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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (6 Viewers)

Asking someone to put in time to provide links to supplement their post for your benefit, and then dismissing it in bad faith when they do, seems like dictionary definition trolling to me.
It is and it happens all the time here. It'd be nice if the mods laid out the exact policy for situations like this, because this behavior has a lot to do with making whole stretches of threads useless in terms of discourse.

With regard to the title of this thread: the tax fraud story came out a couple weeks ago. Nobody cares. Nobody’s discussing it. Trump breaks the law with impunity and it doesn’t matter at all. In another thread we’ve spent 20 pages since yesterday trying to figure out if Liz Warren is 1/64 Native American or 1/1024. 

The tax fraud story should have been its own thread. Throwing it in here was kind of a weird microcosm of what happened nationally. Instead of being treated the way it deserved to be treated (likely would have done massive damage to a normal president and his party in normal times) it's just being thrown in with the rest of the president's scandalous behavior and subsequently discarded.
Guys fwiw I updated a prior thread and expanded it to Trump's finances. I will bump it and try to update soon when I can. Hopefully that's a good idea but as always open to suggestions. I think like the Stormy situation it can edge into Russia issues but really it's its own thing.

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Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say

>>Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections as he faces intensifying pressure to produce more indictments or shut down his investigation, according to two U.S. officials.

Specifically, Mueller is close to rendering judgment on two of the most explosive aspects of his inquiry: whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice, according to one of the officials, who asked not to be identified speaking about the investigation.<<

SaintsInDome2006 said:
Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say

>>Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections as he faces intensifying pressure to produce more indictments or shut down his investigation, according to two U.S. officials.

Specifically, Mueller is close to rendering judgment on two of the most explosive aspects of his inquiry: whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice, according to one of the officials, who asked not to be identified speaking about the investigation.<<
Rs have been signaling this for some time.  Namely when all the Sessions protectors in the Senate suddenly came out and said, "well maybe it would be OK if the Prez changed AGs after the midterms" on the same day.

No wonder Trump has been so unhinged lately.

Marshall Cohen‏Verified account @MarshallCohen

FollowFollow @MarshallCohen


NEW DETAILS: Manafort has visited Mueller’s office nine times (!) in the past month as he cooperates with the ongoing Russia investigation. Mueller’s “quiet period” before the election hasn’t been so quiet after all.
Whatever the bottom is, I hope Mueller gets to it. If that's Trump or someone else or nothing at all I don't care but I do want the truth. What has annoyed me is that most of the charges and pleas are tangential. Now maybe this is by Mueller's plan, I don't know. I would at some point like some resolution.

Lawfare's podcast had a guy that thinks the Russia/Trump connection all a giant rabbit hole and Wittes and this dude had a great and civilized debate on it.


I find the reports that Mueller will rather narrowly report on Russia and Obstruction interesting.  I think it’s enormously likely that Mueller has details of criminal conspiracies that are tangentially related, and involve Trump and family.  My hope is that in the wake of a report we don’t end up with a new slew of farmed out investigations.  If Justice can prove Trump is a turd, then call it out and flush him.  It serves no one to have another year in Limbo.
No it doesn't.  I would think 2 years plus is adequate.  Let's see what he's got.

Everything about Trump America summed up in 1st Inning of Red Sox game.  Bubba fan interferes with catch and Altuve is called out.  Fan cannot believe it.  The catch was interfered with fair and square.  How is a Trump supporter to fathom that that’s not a home run, and that those actions deserved a consequence?
Blaming Trump for a controversial baseball play.  This thread has really become the place where you can throw anything against the wall, no matter how utterly insane, and no one disagrees.

Everything about Trump America summed up in 1st Inning of Red Sox game.  Bubba fan interferes with catch and Altuve is called out.  Fan cannot believe it.  The catch was interfered with fair and square.  How is a Trump supporter to fathom that that’s not a home run, and that those actions deserved a consequence?
Per MLB rules, balls across the fence are not subject to fan interference. Worst call I have ever seen. Total bus####.

Guy is an absolute tool.  Running around having meetings with Russian spies who were overtly trying to use him as a useful idiot.  Lo and behold he ends up on Trump's campaign, for what?  His stellar credentials?  Guy was like a pinball machine for lighting up warning signs.  Intelligence was doing its job, and I applaud them.  If their job is to look for ducks, and it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck, they are well within their rights to explore whether it's a duck. 

I find it hysterical that you're falling for this fig leaf.  You don't know what was in the FISA documents, other than the false narrative that the right has already had picked apart that it was politicized.  And this is a hill you wish to die on?  Okay, go for it. 
You never give up, for that you deserve credit, I guess.

Again, Page has been accused of being a Russian spy by the media, the FBI, and this forum for 2 years now. 

And what do you have to show for it? A big bag of womp.

Is Mueller just waiting until after the midterms to drop the Carter Page bomb? Is he waiting until the 2020 election for maximum impact? Carter Page was the Russian spy on Trump's campaign that justified the FISA warrant to spy on his campaign, transition, and presidency. If there was a shred of legitimacy to that where are the related charges?

You guys cry to Joe every time weebs or opie posts something you deem low value, but 90% of the posts in this thread are just low value conspiracy nonsense. 

I suppose this thread generates clicks though so it is allowed to stay.

With regard to the title of this thread: the tax fraud story came out a couple weeks ago. Nobody cares. Nobody’s discussing it. Trump breaks the law with impunity and it doesn’t matter at all. In another thread we’ve spent 20 pages since yesterday trying to figure out if Liz Warren is 1/64 Native American or 1/1024. 
Again, more conspiracy nonsense.

"Trump breaks the law with impunity"

What law?

If he broke tax laws 10 or 20 or 30 years ago would the IRS have not held him accountable? 

Again, more conspiracy nonsense.

"Trump breaks the law with impunity"

What law?

If he broke tax laws 10 or 20 or 30 years ago would the IRS have not held him accountable? 
How long did it take Manafort and Trump's fix'er to be held accountable?  What were the circumstances under which they were brought to justice?

Yes, it's quite likely that Trump has spent his adult life breaking financial and ethical laws and never been brought to bear for it.

SaintsInDome2006 said:
Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say

>>Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections as he faces intensifying pressure to produce more indictments or shut down his investigation, according to two U.S. officials.

Specifically, Mueller is close to rendering judgment on two of the most explosive aspects of his inquiry: whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice, according to one of the officials, who asked not to be identified speaking about the investigation.<<
Any predictions?

Common sense says Mueller doesn't have #### or he would have released it before the midterms to ensure a Dem takeover of the House.

Or it would have leaked.

I can't think of any strategic reason to wait until after the midterms if he actually had something.

Didn't most of Mueller's team already pack their bags and go back to their prior jobs?

If Mueller says no collusion and no obstruction do the people in this thread finally accept reality and move on?

Whatever the bottom is, I hope Mueller gets to it. If that's Trump or someone else or nothing at all I don't care but I do want the truth. What has annoyed me is that most of the charges and pleas are tangential. Now maybe this is by Mueller's plan, I don't know. I would at some point like some resolution.

Lawfare's podcast had a guy that thinks the Russia/Trump connection all a giant rabbit hole and Wittes and this dude had a great and civilized debate on it.

The most logical post I have read in this thread in a year.

Any predictions?

Common sense says Mueller doesn't have #### or he would have released it before the midterms to ensure a Dem takeover of the House. This is your sense, which is anything but common.

Or it would have leaked. How can you say this? Nothing from Mueller and his team has leaked in over 2 years.

I can't think of any strategic reason to wait until after the midterms if he actually had something. Why does there need to be a strategic reason? If anything, removing strategy prevents bias.

Didn't most of Mueller's team already pack their bags and go back to their prior jobs? What's your point here?

If Mueller says no collusion and no obstruction do the people in this thread finally accept reality and move on? I won't like it, but I will accept it. And I'm sure most will feel the same.

Again, more conspiracy nonsense.

"Trump breaks the law with impunity"

What law?

If he broke tax laws 10 or 20 or 30 years ago would the IRS have not held him accountable? 
The article answers your questions if you take the time to read it.

ETA:  If Bill Cosby has actually raped a bunch of people 30 years ago obviously he would have been held accountable.

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Any predictions?

Common sense says Mueller doesn't have #### or he would have released it before the midterms to ensure a Dem takeover of the House.

Or it would have leaked.

I can't think of any strategic reason to wait until after the midterms if he actually had something.

Didn't most of Mueller's team already pack their bags and go back to their prior jobs?

If Mueller says no collusion and no obstruction do the people in this thread finally accept reality and move on?
I wonder how you will react when you find out that you have been completely wrong about everything.  Probably never accept it, but you do you.

Any predictions?

Common sense says Mueller doesn't have #### or he would have released it before the midterms to ensure a Dem takeover of the House.

Or it would have leaked.

I can't think of any strategic reason to wait until after the midterms if he actually had something.

Didn't most of Mueller's team already pack their bags and go back to their prior jobs?

If Mueller says no collusion and no obstruction do the people in this thread finally accept reality and move on?
I don't do predictions (not even FF), but I'm always happy to speculate (again also in FF). In short, my guess is 5 persons in the campaign cooperating means they will have been giving information to the OSC and that can't go in a downward vertical direction or result in a null result. That's just not how it ever works. It can either go sideways to other principles 1 degree away from Trump (further closing the seine net) or it can go up to people even closer to Trump or Trump himself. 

Of the 5, Papa has closed out and Flynn closes out in mid-December. Cohen, Gates and Manafort are still going. At a minimum this thing won't be completed until all 5 are done cooperating and sentenced and anyone they have implicated has been indicted and sentenced. And again I really don't think the Feds cut favorable deals with them for nada in return.

If you look at the Bloomberg story it makes this assumption about a report. I've often wondered about this idea of a report. I've been told by some genuinely smart people that yeah a report must happen, that's what independent/special counsel do. I guess that does have to be at some point, but there's nothing that says that indictments can't happen along the way, and then the report is nothing but a post-mortum.

The main problem with all this of course is Sessions and Trump's ability to replace him. I think he can go around RR if he fires Sessions. The Dems are more likely than not to not win the Senate, which gives Trump more confidence but it makes sense for Trump to wait until even just the day after the election to see what his window is from 11/7/18 to the day the next Congress takes over.

Common sense says Mueller doesn't have #### or he would have released it before the midterms to ensure a Dem takeover of the House.
you should really put "common sense" in quotes when using some ###### up definition you came up with all on your own.  It helps distinguish your definition from the common every day definition.

Either Mueller is really out to get Stone or he played a more significant role in the conspiracy. Could he be the missing link in the collusion, playing the role of directing Wikileaks when to release the content?

It also says something about Jared and Jr.  Why aren’t they going after them as aggressively as Stone? Either they’re not targets or they already have enough on them.

Is it just me does anyone else find it the very definition of ironic that the guy calling “90% of the posts in this thread are just low value conspiracy nonsense” ( @NFL2DF ) is the same guy who found Q credible and kept that thread going for a while after Qanon got purged?

dkp993 said:
Is it just me does anyone else find it the very definition of ironic that the guy calling “90% of the posts in this thread are just low value conspiracy nonsense” ( @NFL2DF ) is the same guy who found Q credible and kept that thread going for a while after Qanon got purged?
If you expect any consistency from the usual suspects you will be invariably disappointed.

Manu Raju‏Verified account @mkraju

Anger among House conservatives for being shut out of Rosenstein meeting next week, which only Goodlatte, Gowdy, Nadler and Jordan will attend in a classified setting. Jordan fumes that it’s “very unacceptable” and Meadows says it will prevent the public from learning the facts


Manu Raju‏Verified account @mkraju

Anger among House conservatives for being shut out of Rosenstein meeting next week, which only Goodlatte, Gowdy, Nadler and Jordan will attend in a classified setting. Jordan fumes that it’s “very unacceptable” and Meadows says it will prevent the public from learning the facts
Hilarious. Gowdy ran the Benghazi hearings. He is supposed to be their bedrock for reading and interpreting classified information first hand. Hell even Jordan will be there. What's the problemo?

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erica orden‏Verified account @eorden

A Russian national has been charged with conspiracy to interfere in the U.S. political system, including the 2018 midterm election, per criminal complaint unsealed by DOJ today.

Tom Winter‏Verified account @Tom_Winter

BREAKING / NBC NEWS: A Russian woman, Elena Alekaseevna Khusyaynova, has been indicted for trying to meddle in the 2018 Midterm elections, according to court papers. She allegedly works for Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as "Putin's chef."

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Question for conservatives and Trump supporters:

Why is it that whenever these Russians are caught meddling, it's always on behalf of Trump style Republicans?


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