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WNBA Brittney Griner Loses Drug Appeal / Sentenced To 9 Years In A Brutal Russian Penal Colony (5/15/22 21:04 PST) (2 Viewers)

Thanks for the background.

Will he make a deal before midterms?

I must have missed this question. Yes, the Biden Administration has been trying to a cut deal and would want an exchange as soon as possible.

From a purely political strategy standpoint, Team Blue needs as many "wins" as possible. By bringing Griner home, her agency, Wasserman, would extend a return of good will and push Pro Biden on every social media platform of it's entire roster. That's the kind of unpaid social media coverage that could be worth up to a half billion dollars.

Since Americans are so embattled with inflation, gas prices, food prices, energy woes, supply chain, cost of housing, issues with what their kids are learning in school, etc, etc, that it would be easy to slip through that Biden ( really Susan Rice) would trade a known arms dealer in exchange. Biden has dragged this country so far into the ground, that people are suffering too much to notice a trade where Bout will continue to facilitate anti aircraft missiles and chemical weapons to the West's worst enemies.

Here is where the story goes from stupid to completely insane. If Viktor Bout was released, he'd source the largest stockpile of weapons on the planet right now on the move - all those weapons that Biden abandoned in Afghanistan. So what would happen is Biden would have abandoned 19 million women and little girls to get gang raped as the spoils of war, got 13 more Marines killed, spent billions in OUR TAX DOLLARS to arm the Taliban and ISIS and multiple other terrorists factions, left such chaos that the entire country is now starving, left what should amount to the 2nd richest source of lithium in the entire world to be used in EV car batteries that was recouped by a deal with the Taliban and China/CCP so they can sell us those batteries by policies forcing all of us to own EVs via fossil fuel shut down and then those weapons would be resold by Bout to other terrorists groups around the world to kill our Allies plus countless future generations of Americans, particularly our brave US servicemen.

Engaging the Griner trade would be Joe Biden finding a way to kill Americans for generations to come. And we'd pay for it. And our children would pay for it. And our grand children would pay for it. Everyone here should think about that when they go to work. Part of your day is sweat, blood and toil to pay taxes. Those taxes funded the stockpile that Bout would resell to kill America's children. If a terrorist cell hit a passenger airliner with a Bout resold US FIM92 Stinger missile and the children of someone here was on it, then Biden made everyone here fund the slaughter.

Right now, only 7 percent total of all marketing, advertising, social media buy ins, ground game literature, traditional TV ads, everything across the board expenditures by all Democrats in the country is focused on the economy as a discussion point. That's it. That means the DNC, via control through Joint Finance Agreements, coordinating with the Obama/Biden/Harris/Rice regime, want to spend 93 percent of all it's other current funding talking about something else. Getting Griner released would be part of that something else. There is literally nothing to talk about that looks like a win for Team Blue right now. A current voter engagement strategy is to say the annual deficit hit is only half as bad this year as it was last year. That's just pathetic.

From a professional media optics standpoint, the first clue that something is very wrong with this complete clown show of an administration is that they can't even take the easy wins right in front of them. Henry Cuellar in Texas is functionally the only Pro Life Democrat on their roster. There are 15-20 million Pro Life Democrats in this country who have been politically homeless for close to 50 years. An "easy win" is to highlight support of Cuellar and his achievements. It's imperative to try to appeal to this group for 2022 and 2024. Especially as this administration is full of Obama holdovers and Obama lied to everyone about codifying Roe into federal law. Does Team Blue do that? No, because they are a total disaster zone operationally.

Do you remember the Sopranos episode where AJ Soprano gets fired from the local Blockbuster.

Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr. : [Tony enters the room] "what's going on?"

Carmela Soprano : "I went to Blockbuster to rent Cinderella Man, but guess what?"

Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr. : "Is it still a classic?"

Carmela Soprano :"I found out our son, the liar, was fired three weeks ago"

Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr. : "From Blockbuster? They got Rhesus monkeys working as managers over there!"

That's how far down the toilet this administration has gone. If they hired AJ Soprano to stand in front of a camera for them, it would actually look like an upgrade.

So yes, Biden would make the deal today if he could. But Putin doesn't want that unless he gets a Danny Ainge like return on top of Bout. Barring that, Putin wants the GOP back in power, because at least there's a chance there that McCarthy as Speaker Of The House, will find a way to cut off the non stop funding of this proxy war in Ukraine. For Putin, the key is to turn the money faucet off. He knows what Team Blue will do for sure, keep spending and funding this war to change the national daily media cycle into something else besides inflation and the crushed economy. He's not quite sure what the GOP will do, thus that's his safer bet.

So yes, that should be our offer. Exclusive rights to the Blockbuster franchise for Griner. As I've said before, this entire tragedy is one of the most interesting and complicated microcosms of all our current political failings in this country.

Here's the the most screwed up part of all this - Putin wants Griner dead. She's LGBT and the culture there is as hostile to LGBT as anywhere on the planet. Her death would reinforce his state policies against LGBT in general. And Griner has a better chance of being negotiated out of that penal colony with Trump instead of Biden. Trump has a better relationship with Putin and Putin knows Trump will declare war on a dime.

It's inexplicable to me that this situation has gotten so backwards, that Cherelle Griner's best hope to get Brittney back is to vote for Donald Trump.
Putin can push Biden around on this hard - and Biden will cower and cave and give Putin anything he wants

Biden is in a corner - he knows he has to get Griner back because the black votes will take a big hit if he doesn't .......... and he knows when he gives Putin the moon for Griner, American's will find out and he'll take big hits from that as well for negotiating with hostage situations.

Its a no win for Biden here
Sucks all around. Why would any foreign entertainer want to ever step foot on Russian soil again?
You know...back before all this...I thought it would be cool to visit St Petersburg. See the Winter Palace...But now, I will have to only see it on google I guess. A shame.
Putin has Biden in a corner

Putin will ask for the moon and I'm saying there is a 90% chance Biden will cave to the demands and allow Putin to push him into whatever Putin wants right here before election time

If it doesn't happen before elections, it'll not happen for a long long time
Money is the motivating factor for any entertainer, doesn't mean people don't want to watch them. I wouldn't go there as an entertainer.

I understand your point however many many athletes/entertainers go overseas

But if you go to a country that doesn't allow drugs, don't take them ... that was her core problem
Money is the motivating factor for any entertainer, doesn't mean people don't want to watch them. I wouldn't go there as an entertainer.

I understand your point however many many athletes/entertainers go overseas

But if you go to a country that doesn't allow drugs, don't take them ... that was her core problem

Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."
Sucks all around. Why would any foreign entertainer want to ever step foot on Russian soil again?
You know...back before all this...I thought it would be cool to visit St Petersburg. See the Winter Palace...But now, I will have to only see it on google I guess. A shame.
I've been to Russia 5 times. The Winter Palace is mind boggling. If you can leave your weed at home for 2 weeks, I'd highly recommend seeing St. Petersburg. In August the "white nights" are cool.
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

Yeah, if you want to cry for somebody, cry for the people who were or will be hurt when the let out actual murderers all for votes/retain power.
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."

Respect doesn't mean admire.

Prisoner swaps usually happen for national security, not in spite of it to retain power and votes

Neither do you

Did you just equate insulin to weed? Youre kidding, right?
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."

Respect doesn't mean admire.

Prisoner swaps usually happen for national security, not in spite of it to retain power and votes

Neither do you

Did you just equate insulin to weed? Youre kidding, right?
Ok. What if they threw her in jail for prescription Vicodin. Ok with that?
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."

Respect doesn't mean admire.

Prisoner swaps usually happen for national security, not in spite of it to retain power and votes

Neither do you

Did you just equate insulin to weed? Youre kidding, right?
Ok. What if they threw her in jail for prescription Vicodin. Ok with that?

The answer to that would be dependent on if it is legal in Russia. Im typically OK with other countries enforcing their laws the way they see fit.

Imposing our laws, beliefs and entitlements generally doesn’t work out. Much like if others came to this country and tried to abide by their laws and customs as opposed to ours.
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."

Respect doesn't mean admire.

Prisoner swaps usually happen for national security, not in spite of it to retain power and votes

Neither do you

Did you just equate insulin to weed? Youre kidding, right?
Ok. What if they threw her in jail for prescription Vicodin. Ok with that?

The answer to that would be dependent on if it is legal in Russia. Im typically OK with other countries enforcing their laws the way they see fit.

Imposing our laws, beliefs and entitlements generally doesn’t work out. Much like if others came to this country and tried to abide by their laws and customs as opposed to ours.
I agree with this unless it comes to "cruel and unusual punishment". Then I think it is incumbent on the US government to step in and try to get them out of there. I am not sure that this is cruel and unusual punishment, but it is definitely harsh. There is a chance the prison guards (aka Russian government) kill her which would definitely fit the description. I'm not in favor of trading arms dealers for her, but I think the government should step up and try to get her released.
Yes. What she did was dumb. We can all recognize that.

But 9 years in a penal colony for medical marijuana is absurd.

gotta respect other countries rules/laws

and because she didnt we'll likely see Biden give away terrorists/criminals in exchange and maybe a lot more - as much as Putin demands is what Biden will give

because Griner wanted her pot .... think about that, she wanted her pot THAT BAD

1. You don't have to respect the laws of another country. That law is unjust and evil and wrong. I don't respect it. Perhaps you meant follow it.

2. Prisoner swaps are done all the time with every administration.

3. You don't have any idea how those negoatiations are going.

4. It was medical marijuana. Like saying, "Think about it...she wanted her insulin THAT BAD."

Respect doesn't mean admire.

Prisoner swaps usually happen for national security, not in spite of it to retain power and votes

Neither do you

Did you just equate insulin to weed? Youre kidding, right?
Ok. What if they threw her in jail for prescription Vicodin. Ok with that?

The answer to that would be dependent on if it is legal in Russia. Im typically OK with other countries enforcing their laws the way they see fit.

Imposing our laws, beliefs and entitlements generally doesn’t work out. Much like if others came to this country and tried to abide by their laws and customs as opposed to ours.

Of course they have the right to enforce this dumb law. Nobody is arguing that. But criticizing it for being a terrible, dumb law is completely reasonable.
I've been to Russia 5 times. The Winter Palace is mind boggling. If you can leave your weed at home for 2 weeks, I'd highly recommend seeing St. Petersburg. In August the "white nights" are cool.

people here are saying take your weed - Russia is wrong and that's just that !!
Of course they have the right to enforce this dumb law. Nobody is arguing that. But criticizing it for being a terrible, dumb law is completely reasonable.

how about criticizing Griner for going over there knowing it was illegal? and she knew it was - pro athletes get told the rules/laws before they go play in other countries

she got caught - she's paying a heavy price and if Biden gives up horrible terrorists/murderers to get her back - that's a heavy price for her wanting weed

think about that - her love of weed was so great - its got her a 9 year prison sentence
Of course they have the right to enforce this dumb law. Nobody is arguing that. But criticizing it for being a terrible, dumb law is completely reasonable.

how about criticizing Griner for going over there knowing it was illegal? and she knew it was - pro athletes get told the rules/laws before they go play in other countries

she got caught - she's paying a heavy price and if Biden gives up horrible terrorists/murderers to get her back - that's a heavy price for her wanting weed

think about that - her love of weed was so great - its got her a 9 year prison sentence

Sorry, but you'll get no sympathy from me. She knew the rules and flaunted them because, I don't know, she thought she was a WNBA Star and the rules didn't apply? Too bad, so sad.

Is Russia probably giving her a harsher sentence because of what's going on in Ukraine? Probably. That's some lousy timing but that's what you get. :shrug:

She also might have more sympathy if she didn't, y'know, hate America and be vocal about it. It's kind of karma when these whiners go to other countries and experience the actual REALITIES of life. I wonder how she feels about America now?
Not sure if this is true, but an analyst said this week that she was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt when she was taken into custody. Wearing that in Russia seems...unwise. It would be like wearing a Dallas Cowboys jersey to a Cowboys/Eagles game in Philly. Sure, you have the right to do it, but it seems like a bad decision. Not saying that was the reason she was spotted and searched, but why draw attention to yourself like that when going to a country like that? I feel bad for her, because nine years for this does seem pretty nutty, but it's not the US, so what I or any other America thinks doesn't really matter. You have to adjust to your surroundings.
Not sure if this is true, but an analyst said this week that she was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt when she was taken into custody. Wearing that in Russia seems...unwise. It would be like wearing a Dallas Cowboys jersey to a Cowboys/Eagles game in Philly. Sure, you have the right to do it, but it seems like a bad decision. Not saying that was the reason she was spotted and searched, but why draw attention to yourself like that when going to a country like that? I feel bad for her, because nine years for this does seem pretty nutty, but it's not the US, so what I or any other America thinks doesn't really matter. You have to adjust to your surroundings.

all of this is correct

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