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Tell me more about Ron DeSantis (2 Viewers)


He just won a straw poll, beating out Trump. I’m starting to get the distinct idea that he is going to be our next President. 

I admit to knowing very little about him. Some in the press call him “Trump lite”; that seems like  pretty lazy journalism to me. Obviously he’s a conservative. I can live with that. Is he more a traditional conservative or a more nativist type? Is he willing to tackle climate change? 
I know about the trans and Disney stuff but I don’t really care about that because it doesn’t tell us what kind of President he will be. He may have majorities in House and Senate so I’m more interested in what kind of economic agenda he will enact, especially with regard to energy and immigration. 


"Trump lite" seems about right TBH.  I don't know that DeSantis is really a Trumper through and through, but he seems to be good at politics and he knows that Trumpiness is a prerequisite for winning the GOP nomination, so he's pursued what strikes me as a pretty Trumpy approach to governing.  "Trump, only competent" might be a better way of putting it.

The parental rights bill and Disney is a great example of what I'm talking about.  DeSantis signed onto to that bill involving parental rights in K-12 education.  The entire media went into overdrive on this, uncritically accepting the "Don't Say Gay" messaging put out there by opponents.  You fell for that hook line and sinker, which isn't surprising because you're the exact intended audience for that sort of thing.  But it's hard to persuade parents that this stuff that they can see with their own two eyes isn't really happening, and sure enough even after a few weeks of relentless propagandizing by the legacy media we soon got polling data showing that DeSantis's position was highly popular, with plurality support even among Democrats.  It was an easy win that DeSantis was happy to take, I'm sure.  He has pretty good instincts on this type of issue.

It's noteworthy that Disney was directly involved in this fight.  Usually, conservatives lose these battles.  They especially lose when big business gets involved.  This time, for whatever reason, it didn't work and DeSantis came out on top.  This makes him a hero to right-wingers.

Where things really got Trumpy, though, was that DeSantis couldn't just take the W and bask in victory.  He had to rub it in and make a punitive example out of Disney, which resulted in the upheaval with Reedy Creek.  Defeating your enemies is just normal politics.  As Mitt Romney said, politics ain't beanbag.  But gilding the lily by gratuitously punishing your enemies after they've already been routed isn't normal.  That's Trumpy and authoritarian.  The purpose for doing that is to discourage anybody else from piping up against you, which is a pretty bad approach to governing in a pluralistic society.    

He made some good decisions when he became governor in 2018. For one, he stopped some of the battles over medical marijuana that Rick Scott started, because he noted that 71% of Floridians voted for medical in 2016. He's supported hardening of the coastline due to sea-level rise, minimally, but doesn't want to do "left wing stuff." He prioritized spending of state funds to study red tide, but that was something any governor would've done given the crisis. Pretty much in favor of the Clean Water Act and no drilling off the coast of Florida. Again, thats listening to the citizens and protecting our economy. I'm sure he'd open up drilling and pumping elsewhere. He's with Trump on immigration, even had a commercial while running for governor with his little kids building a wall. Freedom Caucus founder.

He's not a great speaker or debator, Gillum beat him in the debate. Catholic not Evagelical. Yale undergrad, Harvard law. He played baseball at Yale, very good, probably a jock admit, but still smart. Military service for 4 years including Iraq and Guantanamo. Young, only 43, 3 kids, wife is a beast cancer survivor. He makes better political decisions than Trump, but that's not saying much.

He checks many boxes for being the next president.

"Trump lite" seems about right TBH.  I don't know that DeSantis is really a Trumper through and through, but he seems to be good at politics and he knows that Trumpiness is a prerequisite for winning the GOP nomination, so he's pursued what strikes me as a pretty Trumpy approach to governing.  "Trump, only competent" might be a better way of putting it.

The parental rights bill and Disney is a great example of what I'm talking about.  DeSantis signed onto to that bill involving parental rights in K-12 education.  The entire media went into overdrive on this, uncritically accepting the "Don't Say Gay" messaging put out there by opponents.  You fell for that hook line and sinker, which isn't surprising because you're the exact intended audience for that sort of thing.  But it's hard to persuade parents that this stuff that they can see with their own two eyes isn't really happening, and sure enough even after a few weeks of relentless propagandizing by the legacy media we soon got polling data showing that DeSantis's position was highly popular, with plurality support even among Democrats.  It was an easy win that DeSantis was happy to take, I'm sure.  He has pretty good instincts on this type of issue.

It's noteworthy that Disney was directly involved in this fight.  Usually, conservatives lose these battles.  They especially lose when big business gets involved.  This time, for whatever reason, it didn't work and DeSantis came out on top.  This makes him a hero to right-wingers.

Where things really got Trumpy, though, was that DeSantis couldn't just take the W and bask in victory.  He had to rub it in and make a punitive example out of Disney, which resulted in the upheaval with Reedy Creek.  Defeating your enemies is just normal politics.  As Mitt Romney said, politics ain't beanbag.  But gilding the lily by gratuitously punishing your enemies after they've already been routed isn't normal.  That's Trumpy and authoritarian.  The purpose for doing that is to discourage anybody else from piping up against you, which is a pretty bad approach to governing in a pluralistic society.    
Pretty much nailed it but I think the Reedy Creek slap was more a big FU to the corporate backlash over the Georgia voting law SB 202. If I recall he was pretty vocal about the Corporatocracy getting involved.

If it keeps happening he may have authoritarian tendencies. 🙂

He sure does like creating a bunch of laws. 
A few which are not meaningfully different than ones that already exist.  Knows how to generate the "conservative" headlines (I think that's what IK is talking about with his "success" on the Parental Rights in Education bill comments) but the law, as written, was merely there for headline purposes.  The substance of the bill is severely lacking.  

Should he become President, I don't expect much.  Lots of headline generating "controversy" as he flip flops around.  Either way, he'll likely be perceived as the second coming and deliver on very little of what he promises and as a result people will adjust and spend their time trying to convince everyone else what he's doing/not doing is exactly what they signed up for....so basically a return to "normal" in terms of meaningful impact.

Pretty much nailed it but I think the Reedy Creek slap was more a big FU to the corporate backlash over the Georgia voting law SB 202. If I recall he was pretty vocal about the Corporatocracy getting involved.

If it keeps happening he may have authoritarian tendencies. 🙂
That's definitely part of it too.  

I don't remember where I saw this, but somebody summed up DeSantis's conservative bona fides this way:

Trump wants you to fight against his enemies.  DeSantis wants to fight against your enemies.
That's about right.  I don't know if DeSantis intentionally provoked a fight with Disney or not, but he couldn't have been any happier about getting one.  I have no doubt that he would love to be governor during a dust-up like the one that Georgia faced.  You and I both know this of course, but people who aren't plugged into the red tribe don't fully appreciate just how badly conservatives would like to dog-walk certain corporations.  

Pretty much nailed it but I think the Reedy Creek slap was more a big FU to the corporate backlash over the Georgia voting law SB 202. If I recall he was pretty vocal about the Corporatocracy getting involved.

If it keeps happening he may have authoritarian tendencies. 🙂
Reedy Creek is an addition to a list, not the beginning of said list.  Though, I take it with a grain of salt.  If anything ever comes of this, it's not happening for a year at best.  Personally, I don't think anything comes of it.  It's going to cost taxpayers / counties a ton of money unless they simply attempt to rewrite the law at which point it will be multiple years away from resolution.

Reedy Creek is an addition to a list, not the beginning of said list.  Though, I take it with a grain of salt.  If anything ever comes of this, it's not happening for a year at best.  Personally, I don't think anything comes of it.  It's going to cost taxpayers / counties a ton of money unless they simply attempt to rewrite the law at which point it will be multiple years away from resolution.
This is where you guys are misunderstanding DeSantis.  He doesn't care if Disney retains control over Reedy Creek or not.  He just wants to make a big show out of the fact that he can hit Disney where they live, literally in this case.  If a particular governor of Florida is willing to do this to the Walt Disney Corporation, what rational CEO would ever get involved in a culture war fight with this guy?  He can let the legislature back off on Reedy Creek next year -- he's already made his point, and he and Disney and all the companies that are aggressively S'ingTFU about Roe understand that perfectly well.

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Should he become President, I don't expect much.  Lots of headline generating "controversy" as he flip flops around.  Either way, he'll likely be perceived as the second coming and deliver on very little of what he promises and as a result people will adjust and spend their time trying to convince everyone else what he's doing/not doing is exactly what they signed up for....so basically a return to "normal" in terms of meaningful impact.
I can live with this, but I’m hoping for more. At some point we’re going to have to have a President with a coherent national energy policy. That could just as easily be a Republican as it could a Democrat. But times a wasting. 

On climate change DeSantis seems to be mainstream GOP. In other words, pretty backwards thinking.

He's likely not to do squat re: actually preventing further climate change (e.g. renewables, EV's, carbon tax). However has thrown real money "resiliency" and "mitigation" efforts (e.g. coastal public works to combat rising sea levels).

DeSantis told reporters at one 2018 campaign stop. "I am not a global warming person. I don't want that label on me."

On climate change DeSantis seems to be mainstream GOP. In other words, pretty backwards thinking.

He's likely not to do squat re: actually preventing further climate change (e.g. renewables, EV's, carbon tax). However has thrown real money "resiliency" and "mitigation" efforts (e.g. coastal public works to combat rising sea levels).

DeSantis told reporters at one 2018 campaign stop. "I am not a global warming person. I don't want that label on me."
Any governor on a coast HAS to be championing resiliency/ mitigation.  Good he's doing this.  But to still deny the cause....🙄

As an Independent, this is my biggest problem with the GOP(and abortion)
As much as I care about abortion, it’s not an all or nothing decisive issue for me. Climate change is. 

I know you think Biden is terrible and incompetent. I won’t argue that here. But given the choice between a terrible and incompetent guy who is willing to tackle climate change vs a competent guy who won’t do anything about it- I might have to go with the former. 

I know you think Biden is terrible and incompetent. I won’t argue that here. But given the choice between a terrible and incompetent guy who is willing to tackle climate change vs a competent guy who won’t do anything about it- I might have to go with the former. 

I can respect that opinion.  We are killing the earth.  

I also agree that abortion is a tertiary issue, and a not a primary issue.  But I'm a rich white guy, so I'm not exactly directly impacted.

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I can live with this, but I’m hoping for more. At some point we’re going to have to have a President with a coherent national energy policy. That could just as easily be a Republican as it could a Democrat. But times a wasting. 
We just experienced record high tides due to the slowing of the Gulf Stream added on to general sea-level rise. In Miami Beach and elsewhere in the Atlantic coast we had sunny day tidal flooding which I've only previously seen during the fall King Tides. If DeSantis doesn't get climate change and renewable energy, I've lost all hope for solutions from the GOP. If DeSantis becomes president, every day during the fall king tides he'll be flooded with pictures like this from Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and elsewhere in Florida.


>>The Florida Current (the portion of the Gulf Stream running between Florida & Bahamas) has slowed dramatically over the past couple weeks, and Miami has now had 8 consecutive days with record-breaking high tides.<<


Here are my thoughts as a Florida resident:

During the 2018 campaign, I was singularly unimpressed with DeSantis. His efforts to kiss up to Trump were cringeworthy, and he mostly just came across as an empty suit. There's a good chance he would have lost to Andrew Gillum if Gillum a) wasn't under investigation by the FBI, and b) were better able to parry the "socialist" label.

Once DeSantis got into office, his first couple years were spent mostly moving toward the center, as others have outlined in this thread. At that point I started to reconsider him a little. I knew he was still very right-wing, but I realized he was a smart guy and a lot of the shenanigans during the campaign may have been him skillfully riding the political currents.

Then Covid hit and he took a pretty sharp turn to the right. Again, from a political point of view I can see the savviness. There were always going to be a lot of people who were resistant to letting the virus turn their lives upside down, and he fashioned himself as their champion. And substantively, there were some issues that he was right about, including reopening schools and prioritizing seniors when the vaccine first came out. But IMO he doubled down on his rigid ideology to the point where he went from being "pro-vax, anti-mandate" to functionally anti-vax (appointing a quack surgeon general and de-emphasizing vaccines to the point where, when you went to the State Health Department's website, the first thing you saw on the vaccine section was information about monoclonal antibodies, which is something you take after you've already been infected.)

The thing is, having followed him for the past few years, I know he's not stupid. I think he knows exactly what he's doing, and everything is part of a strategic plan to get him to the White House. And he may well succeed at that.

On the other hand, there are two things that could hold him back. The first, as others have mentioned, is Trump. Maybe he has some secret plan to outmaneuver Trump and get the nomination, but I think it's going to be really hard, mostly because I can envision zero scenarios where Trump graciously concedes the primary and endorses him. Maybe DeSantis beats him so badly he becomes an afterthought. Maybe Trump doesn't run. Maybe by 2024 he's dead or in jail. But in a straight-up matchup, it's going to be very hard for DeSantis to get a clear victory.

The other factor, which I've seen discussed far less, is his personality. The fact is, DeSantis is kind of a weird dude, an introvert without a lot of friends or longtime advisers. There's no Karl Rove or David Axelrod pulling the strings; it's mostly just him and his wife. My brother, who lives in Florida, is very conservative, hates Trump, and voted for DeSantis in '18, so I would figure he'd be a natural supporter. When I asked him about DeSantis, he told me a story about meeting him at a conference a few years ago, when he was first running for Congress, and having a painfully awkward conversation that was only saved by his wife coming over and joining in. I could see that being the kind of thing that comes out over the course of a long primary season, particularly if Trump identifies it as his weakness and zeroes in on it ("Weird Ronnie"?)

This is where you guys are misunderstanding DeSantis.  He doesn't care if Disney retains control over Reedy Creek or not.  He just wants to make a big show out of the fact that he can hit Disney where they live, literally in this case.  If a particular governor of Florida is willing to do this to the Walt Disney Corporation, what rational CEO would ever get involved in a culture war fight with this guy?  He can let the legislature back off on Reedy Creek next year -- he's already made his point, and he and Disney and all the companies that are aggressively S'ingTFU about Roe understand that perfectly well.
No he doesn't....if this were true it would have gone into effect immediately.  I've only said a billion times that in my opinion this is purely motivated by narrative.  It's political theater.  He just wants the story and apparently that's all a good majority of you are getting.  NOTHING has been "done" to Disney.  You guys are being fleeced by our "media".

And I don't know where you get the idea that Disney is being quite regarding the Roe decision.  They have been front and center at all three protests we've been to here in town and at two in Orlando.  :shrug:  

Politics aside which I don’t know too much about him, he’s going to start getting shredded like never before and we’ll see how he responds. 

Nationally these interactions are often the first thing people see and he definitely has been agro and came across odd I thought. This is purely optics and you can act a bit crazy if you do it the right way.

As he takes more center stage we’ll see how he handles those moments. 

On climate change DeSantis seems to be mainstream GOP. In other words, pretty backwards thinking.
His climate related decisions have been pretty good in my opinion.  Of course they could be better/more aggressive.  Not close to the mainstream GOP today.  He understands he can't call it climate change though.  That's part of what some here seem to think is "savvy" even if he's just following the lead of the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and Orlando Sentinel.  

No he doesn't....if this were true it would have gone into effect immediately.  I've only said a billion times that in my opinion this is purely motivated by narrative.  It's political theater.  He just wants the story and apparently that's all a good majority of you are getting.  NOTHING has been "done" to Disney.  You guys are being fleeced by our "media".

And I don't know where you get the idea that Disney is being quite regarding the Roe decision.  They have been front and center at all three protests we've been to here in town and at two in Orlando.  :shrug:  
Yes, this is true, and we basically agree.  DeSantis cares a lot more about demonstrating that he can hit Disney, and he cares very little about actually hitting Disney.  He just wants a show of force.

Yes, this is true, and we basically agree.  DeSantis cares a lot more about demonstrating that he can hit Disney, and he cares very little about actually hitting Disney.  He just wants a show of force.
Agree with both of you. The fact that it doesn't take effect for a year gives the game away. I'm sure he would prefer Disney knuckle under so that he doesn't actually have to deal with the legal mess that would result if he actually followed through

Yes, this is true, and we basically agree.  DeSantis cares a lot more about demonstrating that he can hit Disney, and he cares very little about actually hitting Disney.  He just wants a show of force.
Sorry...confused by your use of the word "literally" in the previous post.  Literally, NOTHING has been done to Disney here and if they cleared this to move forward, very little would actually affect Disney directly.  It's true they wouldn't have the special district privs of not having to go through local/state approvals for work and they couldn't raise funds via taxes/bonds.  Of course, they would have no need to raise funds via taxes/bonds since those things they were raising funds for are now the responsibility of the counties of Orange and Osceola.  

His climate related decisions have been pretty good in my opinion.  Of course they could be better/more aggressive.  Not close to the mainstream GOP today.  He understands he can't call it climate change though.  That's part of what some here seem to think is "savvy" even if he's just following the lead of the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and Orlando Sentinel.  
Something I learned when I moved to Florida is the way state Republicans talk about climate issues. Out of necessity, they're very strong on the effects of climate change, pollution, etc. You can't avoid the fact that the shoreline is encroaching on Miami, or that offshore drilling and algal blooms will destroy the tourist industry. But when it comes to the causes of climate change, they sound a lot more like Republicans in the rest of the country.

In any event, if DeSantis did become president I wouldn't expect him to be much better than Trump or any other potential GOP president. I don't think he feels particularly strongly about the environment one way or another, not nearly as much as he cares about feeding his base.

I don’t think the Wisconsin GOP convention is a good representative sample of Republican voters.
While I agree with this, and it is very early, I have heard more than one conservative IRL express hopes that DeSantis runs and Trump does not, so there is definitely a solid contingent of pro-DeSantis folks.  While I'm pretty certain those people I talked to voted for Trump, I don't think I've talked to anyone who is a hardcore Trump supporter, so I'm not sure how much of Trump's major support is eroding.

I've been here in West Palm since Jan, with some trips back to SC for work, family.  There is a chance I could be making it a permanent move.  😳

Lil more blue added...

There is nothing in the history of DJT that suggests he would ever support someone who beat him out of anything.
Which is why I think that, if DeSantis continues to gain popularity, Trump will bow out before the race starts and endorse him. 
Thus Trump gets to “anoint” his successor. 

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There is nothing in the history of DJT that suggests he would ever support someone who beat him out of anything.
The irony is that if the GOP were a remotely sane party, things would be perfectly lined up for DeSantis. Usually when an incumbent president (in his 70s!) loses after one term, the party can't wait to move on from him, and DeSantis would be the perfect guy to step in: young, (kinda) telegenic, excites the base but reassures the Establishment. But Trump still refuses to admit that he lost; at this point he's almost painted himself into a corner where he has to run. How can you claim they stole the White House from you and not make every effort to get it back?

I honestly don't know what will happen. I've heard some Trump supporters say, "DeSantis can just wait his turn until 2028," but that's not really how presidential politics works. Hillary waited until 2008 when she might have been better positioned in 2004. Christie waited until 2016 when he was in better shape in 2012. Warren waited until 2020 when she might have been better positioned in 2016. And Obama didn't wait and look how that turned out for him.

I think DeSantis is smart enough to realize this is his best, maybe only, chance. That's why he's one of the few GOPers who have not said they won't run if Trump does. But I still don't know how he navigates Trump (though I will say that, if he takes on Trump directly and beats him, it will be an even more impressive accomplishment than Obama beating Hillary)

I've been here in West Palm since Jan, with some trips back to SC for work, family.  There is a chance I could be making it a permanent move.  😳

Lil more blue added...
I wouldn't go beyond Central Florida GB  :)

South Florida is for visiting only and I say that with a TON of family in Palm Beach County...either that or you just go right to the Keys and become a recluse.  THAT would be my preference.

While I agree with this, and it is very early, I have heard more than one conservative IRL express hopes that DeSantis runs and Trump does not, so there is definitely a solid contingent of pro-DeSantis folks.  While I'm pretty certain those people I talked to voted for Trump, I don't think I've talked to anyone who is a hardcore Trump supporter, so I'm not sure how much of Trump's major support is eroding.
Saw a recent poll (Harvard, I think) that in a hypothetical race DeSantis would lose to Kamala Harris by 4%.   Trump would beat her by 6%.

Here it is

I wouldn't go beyond Central Florida GB  :)

South Florida is for visiting only and I say that with a TON of family in Palm Beach County...either that or you just go right to the Keys and become a recluse.  THAT would be my preference.
My wife is from Key Largo.  That may happen 🤪

Saw a recent poll (Harvard, I think) that in a hypothetical race DeSantis would lose to Kamala Harris by 4%.   Trump would beat her by 6%.

Here it is
Interesting, thanks.  It looks like the DeSantis-Harris poll had >20% undecided, so where those folks would net out would be decisive.  Not sure what the average non-political voter thinks of DeSantis.  I suspect a lot of them either don't know him or just know he is the Florida governor and nothing else.  I haven't heard anyone that's not into politics mention him pro or con.


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