was stoic (as much as I could be) but she couldn't even speak when doctors and nurses came in to ask questions. I was stoic that is, until we face timed his twin. The bond those 2 have is incredible. As my wife took the phone to continue the conversation with the other kids, I could see in Twin A's eyes that he just wanted to be home with his brother. He's been so brave so far. Got blood taken twice with out even flinching. Understands he's sick and it may be a long recovery. He just gave me a thumbs up after I hugged him and told him I'd be back in the morning.

Not really sure where I'm going woth this. Not sure if I intend to use it as a log during his recovery or if I just need to vent with out publicly plastering on Facebook. Cancer sucks. For everolyone involved. After watching my mom whittle away from breast cancer I already know. Little guy didn't deserve this. If anyone did it was/is me. But we'll get him through this. Some how, some way we will kick cancers a$$. Maybe, just maybe, I can post tomorrow and say its just a tummy ache.

If it's any consolation, my good friend's child had Leukemia, went through all the treatments and has been in remission for many years now.

I believe the University of Pennsylvania has done some groundbreaking treatments on Leukemia.

Not real sure where to start here without getting too long winded but warning...long post. Also, to be clear, we won't be sure until the bone marrow test tomorrow but cancer has hit our family most likely and to an innocent child that doesn't deserve any of this.

Short version of the beginning: Close to 4 years ago we got a call that my nephews (twins) either needed to come stay with us or they were going into foster care with a 99% chance they would be split up. We were on our way home from my sister's birthday dinner (worst I've ever had at Red Lobster btw). Obviously, we turned the car around, met the social care worker in the Walmart parking lot next to the van they had been living in and took them home with us.

Twins were just shy of 3, our biological kids were 15 and 13, we live in a 2000 sf 3 bedroom house. No idea how it was going to work but we were determined to help mom figure out the world and get her kids back. This was just temporary. Or so we thought.

Biological dad wasn't going to be any help. We knew that. Mom had a shot. Until she didn't. Too lazy maybe. Too incompetent maybe. Just never took the initiative to do even the simplest of tasks put in front of her by the social worker. Then covid hit. Hearings pushed back. Mom couldn't keep a job or steady place to live.

Here we are 4 years later. Havent heard from mom in over 2.5 years. Just finally just gave us custody 1.5 years ago. It's to the point they have started calling us mom and dad. In fact, at soccer practice last Wednesday (I'm the coach), we had a new kid come to check out practice. During a water break I overheard Twin B telling the new kid "the coach is my dad". I melted a little.

Fast forward to June of this year...
Boys have had their share of strep, sniffles, whatever but for the most part all boy and definitely twins. They feed off of each other and are identical in looks but definitely not personality. They play soccer. Love doing push-ups and riding scooters. Then Twin A got what we thought was strep yet again. Took him to the doc but he tested negative for strep/flu/covid. We got the "it's a virus...fluids...Tylenol...Yada yada. If he's not better in 2 weeks come back."

2 weeks later, not better so we head back. They did a blood test. Ugh, Mono. Could be 4-8 weeks. Limit activity. Rest andhatever else the PA said. A month later and no real change my wife takes him back and requests the doctor and not PA. "I assure you it's all just part of Mono".

About 2-3 weeks ago, he got real lethargic. Swollen belly. Kinda pale looking. School called and said he had a fever. We called the doc office twice and left a message. They never called back. This weekend we ran into a nurse friend who suggested to just keep calling and demand an appointment. That was today.

I was at work, my wife took Twin A to his appointment (with PA and not the doc no less) who ordered blood work and an ultrasound. While waiting for the ultrasound, the PA got the blood results and said to take him to a different hospital to have them run and confirm some tests due to abnormal blood counts.

This whole time I'm at work trying to pry info from my wife - "what's low? Is it red blood cell? White blood cell?" I can't get a good answer so I tell my boss I have to go and meet them. As I'm pulling into the parking lot, I get the "I NEED YOU HERE NOW!!!" text.

I walk in and can see my wife in tears standing next to a doctor yet I can't get in due to sign in/metal detector/wrist band protocols and I'm yelling "THEY ARE RIGHT THERE!"

Finally I get through and it's the dreaded "come into this room" feel. Sure enough, the doctor is almost certain with all 3 blood counts (red, hemo and white) being low that it is a form of Leukemia. He said he had a look under the microscope and feels like it's the "better" of the 2 forms which has a high cure rate at this age but little dude has to get blood infusion and then a bone marrow test tomorrow to confirm.

If confirmed tomorrow, a spinal tap and port insertion is scheduled for Friday with chemo to start immediately.

This post turned out way longer than I intended but it felt good to type out. My wife is a basket case. I was stoic (as much as I could be) but she couldn't even speak when doctors and nurses came in to ask questions. I was stoic that is, until we face timed his twin. The bond those 2 have is incredible. As my wife took the phone to continue the conversation with the other kids, I could see in Twin A's eyes that he just wanted to be home with his brother. He's been so brave so far. Got blood taken twice with out even flinching. Understands he's sick and it may be a long recovery. He just gave me a thumbs up after I hugged him and told him I'd be back in the morning.

Not really sure where I'm going woth this. Not sure if I intend to use it as a log during his recovery or if I just need to vent with out publicly plastering on Facebook. Cancer sucks. For everolyone involved. After watching my mom whittle away from breast cancer I already know. Little guy didn't deserve this. If anyone did it was/is me. But we'll get him through this. Some how, some way we will kick cancers a$$. Maybe, just maybe, I can post tomorrow and say its just a tummy ache.

If it's any consolation, my good friend's child had Leukemia, went through all the treatments and has been in remission for many years now.

I believe the University of Pennsylvania has done some groundbreaking treatments on Leukemia.

We did some immuno therapy treatment after the first month due to him getting a staph infection. Apparently it's safer than starting up chemo while he was fighting staph and that's what put him in to initial "remission". I'm like why aren't we just using that?
After reading up on it, studies have only been done as it was used as a last resort type of thing and not as an initial treatment as part of protocol.

But it did its job.
Quick update...
Things have been going according to plan. Whatever that means.
Cancer cells undetectable at the moment. We are getting close to the maintenance stage which lessens the hospital visits but this next couple of months is supposed to be intense.

He gets to go to summer camp at Camp Rapahope which sounds like the summer camps we all grew up with but with nurses and other kids with cancer. He is so excited.

For those interested, the senior bowl/nfl/athletes for hope posted this video on drafte day.
i just want to say how absolutely amazing it is that you picked up these kids as if they were your own and have been more than just a father to them you have been an amazing father the world needs a lot more people like you and your wife and thats a fact jack you are literally the miracle now beat this cancer
So glad to hear the little guy is home, best wishes to you all.

Man, F cancer. We just got a diagnosis in my family, stage 4. Chemo starts next week. Been having crying fits almost daily.
8 months later, and I wouldn’t have thought dad would still be with us - but he’s doing great. Chemo worked extremely well, he’s still going in every other week for it, but he’s now on a slightly “lower dose” that doesn’t impact him as negatively. Praying he continues to progress as he has.
So glad to hear the little guy is home, best wishes to you all.

Man, F cancer. We just got a diagnosis in my family, stage 4. Chemo starts next week. Been having crying fits almost daily.
8 months later, and I wouldn’t have thought dad would still be with us - but he’s doing great. Chemo worked extremely well, he’s still going in every other week for it, but he’s now on a slightly “lower dose” that doesn’t impact him as negatively. Praying he continues to progress as he has.
wishing you and yours all the best as well
I am way late on this as I have not seen this until now. Having gone through a cancer battle with my wife that is just about to completely wrap up and life has just now gotten back to 'normal' I hate hearing anyone going through cancer at a different level than before. But then at the same time, watching my wife kick the crap out of cancer has given me much more hope for those who have to go through this as well.

I remember when people shared their stories with me with the intent of making me feel better and give hope that it mostly didn't. There was always a thought of "I am glad your loved one beat it.... but people die of this and what if...." kind of thinking. There really isn't much anyone can say that really gives hope but one thing that absolutely did help me was writing my struggle through it all here in FBG and the tremendous support of so many that offered everything from giving money to special contacts with doctors to open ended 'whatever you need'. I did not take anyone up on anything offered but the offerings themselves did provide a significant amount of support in of themselves.

One of the boys on my sons swim team I have always liked. Seems like a really good kid. Good spirited, friendly, nice kid. I got in the habit of saying hi to him and then we started doing fist bumps when I saw him. I recently found out that he had gone through a bone cancer battle himself. Swim is one of the sports that basically he is allowed to do because of that (not sure of the specifics of it but my guess is that his bones are more brittle after the cancer battle?). I guess I could see something different in him, not in a bad way at all but really a good way, and now I think I know why. What he has gone through has shaped him in ways other kids could never have had and I admire what he has become as he starts to enter the teenage years.

I am so very happy to hear that the little guy is in the 'maintenance' stage with no detection of any cancer. That is truly wonderful news!

F CANCER and so happy your little guy has kicked it's rear!
So glad to hear the little guy is home, best wishes to you all.

Man, F cancer. We just got a diagnosis in my family, stage 4. Chemo starts next week. Been having crying fits almost daily.
8 months later, and I wouldn’t have thought dad would still be with us - but he’s doing great. Chemo worked extremely well, he’s still going in every other week for it, but he’s now on a slightly “lower dose” that doesn’t impact him as negatively. Praying he continues to progress as he has.
Cancer treatment has really progressed over the last decade or so.

Love hearing your Dad is fighting the crap out of it. F U CANCER!

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