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Unofficial Canadian Thread - Previously Trucker Convoy thread (1 Viewer)

These things remove slowly. In the case of a lift line this is a fast operation. There isn’t time for the stoned college kid to check this or that. 

Pull your ####### gaiter up so we can get up the hill. 
Why?  So idiots will reduce their odds from getting Covid on a ski lift - while they are masked - from 0.050% to 0.049%? (Just sit balling here but you get the point)  I assume people who ski are healthy, and with Omicron the likelihood of getting severely ill is very very remote to begin with.  I guess I missed the memo that we aren’t “following the science” anymore. 

Why?  So idiots will reduce their odds from getting Covid on a ski lift - while they are masked - from 0.050% to 0.049%? (Just sit balling here but you get the point)  I assume people who ski are healthy, and with Omicron the likelihood of getting severely ill is very very remote to begin with.  I guess I missed the memo that we aren’t “following the science” anymore. 
Who knows? Until they remove it just follow it. It's not worth the effort. 

Or you could pitch a fit and slow down everyone else's day.

I agree, but I’ll still call out the ski resort for being jackals for getting into a physical altercation over this.
Fair enough. If someone is pitching a fit they do need to get 86'ed IMO.

In this case just make it as fast as possible so I can't get my runs in.

I said the exact same thing in 2020. I wasn’t a racist then and neither are you. Nobody gets to block traffic as a protest. 
I've always maintained that a protest can block traffic to make their voices heard but expect to be arrested at some point of they don't leave voluntarily. That said, I don't think arresting protestors should take invoking war emergency powers and suspending the Constitution (or in Canada's case the Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and freezing their assets. That speaks much worse of the government and that the protestors definitely had a point in government overreach. 

Who knows? Until they remove it just follow it. It's not worth the effort. 

Or you could pitch a fit and slow down everyone else's day.
And if they never remove it? Just keep obeying I guess. Then another law for our safety. Just obey it until it's gone. Never gone. Then another. Then another. Until it's something you finally can't tolerate. But by then everyone else has already been either arrested or beaten into submission. Oh well I guess. Glad we didn't inconvenience anyone at least. 

And if they never remove it? Just keep obeying I guess. Then another law for our safety. Just obey it until it's gone. Never gone. Then another. Then another. Until it's something you finally can't tolerate. But by then everyone else has already been either arrested or beaten into submission. Oh well I guess. Glad we didn't inconvenience anyone at least. 
Maybe give it a little time. This is somewhere around someone not putting their turn signal on in things to be concerned with. 

Personally I’m pissed off at this clown as much as the slow moving bureaucracy to remove some of these procedures.

I've always maintained that a protest can block traffic to make their voices heard but expect to be arrested at some point of they don't leave voluntarily. That said, I don't think arresting protestors should take invoking war emergency powers and suspending the Constitution (or in Canada's case the Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and freezing their assets. That speaks much worse of the government and that the protestors definitely had a point in government overreach. 
This is not actually true, the Emergencies Act does not override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Anything that happens under the Emergencies Act may be challenged in a court.

"AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;"


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Maybe give it a little time. This is somewhere around someone not putting their turn signal on in things to be concerned with. 

Personally I’m pissed off at this clown as much as the slow moving bureaucracy to remove some of these procedures.
I disagree. Turn signal actually serves a purpose and could save lives. 

This is not actually true, the Emergencies Act does not override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Anything that happens under the Emergencies Act may be challenged in a court.

"AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;"

Courts and governing bodies are only as good as the people running them. They've voted to keep them once so far without any justification.  Next is the Senate. Then in 30 days we'll see if they vote to keep them again. A court with judges appointed by the same people I would surmise will come to the same conclusion that it is still "lawful" to keep the power. 

And if they never remove it? Just keep obeying I guess. Then another law for our safety. Just obey it until it's gone. Never gone. Then another. Then another. Until it's something you finally can't tolerate. But by then everyone else has already been either arrested or beaten into submission. Oh well I guess. Glad we didn't inconvenience anyone at least. 
We could use some of this in the Texas regulations on abortion and book banning discussions.  

Courts and governing bodies are only as good as the people running them. They've voted to keep them once so far without any justification.  Next is the Senate. Then in 30 days we'll see if they vote to keep them again. A court with judges appointed by the same people I would surmise will come to the same conclusion that it is still "lawful" to keep the power. 
A few things wrong with this statement. First off, 5 of the 9 Supreme Court justices were appointed by the previous Conservative government. The second is that the Supreme Court regularly rules against the government, regardless of who appointed them. See rulings on prostitution and assisted dying.

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Fair enough. If someone is pitching a fit they do need to get 86'ed IMO.

In this case just make it as fast as possible so I can't get my runs in.
Every inch of your body covered. Johnny Protest wants to prove a point with his children there, and leave his face uncovered. 

Stupid games, stupid prizes, holla

We could use some of this in the Texas regulations on abortion and book banning discussions.  
Be my guest. I'm against banning books outright (doesn't include limiting certain materials to age appropriate levels). I also don't believe in abortion but understand it's need in society. 

This dude is fighting for something completely trivial. He got a security guard who wasn’t having it. 
In this scenario that you made, he'd be the one not using his turning signal and the resort is the lunatic that tracks him down to make him pay. 

You can't make an analogy and then switch the roles of the rule breaker/rule enforcer to fit your argument.  That's textbook bad analogy. 
Call the analogy police on me! About as important an issue as snowboarder going Karen because he can't pull his gaiter up while in the lift line.

They will write poems about his sacrifice.

It really is shocking.  The people who railed on Trump for being an authoritarian got the wrong guy.  This is bat #### crazy, and it’s not going to end well.

Listen, as everyone knows around here I'm the one that kept beating the horn on this for a couple years now.  What I kept saying in the OMG!  Trump is a Dictator! thread was that the liberals weren't losing their mind because Trump was a dictator - they were losing their mind because they feared he was going to beat them to it.

It seems like the Senate is asking hard questions that the NDP should have been asking.  Maybe they won’t just rubber stamp this.  Trudeau is not willing to share the information he collected to justify this “threat”. 

“Julie Miville-Dechêne, from the Independent Senators Group, worried about the precedent this situation could create given that MPs and Senators are asked to make decisions on the basis of “secret information” for a crisis “that is not visible.”

Could this exceptional law be invoked again solely on the basis of secret information, which would of course be difficult to accept in a democracy?” she asked.“

Trudeau: “Trust me there is a threat. I can’t share any details even confidentially with other government officials, but just give me power and I will take care of things” (sarcasm not an actual quote….that I am aware of)


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I like this burn:

Conservative Senator Leo Housakos accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of stoking the “flames of division” in refusing to speak to the protesters who occupied the streets of Ottawa and calling them names such as “marchers with swastikas” and “defenders of Nazism”.

“He sat up in the House of Commons and actually proclaimed to a child of Holocaust survivors, a member of Parliament duly elected, that she’s a defender of the swastika,” insisted Housakos, referencing last week’s exchange between Trudeau and MP Melissa Lantsman.

“I do not agree with your characterizations of the Prime Minister’s actions,” retorted Gold (Liberal government member), who said he would not be drawn into his fellow colleague’s “partisan rhetoric.”

“Can we cut this nonsense about what we do is more partisan and somehow what you do is God’s work?” retorted Housakos.

Want to know every convoy donor in Ontario right now and their home address? Google made it easy for you. Technically someone using Google maps but it's readily available for all to use. You can see the name, the email address and location of every person in Ontario who gave money. Nothing unusual or invasive about that at all. 


Here's the tweet with the direct link. Click on any blue dot and select.more info. Tells you everything. Donation amount. Even the comment they typed while donating. 


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So now they’re coming to Washington DC? To block our traffic? 
if they even try just arrest these ####ers. Don’t wait. Put them in jail. 
My understanding is there is no vaccine mandate for truck drivers in the US.  Instead they have a whole list of things they would be protesting.  

I’m not sure how sitting in your truck doing nothing is going to accomplish anything but go for it if it makes you feel better 

What they should be doing is protesting against automated trucks because long haul truck drivers are going to be tomorrow’s coal miners.

Nothing on the donor list being posted for all the world to see? Guess we'll add that to things to get used to going forward. 

It's clearly terrible. I don't see anyone supporting it. Not sure what you want. Everyone to post their outrage?
To see the parallels of what is happening in Canada to what has happened in Germany and more recently China with outting of those deemed unacceptable by society. 

What was the link to because it's going no where. 

Also hackers have a lot of power when they're given federal resources to use. No you're not going to find an article on that anywhere. Just very convenient when a "hacker" shows up to reveal all the encrypted info that the government just recently seized from givesendgo.
So your OK with innuendo that seems to be saying the government and the hackers are in cahoots? 

But anything regarding the protest and ties to the extreme right and nationalism is completely made up news?  

So your OK with innuendo that seems to be saying the government and the hackers are in cahoots? 

But anything regarding the protest and ties to the extreme right and nationalism is completely made up news?  
Yes. Because the people are not the government. The people are the little guys here and the government is actively using every resource they have to discredit and dismiss the protestors. Infiltrate with instigators. Stage photos for false flags. Have the state run media blast the false flags as the norm. 

Canadian truckers had a simple goal. End all mandates permanently. Anything after that that came up during the weeks of the protest is all noise creates from bandwagon jumpers or government propaganda.

The hacker thing is very wrong but I think the only fault of the government is promoting the narrative that anyone who donated is a terrorist. 

What was the link to because it's going no where. 

Also hackers have a lot of power when they're given federal resources to use. No you're not going to find an article on that anywhere. Just very convenient when a "hacker" shows up to reveal all the encrypted info that the government just recently seized from givesendgo.
Weird works for me. Here’s another: Link

So weird. I click it, it opens a tab and then closes my browser. I see the link is a Google redirect but never had those fail before. 
Well now the second one is broken for me. We have said too much, they are onto us.

In any case it was a link to Ilhan Omar speaking out against any doxing of donors to the this cause.

Yes. Because the people are not the government. The people are the little guys here and the government is actively using every resource they have to discredit and dismiss the protestors. Infiltrate with instigators. Stage photos for false flags. Have the state run media blast the false flags as the norm. 

Canadian truckers had a simple goal. End all mandates permanently. Anything after that that came up during the weeks of the protest is all noise creates from bandwagon jumpers or government propaganda.
You're way over the edge with these conspiracy theories.  You honestly think the government was doing this?  How many people do you think are in the know?  

Every inch of your body covered. Johnny Protest wants to prove a point with his children there, and leave his face uncovered. 

Stupid games, stupid prizes, holla
Funny thing with freedom - some people seem willing to fight for it no matter how trivial the issue.  It reminds me of the 80’s when seat belt laws were enacted.  Or when motorcycle helmets were mandated.  And then you have people on the opposite extreme - people who will gladly do whatever the Government asks them to do, even if it makes no sense.

You're way over the edge with these conspiracy theories.  You honestly think the government was doing this?  How many people do you think are in the know?  
The only guy carrying a Confederate flag had a full face mask and was told to get lost by all protestors but somehow Trudeaus photography was right there to get his picture. 

The Nazi flags seen photographed at a distance on a hotel balcony, the ones used by every media outlet when they make the Nazi comparison, were taken at the same hotel the RCMP just happened to set up their camp to combat the protestors. 

Calling something a conspiracy theory these days basically is acknowledging you know it could be true but choose to believe that the government is right. 

The only guy carrying a Confederate flag had a full face mask and was told to get lost by all protestors but somehow Trudeaus photography was right there to get his picture. 

The Nazi flags seen photographed at a distance on a hotel balcony, the ones used by every media outlet when they make the Nazi comparison, were taken at the same hotel the RCMP just happened to set up their camp to combat the protestors. 

Calling something a conspiracy theory these days basically is acknowledging you know it could be true but choose to believe that the government is right. 
All I can say to this is 'Yikes'!


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