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The “Woke” thread (2 Viewers)

Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

Interesting article. It appears that those groups are anti-Israel. Which is certainly a legitimate point of view and not necessarily anti-Semitic. But that article just eliminates the difference between the two.

I’d be interested to know if those law groups will invite speakers who are Jewish but don’t support Israel’s actions. I reckon they would but I don’t know that for sure.
A hundred years from now people will reflect on this time in our history and shake their heads and laugh at us.
Yup. Wokeness and Liberals’ twisted views on racism have basically destroyed reality television. And a young man’s life. Last year on Big Brother an all-black alliance formed and won the show. The alliance was specifically designed around race, and all the votes cast by the 7 minorities were entirely based on race first and foremost. Their win was celebrated as a historic breakthrough for minorities in reality television.

This year, a white guy named Kyle, who appears to be a good kid, brings up the racial issue and suggests that the POC on the show may be doing the same thing this year. One black female contested had already told everyone in the house that she wouldn’t vote against a black woman under any circumstances. So Kyle approached two other white contests and raised his concern that the same thing might be happening this year. That’s all he did. The people he had the conversation with think this is horrible and racist, but of course not horrible enough to reveal until 3 weeks later when it suits their game. When the houseguests are told about what Kyle said they all jump on the woke bandwagon, shame the hell out of him, and vote him out. Even his girlfriend drops him like a bad habit.

The fans of BB, mostly young and woke, start referring to Kyle as KKKyle on social media and it becomes viral. Keep in mind all this kid did was suggest that what happened last year might also be happening this year. Now he’s going to live the rest of his life with this hanging over his head. I guess that’s progress?
I don't watch the show. Did Kyle talk to the two other contests on a episode that was broadcast?
I don’t think the actual conversation itself was broadcast live, but it’s linked in my post. The context of the conversation, which was exactly representative of what he said, was talked about several times live on the show, we’ll before it was revealed. Glad to hear that was your main concern. I’m sure there was some white supremacy going on in the editors room.
Ok, so I read your link. My concern was that reality TV is very scripted and the only thing they care about is ratings and money. So airing racial extremes could be very profitable these days. Sounds like they let some of it out w/o getting themselves in hot water. I literally read your post seconds after reading the tweet below, where a guy from 18 years at CNN explains why they are starting to air more right wing topics. Found the tweet very interesting and confirmed why I quit watching the news on a regular basis about 15 years ago.

CNN returning to straight up journalism is a great development and we should all be happy about it. The fact you find it problematic tells me a lot about you and the Left. Getting back to the topic, what do you think of what happened on big brother?
getting back to straight up journalism? wow, that's a stretch reading that text thread he wrote. All he talked about was how they needed to increase revenue, how only 50+ older people watch cable news, and how CNN was going to go after the 50+ older white male, as it's the #1 revenue source. That's not trying to return to journalism at all.

So you've told me "glad to hear that was your main concern". That was wrong.

"The fact. you find it problematic tells me a lot about you and the left"

The only thing I find problematic is that every decision is money based with the new head at CNN, instead of just reporting the news. But they all do that now. Nothing new. I have zero problem with what they want to do as a business.

Oh nice, another one calling me on the left. Do us all a favor and stop telling all us how we think. I've clearly stated numerous times I'm an I. I've never watched Fox News. I've never watched MSNBC. Not once.

I clearly stated just a few days ago they I want both parties blown up ASAP. You really have no clue how I'm thinking.

I asked a friendly, very simple question and you've replied by telling me what I'm thinking and accusing me of being on one of the teams. I showed genuine interest in your post with a simple question, and all you can do is vomit your agenda on me.

I'm not on a team. Being on one of those teams is exactly what both those teams want so you can keep arguing with each other and not stand up to them BOTH and accomplish some real change. Why do so many of you here keep calling us I's, libs? I've liked several jamny and Zado posts. They actually talk like humans and don't have to shout 24/7.

So carry on screaming and cheerleading for your team. You're doing an excellent job. Sorry to have bothered you.
Exceptional post
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

i don’t think it is racism in the traditional sense…it is ideological bigotry which is a major problem on many of our colleges and universities…unfortunately is is accepted and/or excused by far too many people who should know better.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

Interesting article. It appears that those groups are anti-Israel. Which is certainly a legitimate point of view and not necessarily anti-Semitic. But that article just eliminates the difference between the two.

I’d be interested to know if those law groups will invite speakers who are Jewish but don’t support Israel’s actions. I reckon they would but I don’t know that for sure.
I mean, there is not a lot of air between Jewish and pro-Israel. That's like trying to find the subset of Bostonians that are not pro-America and think we should give it back to the natives.

Basically, it's splitting hairs to say this isn't racist IMO
All he talked about was how they needed to increase revenue, how only 50+ older people watch cable news, and how CNN was going to go after the 50+ older white male, as it's the #1 revenue source. That's not trying to return to journalism at all.

The only thing I find problematic is that every decision is money based with the new head at CNN, instead of just reporting the news. But they all do that now. Nothing new. I have zero problem with what they want to do as a business.
This. Folks need to understand this about companies, and CNN is a company. They are in business for profit. Not necessarily journalism. They are trying to increase their ratings. They know that mostly 50+ white males are watching cable news anymore. Always pay attention to the money, and the motives become way more clear.

Now, if journalism was itself very profitable, they'd likely be focusing on journalism. But journalism by itself isn't as profitable. It just isn't.

You know what turns out to be quite profitable? Outrage. These people will gladly manufacture outrage for profit. They don't care about your well-being, nor the well-being of America. See the nordstream thread for example. Tucker Carlson is manipulating you. Pay attention.
All he talked about was how they needed to increase revenue, how only 50+ older people watch cable news, and how CNN was going to go after the 50+ older white male, as it's the #1 revenue source. That's not trying to return to journalism at all.

The only thing I find problematic is that every decision is money based with the new head at CNN, instead of just reporting the news. But they all do that now. Nothing new. I have zero problem with what they want to do as a business.
This. Folks need to understand this about companies, and CNN is a company. They are in business for profit. Not necessarily journalism. They are trying to increase their ratings. They know that mostly 50+ white males are watching cable news anymore. Always pay attention to the money, and the motives become way more clear.

Now, if journalism was itself very profitable, they'd likely be focusing on journalism. But journalism by itself isn't as profitable. It just isn't.

You know what turns out to be quite profitable? Outrage. These people will gladly manufacture outrage for profit. They don't care about your well-being, nor the well-being of America. See the nordstream thread for example. Tucker Carlson is manipulating you. Pay attention.

You know what else isn’t profitable…journalism with an agenda that doesn’t admit they have an agenda.

Well...I didn't go see this movie this weekend because frankly, it just doesn't appeal to me, and the response? If I don't go see it, I am a homophobic weirdo according to the director. Nice.

"Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!

Well...I didn't go see this movie this weekend because frankly, it just doesn't appeal to me, and the response? If I don't go see it, I am a homophobic weirdo according to the director. Nice.

"Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!
"Eichner recounted his experience seeing the film with a full theater – “the audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end, and some were wiping away tears as they walked out” – saying it was “truly magical” and reiterating he was “VERY proud of this movie.”"

Cant imagine why straight dudes didnt want to see this movie, lol

Well...I didn't go see this movie this weekend because frankly, it just doesn't appeal to me, and the response? If I don't go see it, I am a homophobic weirdo according to the director. Nice.

"Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!
"Eichner recounted his experience seeing the film with a full theater – “the audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end, and some were wiping away tears as they walked out” – saying it was “truly magical” and reiterating he was “VERY proud of this movie.”"

Cant imagine why straight dudes didnt want to see this movie, lol
Clearly because they are homophobic weirdos.
Interesting episode on The Daily podcast yesterday about an incident in ASU that I had not heard about - basically students confronting each other in a "mulitculural safe space" or something like that. I sometimes have trouble working my way through my feelings on these things, and this was no different, as I understood the reaction from all parties.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
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"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
I guess I just consider him a ridiculous cartoon much like Sorbo is. Why bother being bothered by him?
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

Interesting article. It appears that those groups are anti-Israel. Which is certainly a legitimate point of view and not necessarily anti-Semitic. But that article just eliminates the difference between the two.

I’d be interested to know if those law groups will invite speakers who are Jewish but don’t support Israel’s actions. I reckon they would but I don’t know that for sure.
I mean, there is not a lot of air between Jewish and pro-Israel. That's like trying to find the subset of Bostonians that are not pro-America and think we should give it back to the natives.

Basically, it's splitting hairs to say this isn't racist IMO
I disagree strongly with this. I am Jewish and have been a supporter of Israel my entire life until a short time ago. I can no longer support them because I believe their policies towards the Palestinians are inhumane. I don’t believe that criticizing Israel has anything to do with anti-semitism.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
I guess I just consider him a ridiculous cartoon much like Sorbo is. Why bother being bothered by him?
Why bother being bothered by people bothered?
But to be fair - in this day and age, I guess it's easier to blame homophobes instead of admitting either there's not a big market for a movie like that to begin with and/or your movie just might not be that good.
Omg you guys. Now we are getting upset about lines in fictional movies we have 0 intention of watching and what the writer of said movie said ??

Must be further proof of "The Agenda".
Actually we’re not - the people from the movie are because it didn’t gross what they thought. I’m not a movie guy, know nothing about it outside of you don’t see it, you’re a homophobe I guess.

That is the true meaning of woke.
Omg you guys. Now we are getting upset about lines in fictional movies we have 0 intention of watching and what the writer of said movie said ??

Must be further proof of "The Agenda".
Actually we’re not - the people from the movie are because it didn’t gross what they thought. I’m not a movie guy, know nothing about it outside of tou don’t see it, you’re a homophobe I guess.
Not sure what the word is beside upset - but this does bother others more than it does you for sure.

Not a movie guy?? Right there is the main reason we might not be buds. ;) Honestly I knew 0 about it too, besides seeing the title on a list of new releases and thinking it sounded like a dumb 90s comedy.
Omg you guys. Now we are getting upset about lines in fictional movies we have 0 intention of watching and what the writer of said movie said ??

Must be further proof of "The Agenda".
Actually we’re not - the people from the movie are because it didn’t gross what they thought. I’m not a movie guy, know nothing about it outside of tou don’t see it, you’re a homophobe I guess.
Not sure what the word is beside upset - but this does bother others more than it does you for sure.

Not a movie guy?? Right there is the main reason we might not be buds. ;) Honestly I knew 0 about it too, besides seeing the title on a list of new releases and thinking it sounded like a dumb 90s comedy.
I will watch a movie - personally more a documentary guy. I just don’t go out of my way to seek out new movies. I do have Netflix. I’m sure I’ll pop in when this movie come out on IPTV to see what the ruckus is.
Omg you guys. Now we are getting upset about lines in fictional movies we have 0 intention of watching and what the writer of said movie said ??

Must be further proof of "The Agenda".
Actually we’re not - the people from the movie are because it didn’t gross what they thought. I’m not a movie guy, know nothing about it outside of tou don’t see it, you’re a homophobe I guess.
Not sure what the word is beside upset - but this does bother others more than it does you for sure.

Not a movie guy?? Right there is the main reason we might not be buds. ;) Honestly I knew 0 about it too, besides seeing the title on a list of new releases and thinking it sounded like a dumb 90s comedy.
I will watch a movie - personally more a documentary guy. I just don’t go out of my way to seek out new movies. I do have Netflix. I’m sure I’ll pop in when this movie come out on IPTV to see what the ruckus is.
I am sure I will too, although I still haven't gotten around to Cooties. I watched the remake Black Christmas because somebody was going on about the over-the-top lib b.s. in that. I did my usual eyerolling, watched it, and that person was right. That movie is a trip if you like horror movies at all and want to laugh at some hardcore wokeism.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

The woke movement (and the associated gender ideology, women studies, critical race theory), has always been rooted in racism and tearing down the system that empowers the whites (capitalism). But when they are rallying against the white male conservative hierarchy and spewing hatred, no one on the left cared as white male conservatives deserve to be scorned and shouted down and kicked off campus.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

Interesting article. It appears that those groups are anti-Israel. Which is certainly a legitimate point of view and not necessarily anti-Semitic. But that article just eliminates the difference between the two.

I’d be interested to know if those law groups will invite speakers who are Jewish but don’t support Israel’s actions. I reckon they would but I don’t know that for sure.
I mean, there is not a lot of air between Jewish and pro-Israel. That's like trying to find the subset of Bostonians that are not pro-America and think we should give it back to the natives.

Basically, it's splitting hairs to say this isn't racist IMO
I disagree strongly with this. I am Jewish and have been a supporter of Israel my entire life until a short time ago. I can no longer support them because I believe their policies towards the Palestinians are inhumane. I don’t believe that criticizing Israel has anything to do with anti-semitism.
Listen, if you do support Israel, you're not welcome on campus to discuss microbiology, ethics, mathematics, or climate science. Given the vast majority of Jewish people support Israel, this is a defacto racist policy. I don't know how else you can see it.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
I guess I just consider him a ridiculous cartoon much like Sorbo is. Why bother being bothered by him?
Why bother being bothered by people bothered?
I'm not. I'm asking them a question. Why do they care what this like F list celebrity says about his movie he's promoting? It's not an insult or meant to be dismissive. I do not understand why it bothers them. When I think of similar things they just simply don't register for me as anything I care about in the slightest. They do and I'm curious at to why. Make sense?
But to be fair - in this day and age, I guess it's easier to blame homophobes instead of admitting either there's not a big market for a movie like that to begin with and/or your movie just might not be that good.
I have zero expectations that it will be good. I'm not even sure what the guy is famous for, I've seen him in a commercial once or twice and that's literally all I know about him.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

The woke movement (and the associated gender ideology, women studies, critical race theory), has always been rooted in racism and tearing down the system that empowers the whites (capitalism). But when they are rallying against the white male conservative hierarchy and spewing hatred, no one on the left cared as white male conservatives deserve to be scorned and shouted down and kicked off campus.
I don't agree with you on these points. I believe for the vast majority it is about equality. For some it might be as you suggest. For some it might just be that they like to virtue signal. But for most, it's simply about all people having equal opportunities.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

The woke movement (and the associated gender ideology, women studies, critical race theory), has always been rooted in racism and tearing down the system that empowers the whites (capitalism). But when they are rallying against the white male conservative hierarchy and spewing hatred, no one on the left cared as white male conservatives deserve to be scorned and shouted down and kicked off campus.
I don't agree with you on these points. I believe for the vast majority it is about equality. For some it might be as you suggest. For some it might just be that they like to virtue signal. But for most, it's simply about all people having equal opportunities.
It is true for people who talk about equity instead of equality. To achieve equity one must use the full force of government to achieve the desired outcome. Equity means tyranny, equality means freedom. Today's leftist demands equity.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
I guess I just consider him a ridiculous cartoon much like Sorbo is. Why bother being bothered by him?
Why bother being bothered by people bothered?
I'm not. I'm asking them a question. Why do they care what this like F list celebrity says about his movie he's promoting? It's not an insult or meant to be dismissive. I do not understand why it bothers them. When I think of similar things they just simply don't register for me as anything I care about in the slightest. They do and I'm curious at to why. Make sense?
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

The woke movement (and the associated gender ideology, women studies, critical race theory), has always been rooted in racism and tearing down the system that empowers the whites (capitalism). But when they are rallying against the white male conservative hierarchy and spewing hatred, no one on the left cared as white male conservatives deserve to be scorned and shouted down and kicked off campus.
I don't agree with you on these points. I believe for the vast majority it is about equality. For some it might be as you suggest. For some it might just be that they like to virtue signal. But for most, it's simply about all people having equal opportunities.
It is true for people who talk about equity instead of equality. To achieve equity one must use the full force of government to achieve the desired outcome. Equity means tyranny, equality means freedom. Today's leftist demands equity.
I think the bold is where you two disagree, and I believe it's the answer to Hulk's question as to why you guys care about stuff like the movie writer's comments - you think it's far more common on the left and in general than most of the people you are talking to do.

You skip right over the bolded part of his post, post about what is true about leftists. You two probably agree 100% about what they need to achieve equity - I would just be very suprised if you two would be close at all if I asked you to post your opinions on what % of people want to achieve that vs. want equal opportunity.
"“Do you guys remember straight people?” a character quips in the new trailer for the Billy Eichner co-written and starring rom-com ‘Bros’. “Yeah, they had a nice run,” agrees another."

Yeah, I don't think insulting a majority of people is a way to market your movie and then cry when no one goes to see it. You're basically telling them not to see it.

Now imagine if another movie had said that about gay people? What do you think the reaction would have been? Squistion would have been in here immediately claiming that the racist boogeyman is not only around every corner, but in everybody's house and closet.

Bigotry is a two way street.
Can I ask why any of you care what Billy Eichner is saying to promote a movie he made.

If Kevin Sorbo made a movie and said, "You'll love it if you're not a fascist Antifa loving Marxist commie-Nazi" I'd just ignore and move on with my life and not see the movie or even care if anyone does.

So, why do you care about this?

//also, I have zero interest in seeing this movie. I guess if it was the inflight movie option I'd watch it and give it a chance, but romance and romantic comedies are not typically the type of movies I seek out.

ETA: End of the day, I don't have any cares left over for "whatever Billy Eichner" thinks. Much like I don't care what the bee thinks when I spray the stupid clover that keeps invading my lawn.

Because you are on a message board where the topic is "woke."
I guess I just consider him a ridiculous cartoon much like Sorbo is. Why bother being bothered by him?
Why bother being bothered by people bothered?
I'm not. I'm asking them a question. Why do they care what this like F list celebrity says about his movie he's promoting? It's not an insult or meant to be dismissive. I do not understand why it bothers them. When I think of similar things they just simply don't register for me as anything I care about in the slightest. They do and I'm curious at to why. Make sense?
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
My follow up question usually is - even if that's true (and I don't fully agree with your line of thinking) , how does this stuff end up in their orbit or news feeds so that they hear about it?
I have zero expectations that it will be good. I'm not even sure what the guy is famous for, I've seen him in a commercial once or twice and that's literally all I know about him.
As I understand it, he directed the movie. Honestly, we should all expect that directors will praise their own movies. Calling people out who don't see it is over the top, obviously.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
Lately we're seeing a rise woke-ism where it has turned the corner and become racist itself in it's effort to be woke. I continue to believe that racism cannot be solved with more racism.

Today's example of this is from Berkley:

The woke movement (and the associated gender ideology, women studies, critical race theory), has always been rooted in racism and tearing down the system that empowers the whites (capitalism). But when they are rallying against the white male conservative hierarchy and spewing hatred, no one on the left cared as white male conservatives deserve to be scorned and shouted down and kicked off campus.
I don't agree with you on these points. I believe for the vast majority it is about equality. For some it might be as you suggest. For some it might just be that they like to virtue signal. But for most, it's simply about all people having equal opportunities.
It is true for people who talk about equity instead of equality. To achieve equity one must use the full force of government to achieve the desired outcome. Equity means tyranny, equality means freedom. Today's leftist demands equity.
I think the bold is where you two disagree, and I believe it's the answer to Hulk's question as to why you guys care about stuff like the movie writer's comments - you think it's far more common on the left and in general than most of the people you are talking to do.

You skip right over the bolded part of his post, post about what is true about leftists. You two probably agree 100% about what they need to achieve equity - I would just be very suprised if you two would be close at all if I asked you to post your opinions on what % of people want to achieve that vs. want equal opportunity.
Why is it a story? There was probably some hyped-up party for the showing, then the revenue numbers came out.

I don’t believe in equity.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
This is a good point a bit of the coverage is probably something on these lines. There have been lots of gay side characters or stories, but I can't think of a major release of this genre with gay main characters.
People go to the movies to be entertained, and if a movie doesn't look like it will be entertaining, they don't go. Sometimes, it really is as simple as that.

Take Brokeback Mountain. While it still could have done a little better overall at the box office, it still did really well, and why? Because it was a fantastic story with great performances by both the lead actors and the supporting ones. Great storytelling will usually rule the day when it comes to cinema, the average flick featuring The Rock aside. :lol:
So if we believe that it’s about equality and not equity, that that is what most want. Why is the headline initiative throughout business and and elsewhere called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Why not Equality?
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
That’s fine, but don’t shame everyone who didn’t see it.
I think what he is saying is that part is not new. Actors/directors have said as much many many times. What might be newer is the claim of homophobia (but again, some of that is because of the rarity of a major gay rom/com), and our obsession with amplifying stories like this in the media.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
That’s fine, but don’t shame everyone who didn’t see it.
Agreed. Question, is it the media who is shaming people or the director himself? I thought the latter. As noted above, I have zero issue with the director hyping his movie. I would expect every director of every movie to tell me how great the movie is, which is exactly why we can all safely ignore his opinion on the quality of the movie. I think calling people out who don't see the movie or don't want to see the movie is over the top and unhelpful.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
That’s fine, but don’t shame everyone who didn’t see it.
I think what he is saying is that part is not new. Actors/directors have said as much many many times. What might be newer is the claim of homophobia (but again, some of that is because of the rarity of a major gay rom/com), and our obsession with amplifying stories like this in the media.
Seems to me he ran to the media to call everyone out as homophobes.
So if we believe that it’s about equality and not equity, that that is what most want. Why is the headline initiative throughout business and and elsewhere called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Why not Equality?
That's a good question.
The concept of equity is a good one imo. The more equitably things are distributed generally the better.

But the idea that equity is an imperfect outcome based on equality of opportunity, which imo is the right model, I think is at risk. I think that’s not good and that there are many people that are much more focused in straight equity, by intentionally disrupting equality.

Case in point I saw a LinkedIn post last week that was ripping on Apple because their executive team was not diverse enough. Now the entire photo wasn’t included because there were more women left off and that was better for the authors point…but that’s secondary to the observation.

All of the comments were basically some variation of “this is in unacceptable” and “Steve jobs and Apple are racist/discriminating and need to do better”. Nobody really asked…do we think Steve Jobs is a racist and did not interview minorities, intentionally even. Is it not important that there was equality in the hiring process…as in the most qualified candidates were considered. Everyone went right to if it’s not equitable it’s wrong. I think people are more focused on equity that you’d like to admit.
Is it any different than SNL who couldn’t wait to announce that they hired a gender-neutral comic. Do people really care? If yes, it goes both ways. They want the recognition but any thing negative must mean that we’re a homophone/racist/whatever.
So if we believe that it’s about equality and not equity, that that is what most want. Why is the headline initiative throughout business and and elsewhere called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Why not Equality?
That's a good question.
The concept of equity is a good one imo. The more equitably things are distributed generally the better.

But the idea that equity is an imperfect outcome based on equality of opportunity, which imo is the right model, I think is at risk. I think that’s not good and that there are many people that are much more focused in straight equity, by intentionally disrupting equality.

Case in point I saw a LinkedIn post last week that was ripping on Apple because their executive team was not diverse enough. Now the entire photo wasn’t included because there were more women left off and that was better for the authors point…but that’s secondary to the observation.

All of the comments were basically some variation of “this is in unacceptable” and “Steve jobs and Apple are racist/discriminating and need to do better”. Nobody really asked…do we think Steve Jobs is a racist and did not interview minorities, intentionally even. Is it not important that there was equality in the hiring process…as in the most qualified candidates were considered. Everyone went right to if it’s not equitable it’s wrong. I think people are more focused on equity that you’d like to admit.
Sidenote, I’d never in any way comment in something like that on LinkedIn…career suicide.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
That’s fine, but don’t shame everyone who didn’t see it.
Agreed. Question, is it the media who is shaming people or the director himself? I thought the latter. As noted above, I have zero issue with the director hyping his movie. I would expect every director of every movie to tell me how great the movie is, which is exactly why we can all safely ignore his opinion on the quality of the movie. I think calling people out who don't see the movie or don't want to see the movie is over the top and unhelpful.
It could be both,but we know how the media lives a good story and run with it, now it’s a big deal.
Probably a better question is why is the media covering his thoughts? If it were not a gay movie, they wouldn’t.
Isn't this the first "major movie release" of a gay rom-com? Like it or not, the media has always been focused on "firsts". First female referee, first female NFL coach, first black QB, first gay...
That’s fine, but don’t shame everyone who didn’t see it.
I think what he is saying is that part is not new. Actors/directors have said as much many many times. What might be newer is the claim of homophobia (but again, some of that is because of the rarity of a major gay rom/com), and our obsession with amplifying stories like this in the media.
Seems to me he ran to the media to call everyone out as homophobes.
I think that, more than anything else, is indicative of the "you are either with us or you are against us" mentality that has permeated through society in the last two decades. Plus, he is trying to get more people to watch his movie, so the hope is that he can shame some into spending their money on his film.
It could be both, but we know how the media lives a good story and run with it, now it’s a big deal.
I asked because I don't know. I understand why the media wants to cover the story. It's a "first". I understand why the director wants to hype his movie (it's his movie, duh...).

I don't understand why the director wants to call people out, unless he's going with the "any publicity is good publicity" theory.

I haven't followed the story closely, but to date, I haven't seen the media calling people out. I've seen them publish the director's comments, but there's nothing wrong with the media doing that. If the media calls people out directly, I'd agree that's inappropriate. You seem to be implying that the media is doing so, but I haven't seen that (yet).

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