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Hunter Biden Laptop Story True - UPDATE: Zuck tells Rogan the FBI "advised" him to block it (8/25/22) (2 Viewers)

It’s not about political rival, it about the law. This protection-ism of Washington ton HAS to stop.
If it was about the law then James Comey would have been arrested for leaking classified information to Columbia University professor Daniel Richman. Comey admitted this. While laws may be objective, the administering of justice is subjective. If you're going to indict a former President you better be damn sure it passes any and all subjectivity tests.
I’m not sure of the incident you’re referring too but sure. I don’t care 2 f’s about blue or red, corruption knows no side. But I do know 1 thing for sure, a through house cleaning is in order and there’s no better place to start then the top. Hold the POTUS’s accountable then march right down the line.
all subjectivity tests
And eck, this is EXACTLY where the problem lies. This will never happen. Subjectivity is to subjective, especially in today’s environment. Thus it leads to inactivity and the guilty not being held accountable.
You don't indict an ex-President (and candidate for the next election) unless it is something very serious. Full stop. They got the documents back. Don't play into his hand and turn him into a martyr. Intelligently figure out what the best way is to prevent him from winning another election, which in my opinion is calmly showing why he's so bad for the country.
The fbi has been calm. This guy keeps talking ****. You indict him if he broke the law.
Over what appears to be a victimless crime? You want to start a Civil War over 11 sets of classified info that were in a locked room at the President's home? Especially when Hillary was exonerated for the same offenses, even though it's highly likely that her information fell into enemy hands? In what alternative universe is that good for the country?
I’ll leave it up to the officials who are looking at what this guy had to determine the punishment but yeah he should be indicted. If they do nothing because of fear he can summon some civil war well we are much worse than I think.

The GOP voters created this problem. They picked this lunatic. How did they not see this coming?
If he should be in jail, then why isn't he in jail? If they have something on him for ****s sake then actually arrest and charge him. Sentence him and do it. Lord knows they've tried.

Because about 3/10 of the country is going to go absolutely apeshit when they do arrest him. In fact, that's probably the only reason they haven't. Well, there are two. One, we don't go around jailing our political opponents in this country. Two, there'd be more demonstrations with open carry or riots without than you could shake a stick at. The DoJ is in a terrible position here. He's probably guilty as all get out and they're really handcuffed by exigent circumstances.

Let's say this: asserting that since he hasn't been arrested because he hasn't been arrested is begging the question. You're committing a logical fallacy. It's evidence that can't be released, so it sits in the shadow of darkness. How serious the offense? "Well, we can't release that." Why? "Because that would compromise national security and put Americans in death's way."

There are no good solutions to this. They can't willy-nilly arrest the guy because there's a thacket of problems that goes along with that. Surely this must have occurred to you.
The only reason they would go apeshit is because for 6 years they have been throwing false flag after false flag at him. People get fed up with ********. No one is going to have a civil war. 1/6 is as violent as the right gets and that was barely a civil disruption compared to the riots and damage we've seen ignored over the last 2 years.

People are tired of being lied to. Russia hoax, pee tapes, blaming Ukraine on him, two impeachments, the unprecedented collusion of media, big tech and federal agencies during 2020 and all of that led to nothing for Trump. Eventually they're going to have to show us some proof that the most corrupt man in the history of politics (despite only being in it for 6 years) actually did something worth all this furor.
It's not all false flags.

Russia wasn't a hoax. At all.
Pee tapes were a hoax.
Ukraine, he literally used the weight of the US government to try and strong arm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his political opponent. That's not what my tax dollars are for.
Both impeachments were deserved and he should've been removed from office if any of the neigh voters had a spine and integrity.
Collusion of media... I dunno. Some is definitely slanted. However, there is plenty slanted pro-Trump as well. Not sure I'd call this a "false flag".
Big tech? Because Twitter banned him? The made the right call on that IMO, the guy was inciting violence.
Federal agencies during 2020... again, I dunno. I have not seen compelling evidence of this.

So, really, other than the pee tapes, nothing else has turned out to be a false flag.
You don't indict an ex-President (and candidate for the next election) unless it is something very serious. Full stop. They got the documents back. Don't play into his hand and turn him into a martyr. Intelligently figure out what the best way is to prevent him from winning another election, which in my opinion is calmly showing why he's so bad for the country.
The fbi has been calm. This guy keeps talking ****. You indict him if he broke the law.
Over what appears to be a victimless crime? You want to start a Civil War over 11 sets of classified info that were in a locked room at the President's home? Especially when Hillary was exonerated for the same offenses, even though it's highly likely that her information fell into enemy hands? In what alternative universe is that good for the country?
Capone went down for tax evasion.
You don't indict an ex-President (and candidate for the next election) unless it is something very serious. Full stop. They got the documents back. Don't play into his hand and turn him into a martyr. Intelligently figure out what the best way is to prevent him from winning another election, which in my opinion is calmly showing why he's so bad for the country.
The fbi has been calm. This guy keeps talking ****. You indict him if he broke the law.
Over what appears to be a victimless crime? You want to start a Civil War over 11 sets of classified info that were in a locked room at the President's home? Especially when Hillary was exonerated for the same offenses, even though it's highly likely that her information fell into enemy hands? In what alternative universe is that good for the country?
Victimless crime? Are you serious Clark?
You don't indict an ex-President (and candidate for the next election) unless it is something very serious. Full stop. They got the documents back. Don't play into his hand and turn him into a martyr. Intelligently figure out what the best way is to prevent him from winning another election, which in my opinion is calmly showing why he's so bad for the country.
The fbi has been calm. This guy keeps talking ****. You indict him if he broke the law.
Over what appears to be a victimless crime? You want to start a Civil War over 11 sets of classified info that were in a locked room at the President's home? Especially when Hillary was exonerated for the same offenses, even though it's highly likely that her information fell into enemy hands? In what alternative universe is that good for the country?
this post will not age well at all.

The classifications on the documents just from January released yesterday make it very likely someone has or will die if he has/will share that info.
Desperation for the last of Trump's fans has set in I see. Sad!
Is it though? It seems like we have seen this same song and dance with him for years.

I don't disagree that it feels similar to prior attempts to "get him" but this feels a lot different to me. I may very well be wrong (again) but I'm also getting the sense that the last of his supporters are grasping at straws to protect him now.
Seems the DOJ's investigation into Hunter Biden has continued. The way some here are acting they wonder and are upset why it hasn't.
Thinking they are upset it hasn't been tied to President Joe. This article is from July 2022

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If it’s true that the FBI pressured Facebook to keep silent, then obviously that’s a big story, and very disturbing.

But it sounds like ******** to me.
Why on earth would Zuckerberg make that up? It totally fits within everything else that happened (ie - the gaggle of ex-intelligence officials releasing a joint statement shortly thereafter saying it was fake).
I’m not doubting Zuckerberg. I’m doubting the reporting. Here is a better account:

The FBI’s “warning” was broad and didn’t refer to the laptop or Hunter Biden.
Don’t ever change tim


In a statement Friday night, the FBI said it has provided companies with “foreign threat indicators” to help protect their platforms and customers, but that it “cannot ask, or direct, companies to take action on information received.”

“The FBI routinely notifies U.S. private sector entities, including social media providers, of potential threat information, so that they can decide how to better defend against threats,” the agency said.

Meta on Friday night responded to the FBI statement via Twitter. “The FBI shared general warnings about foreign interference — nothing specific about Hunter Biden," the statement said.
Nice title @Insein

Some Fake News up in here!
There fixed it for you.
Except that's not true either. :lol:
Sure it isn't.
Meta on Friday night responded to the FBI statement via Twitter. “The FBI shared general warnings about foreign interference — nothing specific about Hunter Biden," the statement said.
They never said anything specific to Facebook about Hunter Biden.
Seems the DOJ's investigation into Hunter Biden has continued. The way some here are acting they wonder and are upset why it hasn't.
Thinking they are upset it hasn't been tied to President Joe. This article is from July 2022

They sat on this laptop during the last election cycle for the same reason. Is the FBI going to leak every two years that they were almost there but, whoops, another election just popped up?
The way some of the leftists talk in these posts id swear they actually work for the FBI
Sounding like a defund the FBI kind of guy. America was great when both parties respected our institutions despite its occasional shortcomings.
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?
Perhaps someone could give a list of former members of the Deep State that turned conservative and wrote a book about. I would be interested in seeing how credible he or she is. We all know if it existed someone would have ratted and tried to make money on it
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?

Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?

Gonna have to do better than accusations from sycophants.
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?

Gonna have to do better than accusations from sycophants.

I thought whistleblowers were lock solid sources...guess not.
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?
Sky's the limit if you can convince yourself 1/6 was just a field trip
Have the people who are accusing the FBI of corruption to silence the HB story worked through the logistics of their implication? It's one thing to say the FBI is corrupt. It's a whole other to argue the level of conspiracy required to pull it off and maintain the silence of everyone involved.

They would have had to somehow carve out a subset of agents who wanted Biden to win and keep the potential Trump supporters out of the loop. That sounds plausible to you?

Grassley the guy who said the IRS agents are ready to shoot business owners with “AK “15s:lmao:
The way some of the leftists talk in these posts id swear they actually work for the FBI

Hi, leftist here. I am a fraternity brother with a guy who went to work for the FBI. Want to know what was a disqualification for working for the FBI? Smoking weed. Or lying about smoking weed. Thems were rules in the 1990s.

So, since many leftists - like me - are and have been big weed smokers for decades can you let me know how we would qualify for employment with the FBI?
The way some of the leftists talk in these posts id swear they actually work for the FBI

Hi, leftist here. I am a fraternity brother with a guy who went to work for the FBI. Want to know what was a disqualification for working for the FBI? Smoking weed. Or lying about smoking weed. Thems were rules in the 1990s.

So, since many leftists - like me - are and have been big weed smokers for decades can you let me know how we would qualify for employment with the FBI?
Why would any self respecting stoner want to join the FBI?
Trump all over the laptop angle on Truth today . . .

"So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!"

I'm guessing he's not getting declared the winner of an election almost two years ago, nor will there be a new election immediately.
I'm not a leftist but keep getting called one here.

I'm not a leftist but keep getting called one here.
Welcome. @KarmaPolice and I are good company imo.

Most of the time it's easily written off by who is claiming that. The majority of the time it's peeps who seem to take the stance that if you don't agree with them most of the time or don't like them you must be a leftist. WGAF about them. At this point leftist is basically like many other terms lobbed around here - call everybody it, and it doesn't mean anything anymore - ie Commie, racist, fascist, whatever. Just more terms to demonize the other side and play the team card.
Trump all over the laptop angle on Truth today . . .

"So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!"

I'm guessing he's not getting declared the winner of an election almost two years ago, nor will there be a new election immediately.

Narcissistic collapse happens when someone with narcissistic personality disorder can no longer uphold their grandiose self-image and feels threatened, belittled, made fun of, targeted, and enraged, along with a total absence of validation.
Trump all over the laptop angle on Truth today . . .

"So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!"

I'm guessing he's not getting declared the winner of an election almost two years ago, nor will there be a new election immediately.

Narcissistic collapse happens when someone with narcissistic personality disorder can no longer uphold their grandiose self-image and feels threatened, belittled, made fun of, targeted, and enraged, along with a total absence of validation.

Wow. I think you just described every poster in the PSF. :lol:
Trump all over the laptop angle on Truth today . . .

"So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!"

I'm guessing he's not getting declared the winner of an election almost two years ago, nor will there be a new election immediately.

Narcissistic collapse happens when someone with narcissistic personality disorder can no longer uphold their grandiose self-image and feels threatened, belittled, made fun of, targeted, and enraged, along with a total absence of validation.

Wow. I think you just described every poster in the PSF. :lol:
ok, that's pretty funny.

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