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Merrick Garland (3 Viewers)

So, the guy who is himself uncivil is defending the right of somebody else to engage in uncivil speech.

How is that funny or in any way remarkable?
Not quite what I was saying...same with the reply before this...and probably my fault for not being clear.

Im moving on as I don't find Ted Cruz worth much more of my time to even discuss him.

Whose speech was deterred?

All parents who want to voice an opinion against vacinnation and masks policies or against critical race theory.  If you upset one school board member by saying something which offended them, they had a hotline to the FBI to set off an investigation.  A serious and real threat to have the FBI knocking on your door, will intimidate people in voicing any opposition.  This is not how a free society should operate. 

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All parents who want to voice an opinion against vacinnation and masks policies or against critical race theory.  If you upset one school board member by saying something which offended them, they had a hotline to the FBI to set off an investigation.  A serious and real threat to have the FBI knocking on your door, will intimidate people in voicing any opposition.  This is not how a free society should operate. 

Yeah - none of that is true.  

Get back to me when you want to have a conversation rooted in reality.

Yeah - none of that is true.  

Get back to me when you want to have a conversation rooted in reality.

They absolutely did create a special hotline for these school board members, was producing training on what to report and how to document it so it could be prosecuted, and had a team of investigators ready to investigate.   God, I hate the obnoxious arrogance of some people here. 

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God, I hate the obnoxious arrogance of some people here. 


I think we found some common ground.  (But, I don't think God really cares...)

"I wish if senators were concerned about this that they would quote my words," Garland responded. "This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the First Amendment as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

The problem with parroting talking points, is that they often don't have the facts correct - as is the case here.  The outrage machine, skips past the details, and goes straight to the outrage.


I think we found some common ground.  (But, I don't think God really cares...)

"I wish if senators were concerned about this that they would quote my words," Garland responded. "This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the First Amendment as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

The problem with parroting talking points, is that they often don't have the facts correct - as is the case here.  The outrage machine, skips past the details, and goes straight to the outrage.
Garland and Cruz are both absolutely, uncontroversially right on this point.  Somebody using an ironic Nazi salute to object to what they see as government overreach might be on the shrill side (well, okay, it's definitely on the shrill side), but it's obviously constitutionally protected speech.  


I think we found some common ground.  (But, I don't think God really cares...)

"I wish if senators were concerned about this that they would quote my words," Garland responded. "This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the First Amendment as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

The problem with parroting talking points, is that they often don't have the facts correct - as is the case here.  The outrage machine, skips past the details, and goes straight to the outrage.

I wasn't parroting any talking points, you are.  Garland can say all he wants that it was only for violent threats, but that is not reality.  In today's hypersensitive environment everything can be twisted into threatening hate speech.  The fact that Garland set up a whole inactive and program to target parents objecting is a disgusting use of the Justice Department.  Garland is a partisan hack whose entire focus since he took office was targeting rightwing domestic terrorism, as if that is the most important problem facing the world.  I think that opinion is stupid and is dangerous to be at the head of the Justice Department.

I wasn't parroting any talking points, you are.  Garland can say all he wants that it was only for violent threats, but that is not reality. 

So - you ignore reality - the words Garland used, and spoke - to put your own meaning on it.  That is a fundamental problem when having an honest discussion about the issues.

Again - reality: "I wish if senators were concerned about this that they would quote my words," Garland responded. "This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the First Amendment as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

Jon: "All parents who want to voice an opinion against vacinnation and masks policies or against critical race theory.  If you upset one school board member by saying something which offended them, they had a hotline to the FBI to set off an investigation."

Nothing about what Garland has said in the memo, or about the memo - supports your position.  It is made up in someone else's mind - and then repeated by you, as though it were true.  The actual facts do not support your conclusion.

Garland and Cruz are both absolutely, uncontroversially right on this point.  Somebody using an ironic Nazi salute to object to what they see as government overreach might be on the shrill side (well, okay, it's definitely on the shrill side), but it's obviously constitutionally protected speech.  

I'll be honest, I have no idea what Cruz said or did relative to these parent protests, and threats of violence.  If I understand you correctly - I think I would agree that a parent making a Nazi salute is protected speech, and would (should?) not warrant an FBI, or local, investigation, in the absence of specific threats of violence against school board members.

I think a lot of people are idiots for their objections to a variety of things - but I am completely on board with them voicing their objections.  You don't like vaccines?  Tell the world.  You don't like masks?  Tell the world.

You don't like the actions of the school board - sign up to speak at their meetings, and tell them how you feel.  But, don't threaten them, or their families with violence because they dared to disagree with you.

So - you ignore reality - the words Garland used, and spoke - to put your own meaning on it.  That is a fundamental problem when having an honest discussion about the issues.

Again - reality: "I wish if senators were concerned about this that they would quote my words," Garland responded. "This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards. They are protected by the First Amendment as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected."

Jon: "All parents who want to voice an opinion against vacinnation and masks policies or against critical race theory.  If you upset one school board member by saying something which offended them, they had a hotline to the FBI to set off an investigation."

Nothing about what Garland has said in the memo, or about the memo - supports your position.  It is made up in someone else's mind - and then repeated by you, as though it were true.  The actual facts do not support your conclusion.

It absolutely puts a huge chill on any parent who dares to speak out at these school board meetings.  If they raise their voice just a little too much and show a bit of emotion, it going to be construed by some hypersensitive woke idiot as a threat.  And the way Garland set up the hotline, an investigation is just one wokest board member call away from a full fledged FBI investigation.  It makes the parent walk on eggshells.  

Clearly the rabid parents here in the state of Florida haven't fell subject to the fear mongering.  They don't seem to care one single bit :lmao:

Social media strikes again!!  :lmao:  


“Your kids will now be targeted just like how you have targeted all our kids! If you have no kids your relatives kids will be targeted ... We have no choice to but arm ourselves from the Stasi you have ordered to attack us.”

“Hope someone pours a gallon of gasoline down your diseased sodomite ######, and burns you in the street like the piece of utterly worthless child-molesting DOG S- — that you are.”


“Your kids will now be targeted just like how you have targeted all our kids! If you have no kids your relatives kids will be targeted ... We have no choice to but arm ourselves from the Stasi you have ordered to attack us.”

“Hope someone pours a gallon of gasoline down your diseased sodomite ######, and burns you in the street like the piece of utterly worthless child-molesting DOG S- — that you are.”

Maxine Waters would be proud.....


“Your kids will now be targeted just like how you have targeted all our kids! If you have no kids your relatives kids will be targeted ... We have no choice to but arm ourselves from the Stasi you have ordered to attack us.”

“Hope someone pours a gallon of gasoline down your diseased sodomite ######, and burns you in the street like the piece of utterly worthless child-molesting DOG S- — that you are.”
Can you imagine what they'd be saying if they weren't being oppressed?

Can you imagine what they'd be saying if they weren't being oppressed?

It is amazing how angry people get when schools cover up children being raped and permit it to continue.  But let's not be upset by the raping, let's drag in the FBI to help shut up these parents. 

It is amazing how angry people get when schools cover up children being raped and permit it to continue.  But let's not be upset by the raping, let's drag in the FBI to help shut up these parents. 
You are suggesting we chill the right to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech of the board members by allowing threats of violence against them by those who disagree with them on some level. The posted emails are not passionate opinions but threats of intimidation and physical harm and those types of speech are what the DOJ is interested in quelling. 

It is amazing how angry people get when schools cover up children being raped and permit it to continue.  But let's not be upset by the raping, let's drag in the FBI to help shut up these parents. 
You're the only amazing aspect of this quote.  I lived 25 years in Loudoun County and don't actually remember ever hearing about children being raped there or the school board allowing it to continue.  Where did you get your information?

You're the only amazing aspect of this quote.  I lived 25 years in Loudoun County and don't actually remember ever hearing about children being raped there or the school board allowing it to continue.  Where did you get your information?

Loudoun County parents demand superintendent, school board resign after alleged sexual assault email

Parents accused the superintendent of lying to cover up an alleged sexual assault in order to push a pro-transgender policy

It is amazing how angry people get when schools cover up children being raped and permit it to continue.  But let's not be upset by the raping, let's drag in the FBI to help shut up these parents. 

Your post had exactly ZERO to do with the post you responded to.  The lengths you go to in order to conflate a whole bunch of things to fit your world view is rather amazing.


Your post had exactly ZERO to do with the post you responded to.  The lengths you go to in order to conflate a whole bunch of things to fit your world view is rather amazing.

Of course it does.  The whole reason Garland is stepping in the middle is because parents are standing up to this critical race theory bigotry, covid mandates and genderless bathrooms.  The left burns down cities and kills and injure people when they are upset and we get nothing from the feds.  Some parents speak out against the leftist attack on the children, and Garland mobilizes the full force of the FBI and justice department against the parents. 

Of course it does.  The whole reason Garland is stepping in the middle is because parents are standing up to this critical race theory bigotry, covid mandates and genderless bathrooms.  The left burns down cities and kills and injure people when they are upset and we get nothing from the feds.  Some parents speak out against the leftist attack on the children, and Garland mobilizes the full force of the FBI and justice department against the parents. 
As soon as you can show a case the FBI has been sent into a school district to silence someone, we can talk.  Until then, I'll just chalk you up as one of those duped by social media fear mongers.  I'm not even going to talk of your CRT or bathroom nonsense.  That had NOTHING to do with my post or the ones I responded to prior.  You're the other side of the coin you claim to loathe.

The lengths you go to in order to conflate a whole bunch of things to fit your world view is rather amazing.


BREAKING: House Republicans have obtained whistleblower documents showing that the FBI is using its counterterrorism division to investigate and add "threat tags" to parents—contradicting Attorney General Garland's sworn testimony.

A little misleading...

The email, which is cited in the letter, specifically states that the threat tag should be applied to "all investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, and staff."

Further, the email from the whistleblower states that the purpose of the tag is to allow the department to get a handle on the scope of the problem on.a national level, for the effective engagement with local law officials.

So, a nice tasty nothing burger.  Parents are not being "tagged".  

Not quite what I was saying...same with the reply before this...and probably my fault for not being clear.

Im moving on as I don't find Ted Cruz worth much more of my time to even discuss him.
This is an uncurious comment.    He is the most popular politician in the second most important  electoral state.    But between  you and him.   I'd have to say you got your thumb on the pulse of the 1619 project.    Kudos

A little misleading...

The email, which is cited in the letter, specifically states that the threat tag should be applied to "all investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, and staff."

Further, the email from the whistleblower states that the purpose of the tag is to allow the department to get a handle on the scope of the problem on.a national level, for the effective engagement with local law officials.

So, a nice tasty nothing burger.  Parents are not being "tagged".  
What whistle blower?

A little misleading...

The email, which is cited in the letter, specifically states that the threat tag should be applied to "all investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, and staff."

Further, the email from the whistleblower states that the purpose of the tag is to allow the department to get a handle on the scope of the problem on.a national level, for the effective engagement with local law officials.

So, a nice tasty nothing burger.  Parents are not being "tagged".  

VIDEO: Ben Sasse Catches AG Merrick Garland Lying in Real-Time and OWNS Him Oct 27, 2021

Sen. Ben Sasse just caught AG Merrick Garland lying in REAL-TIME during a senate hearing and completely owned him.


VIDEO: 'Did You Seek An Ethics Opinion?' Cruz Fights With Garland Over Son-In-Law's Business Oct 27, 2021

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) got into a heated exchange with Attorney General Merrick Garland during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday.


Direct Headline: Garland son-in-law's race-obsessed education company urges schools to push lawmakers to adopt its ideas and stick taxpayers with tab

Jerry Dunleavy October 8, 2021


Panorama Education, founded by (current Attorney General Merrick) Garland’s son-in-law Xan Tanner, produces (and promotes for profit) teaching materials focused on (controversial topics of) systemic racism, oppression, white supremacy, and intersectionality, all under the rubric of "Social-Emotional Learning.” The multimillion-dollar company's marketing plan appears to be to get (and show) educators to buy in and then show them ( the formal structural pathway on) how to pay for it all with government grants....

Panorama's (identity politics) curriculum is as profitable as it is controversial. The company's revenues are not (made) public, but it boasts that it (self states) "supports 13 million students in 21,000 schools" and has (solicited and) garnered tens of millions of dollars from investors. But most of its money ( and funding) appears to come from taxpayers, and Panorama uses (it's influence on existing high level) educators to leverage it...."


For those not versed in the legal game, when a lawyer says "a little misleading", it's an open indication that they will focus on one particular area or statement and surgically split a hair while intentionally shedding all practical context. It's a way to say "Look, this here, this small distinction can be argued as half a lie if we spin it around like a washing machine, so thus, everything else being discussed could only be seen in the light of half a lie"

A lie is a lie. Just not to a lawyer. Which is why most Americans distrust and despise lawyers. Slaughtering context is openly telling the masses that they are stupid. The goal is to try to get as many low information voters as possible to ignore and dismiss immediately.  Radical woke leftist agenda always tries to kill context first because direct sustained sunlight operates too strongly as a disinfectant.

Nothing can surgically split a hair to point of avoiding that Merrick Garland lies and is caught lying. So many leftists here cite Ben Sasse as representative of a Republican they would support. They are welcome here to go ahead and denounce him for the sake of political tribalism. Ted Cruz asks a very pertinent question. What is so troubling and threatening in nature that local law enforcement cannot handle it? And if these kind of threats are so egregious and so prevalent, why is it only right now, when Garland's son in law's pathway to profiting is unhindered from having these "dissenters" be threatened into silence, that this issue becomes paramount?

Wouldn't the FBI's counterterrorism divisions have something to better to do right now? ( Like the issue of terrorists in Afghanistan getting billions upon billions of dollars in advanced weaponry handed to them with our tax dollars and if they'll eventually use them against American citizens on American soil....)  What exactly did Garland think would happen when he discusses invoking the Patriot Act on parents?

Nice job there, cashing in one's career integrity so his son in law can buy a new yacht.



In an effort to do damage control, the FBI released a statement arguing the practice is standard and compared parents to drug dealers and human traffickers. 

"A tag is merely a statistical tool to track information and for review and reporting. The creation of a threat tag in no way changes the long-standing requirements for opening an investigation," the FBI released in a statement. "Nor does it represent in a shift in how the FBI prioritizes threats. The FBI has used tags to track everything from drug trafficking to human trafficking." 



In an effort to do damage control, the FBI released a statement arguing the practice is standard and compared parents to drug dealers and human traffickers. 
Not parents...but those who made threats.  Lets stop trying to paint them as just every day parents asking questions and be honest about who they were asked about even looking in to in the first place.

Not parents...but those who made threats.  Lets stop trying to paint them as just every day parents asking questions and be honest about who they were asked about even looking in to in the first place.
They weren't all threats though. Some were instances where school board members "felt threatened". 

Could be...but again just painting it as they are tagging parents...is not completely being honest...is it?  
I'm laughing at the FBI for trying to clarify tagging by using drug and human traffickers as examples. Surely there are better examples.   

Yeah - none of that is true.  

Get back to me when you want to have a conversation rooted in reality.

VIDEO: 'Maybe This Will Refresh Your Memory': Hawley Presses AG On Dad Arrested At School Board Meeting Oct 27, 2021

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) confronted AG Merrick Garland about a controversial memo on school board safety.



Here's some "reality", some choice video of Merrick Garland saying he's never seen the controversial memo in question.

Hawley brings up a critical point that Garland is continuing to hide behind the "preventing violence" defense however many of the discussed potential charges don't come even close to meeting that threshold.

Garland is Attorney General. The buck stops with him. Everyone here goes to work and understands the deal in place. When you are in charge, you are responsible. For everything. Whether you like it or not or whether you think it's fair or not.

Not quite what I was saying...same with the reply before this...and probably my fault for not being clear.

Im moving on as I don't find Ted Cruz worth much more of my time to even discuss him.

VIDEO: 'This Isn't La-La Land': Kennedy And Garland Clash Over School Board Memo Oct 27, 2021

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) clashed with Attorney General Merrick Garland over the Justice Department's school board memo during Wednesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.



Kennedy brings up some critical issues here

1) The "chilling effect" on free speech in general, but also specifically targeted against parents

2) Parental involvement in the lives of their children, particularly their education, has a major bearing on their changes for life success, and by extension, that result impacts the entire nation as a whole. To create active deterrents that incentivize parents to not be involved in their children's lives is a force multiplier for social instability for our entire country.

3) Garland did not actually investigate the claims being made by the National School Board Association ( NSBA) . Garland attempts to weakly deflect by saying the actions were a fact finding mission but since when do you need the FBI's Counterterrorism division and the weight of the entire DOJ to verify the claims made by the NSBA?

4) Why is chasing Kyrsten Sinema into a bathroom to harass her into voting a specific way, an act of pure aggression, routinely dismissed by POTUS Biden as "part of the process" but dissenting parents, whether they could be labeled as aggressive in tone or not,  not part of the process at school board meetings?

I was very generous to you here, I didn't mention Ted Cruz at all.

Could be...but again just painting it as they are tagging parents...is not completely being honest...is it?  

VIDEO: 'The Five' react to DOJ placing 'threat tags' on parents Nov 17, 2021


VIDEO: 'Does The FBI Consider Parents Domestic Terrorists?': Stefanik Grills FBI Witness On Garland Memo Nov 3, 2021

At a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) grilled FBI Assistant Director Timothy Langan on the school board memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland.





The FBI releases a statement that associates the use of "tags" (confirming they are using them on parents) , via example, with human trafficking and drug trafficking.

Former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino makes some practical points here

1) Any statement associating the FBI looking at parents like they do human traffickers, in any kind of context, is completely tone deaf and idiotic.

2) The NSBA withdrew their letter, under considerable public fire no less, thus the basis of Garland's memo no longer exists anymore. Yet the DOJ under Garland simply chose to double down rather than practically retreat from this issue

3) Increasing the already deep mistrust of the FBI has broad reaching consequences for our nation as a whole.

No one wanted to ask FBI AD Langan why the DOJ never contacted local law enforcement about these "acts and threats of violence" or about these "extremist websites" before they rolled out the Counterterrorism division as if they had nothing better to do with their time. ( Maybe giving terrorists in Afghanistan, via our tax dollars,  60 thousand machine guns and 2 billion rounds of ammunition they can bring to Americanto attack our citizens on our soil would be of some concern....)

What happens when the definition of a "threat" to the DOJ evolves into simply failing a woke purity test regarding cooking the educational system to create long term legacy voters for establishment Democrats all up and down the ticket?

VIDEO: 'Maybe This Will Refresh Your Memory': Hawley Presses AG On Dad Arrested At School Board Meeting Oct 27, 2021

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) confronted AG Merrick Garland about a controversial memo on school board safety.



Here's some "reality", some choice video of Merrick Garland saying he's never seen the controversial memo in question.

Hawley brings up a critical point that Garland is continuing to hide behind the "preventing violence" defense however many of the discussed potential charges don't come even close to meeting that threshold.

Garland is Attorney General. The buck stops with him. Everyone here goes to work and understands the deal in place. When you are in charge, you are responsible. For everything. Whether you like it or not or whether you think it's fair or not.

Just so we are clear - are you suggesting that any parent has been subject to a FBI investigation simply as a result of complaints at a school board meeting?  Or is this simply an exercise in "what-ifs?"

Or, are you suggesting that its ok to violate certain laws - if you don't like them?

Or, are you suggesting that legislatures should be spending their time rescinding certain laws?

Surely, a law-and-order gentlemen, like yourself can appreciate that law enforcement should be enforcing the laws as written, and voted on, by legislators like the aforementioned Mr. Hawley.

Maybe giving terrorists in Afghanistan, via our tax dollars,  60 thousand machine guns and 2 billion rounds of ammunition they can bring to Americanto attack our citizens on our soil would be of some concern....)

You have mentioned this a few times now - what is the back story here?

Hugo Lowell

@hugolowell 32m

Attorney General Merrick Garland, DAG Monaco, FBI Director Wray and NatSec AAG Olsen will host a press conference at 1:30p ET discussing alleged criminal activity by a nation-state actor in the US


A little more information:

AG Merrick Garland will hold a news conference about “significant national security cases addressing malign influence schemes and alleged criminal activity by a nation-state actor in the United States,” the Justice Department announced in a release.


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