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2000 Mules and Selection Code (1 Viewer)


Unbelievable how easily debunked this joke of documentary is…
I'm reminded of something I once heard about Nigerian scam emails. You might think that if they were written in better English, with fewer spelling errors, they would be more effective. But that's actually by design. All the mistakes make it easier to separate out the true marks from the people who might be momentarily taken in but are unlikely to ever actually fork over their money. If you read an obviously fake email and think, "Wow, that exiled Nigerian prince is willing to give me 'fourty millon dollers'!" you're exactly the kind of person those scammers want to be spending their efforts on.

Similarly, when D'Souza makes a "documentary" like this, his incentive is to make the allegations as lurid as possible. The fact that they fall apart at a moment's inspection is irrelevant to his goal, which is to get the die-hards to fork over their $20.

From The Dispatch:

Fact Checking Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2,000 Mules’
The film’s ballot harvesting theory is full of holes.
Khaya Himmelman

On May 7, 2,000 Mules, a documentary film from right-wing provocateur Dinesh D'Souza, debuted in more than  270 theaters across the country. The movie, which grossed more than $1 million on the streaming service Rumble in under 12 hours, purports to have used cell phone geolocation data and video surveillance of mail-in ballot drop boxes to argue that President Joe Biden lost the 2020 election. 

D'Souza has a history of promoting false and misleading claims and has also received a presidential pardon from Donald Trump for a felony conviction for making illegal campaign contributions.

The basic premise of the 90-minute film is that 2,000 “mules” or “paid professional operatives” delivered “fraudulent and illegal votes” to mail-in drop boxes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia. The film supposedly uncovers an “elaborate network” of “mules” in key states that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. The evidence in question comes from conservative Texas-based organization True the Vote, founded by Catherine Engelbrecht. Throughout the movie, D'Souza interviews Engelbrecht as well as Gregg Phillips, a True the Vote board member, who is described as “having a deep background in election intelligence,” and explains the cell phone geolocation data on which True the Vote bases its claims. 

The movie, however, is riddled with errors and previously debunked claims of voter fraud, and it’s based on a faulty premise. 

The film opens with a once-viral video clip and meme of Biden saying: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Biden was not announcing his intent to commit voter fraud, as previous fact-checks have noted. Instead, he was describing efforts to prevent voter fraud and voter suppression. 

The quote dates to Biden’s October 2020 appearance on the Pod Save America podcast hosted by Jon Lovett and Dan Pfeiffer. At one point during the interview, Pfeiffer asked Biden a two-part question related to voting in the then-upcoming presidential election: 

“Part one, what’s your message to the folks who have not yet voted or do not have a plan to vote? And part two, for the folks who have already voted—50 million Americans who have already voted—what can they do, over the last 10 days, to help make sure that you’re the next president of the United States?”

In response, Biden shared resources for those who hadn’t yet voted and said, “Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote, especially people of color to vote. So, go to iwillvote.com.” 

Biden continued: “Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration, President Obama’s administration before this, we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things.”

The “voter fraud organization” in question refers to efforts to prevent voter fraud and voter suppression, which Biden believed was coming from Trump, as he previously noted.

A spokesperson for the Biden campaign confirmed to the New York Times that Biden was indeed discussing efforts to prevent voter fraud. The Biden campaign’s national press secretary, TJ Ducklo, said at the time: “We have assembled the most robust and sophisticated team in presidential campaign history to confront voter suppression and fight voter fraud however it may present itself,” the New York Times reported. 

The deceptively edited video flips his meaning and in doing so sets the tone for what’s to come.

D'Souza spends a considerable amount of time arguing that Trump was winning key states and that Biden pulling ahead overnight on election night was suspicious. But the numbers have an explanation.

In Wisconsin, for example, as we have reported, there was indeed a spike in votes for Biden from November 3 to November 4. But as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported, Milwaukee County’s approximately 170,000 absentee votes—which were tabulated overnight—mostly went to Biden. Prior to the counting of those absentee ballots, the Journal Sentinel reported, Trump was in the lead by more than 100,000 votes. Mail-in ballots often favored Democrats, in part because Trump had spent months before the election warning his supporters not to use mail-in voting. Election experts and some Republicans expressed concern that these warnings would diminish mail-in votes for Republicans. When those votes were counted later in the process they sometimes caused significant bumps in Biden’s vote count. This is not evidence of voter fraud.

D’Souza also claims True the Vote has identified 2,000 “mules” who harvested enough votes to change the outcome of the 2020 election. 

True the Vote claims it bought cell phone geolocation data (which is indeed available for purchase either from cell phone providers or from third-party data aggregators), from October 1, 2020, through November 3, 2020, in the five states that would have determined the outcome of the election. 

The basic idea is this: True the Vote claims that through anonymized geolocation cell phone data, it identified “mules” who visited multiple mail-in ballot boxes and stuffed ballot boxes with stacks of ballots. 

How did True the Vote identify these “mules”? If your cell phone geolocation data showed that you had gone near 10 or more ballot drop boxes and near one or more unnamed nonprofit organizations (referred to as a ballot “stash house” in the movie), between October 1 through November 3, you were considered a “mule.”

Ballot harvesting occurs when a third party collects and returns absentee or mail-in ballots on behalf of voters. Many states allow third parties to deliver ballots, David Becker, the executive director and founder of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research explained to The Dispatch Fact Check. “That’s entirely legal. The vast majority are family members and caregivers.”

As of May 17, 2022, 31 states explicitly allow someone other than the voter to return a completed ballot on someone else’s behalf, per the National Conference of State Legislatures. Among these 31 states, however, states may have different provisions related to who is authorized to do so. Sixteen states permit a voter to designate someone other than a family member, household member, or caregiver, to return a ballot on their behalf.

“Historically, the Democratic Party has been more aggressive in pursuing the absentee vote, including developing ballot harvesting strategies,” says Douglas Jones, a professor of computer science and election expert at the University of Iowa. “Where it’s legal, of course the Republicans have been doing it too, but in recent years, the shady sounding term ‘ballot harvesting’ has been used, almost entirely on the Republican side, to allege that Democrats have been engaging in fraud.”

Here’s how the verification process works in Arizona, specifically. In an email to The Dispatch Fact Check, Benny White, an elections expert in Tucson, explained that a “harvested” ballot is verified the same way any early ballot or mail-in ballot is verified. “The signature is visually verified by election staff in the Recorder’s office; they do this by comparing the signature on the affidavit envelope with a signature of record on file with the Recorder,” he says. “If verified, the ballot affidavit envelope is forwarded to the elections department where an election board opens the affidavit envelope, removes the ballot and store the empty envelope with other election materials.”

If, however, the signature cannot be verified, according to Arizona law, election officials must attempt to contact the voter and allow five working days for voters to verify their signature, White said. “If the envelope is not signed at all, election officials attempt to contact the voter and get the matter cleared up by the closing of the polls on Election Night.”

Here’s what’s important to keep in mind, outside of the specific case of Arizona. Even if a vote is illegally harvested in a state where harvesting is illegal, but the vote itself has not been tampered with in any way (i.e. it is signed and sealed) the vote itself would still be considered a legitimate legal vote. 

In the film, D'Souza relies on surveillance footage supposedly showing “mules” dropping off ballots at drop boxes. But the footage doesn't show this. The biggest issue, as Garrett Archer, data analyst at ABC15 in Phoenix and former senior elections analyst at the Arizona secretary of state’s office points out, is that we don’t see any surveillance footage of the “mules” going to drop boxes more than once. 

An example: D’Souza and True the Vote focus on one particular “mule” from North Carolina who allegedly went to the ballot box multiple times and had been identified in a number of locations. But we only see surveillance footage of her at one location for the entirety of the movie. Engelbrecht and Phillps, in an interview with D’Souza, say it’s suspicious that this particular woman is wearing gloves, which can be seen in the video surveillance footage. 

It’s easy to understand why some might regard such behavior as suspicious. But, as the Washington Post points out, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people wore gloves and masks as health precautions. As he does throughout the film, D’Souza chooses the most nefarious explanation of an event as the only possible explanation without bothering to explain why other plausible explanations must be ruled out.

Engelbrecht and Phillps also claim that the woman in the video surveillance footage put a “small stack” of ballots, “maybe three, maybe four” into the drop box at once. The issue, though, as the Washington Post puts it, is that it’s “not at all clear that the woman is putting more than one ballot in the box. There’s just one thin white rectangle that gets slipped into the box.” Phillips at one point, during the same scene, says that “we have her in a number of locations.” But again there’s no way to prove that she was in a “number of locations.”

(True the Vote did not respond to The Dispatch Fact Check’s request for comment.) 

D’Souza’s theory hinges on cell phone geolocation data revealing the alleged plot for “mules” to stuff the ballot drop boxes. But the geolocation data isn’t the smoking gun D’Souza says it is.

Jones explained how location data works: “The commercially available cell phone location data you can buy is harvested from cell phone apps that the phone user authorizes to have access to their location information.”

The most obvious problem, according to David Becker, the executive director and founder of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research, is that the ballot drop boxes, by definition, are placed in high-traffic areas. So, if someone goes to a library or a store near a drop box twice a day, their cell phone data may make them look like a “mule” under True the Vote’s criteria with no way to prove otherwise. 

“You have no way of knowing whether this geolocation data represents phones going to a library, a drop box, a store,” Becker says. “We just have no idea where these folks are going to.”

Cell phone data, says Jones, “cannot show that a person dropped ballots in the box, only that they passed in its vicinity. It would be really difficult to use it to distinguish between someone who walked by on the sidewalk and someone who stopped and dropped in a ballot or two.”

Also, it’s worth mentioning that in September 2021, per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer and True the Vote alleged that “GPS data identified 279 cell phones that had made multiple trips to within 100 feet of ballot drop boxes between Oct. 1 and Jan. 5.” But the head of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation determined there wasn’t enough evidence to pursue an investigation.

There are also legitimate reasons why a person might take multiple ballots to a drop box. “Depending on state law, there are legitimate reasons for a person to take multiple ballots to a drop box. Disabled people who vote by mail may rely on someone to help take their voted ballot to mail or to a drop box,” explained Jones. “The rules about this vary from state to state. In some states, it would be legal for a staff member at a retirement center to deliver ballots from residents to a drop box.”

There are still other problems with the geolocation conspiracy as presented in the film. The Washington Post reported that the geolocation maps purported to represent the cell phone geolocation pings are misleading too, noting that one of the maps in the film is actually a stock photo of Moscow.

True the Vote has even gone so far as to suggest that its data is so accurate it’s helped solve a murder case. 

At one point in the movie, Engelbrecht and Phillips explain to D’Souza that True the Vote chose to “validate” the geolocation methodology by looking at an Atlanta murder case that Engelbrecht described as “ebbing on cold case status.” The “cold case” in question was the murder of Secoriea Turner in July 2020. True the Vote purchased cell phone geolocation data from the vicinity of the shooting and based on the data, according to Phillips, they “could see visually there were only a handful of unique devices that could possibly have pulled the trigger.” Phillips goes on to say that he then turned this information over to the FBI. 

But the case was never a “cold case,” as the Washington Post reported. One suspect turned himself in in July 2020 and was arrested; a second suspect was arrested in August 2021. 

More problematic: The suggestion from True the Vote that its methodology had helped solve the case isn’t true. NPR reports: “True The Vote acknowledged it had contacted law enforcement more than two months later, meaning it played no role in those arrests or indictments.”

D’souza, after hearing Phillips and Engelbrecht describe their supposed involvement in the case, says “this parallels exactly the work you’re doing with the mules.”

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Driving today to San Diego for a family vacation we saw a 2000 Mule sign being held on an overpass. Of course my wife wanted to know what it was about, so I did my best to explain the premise. She asked all the obvious questions- what’s a mule? Is that illegal? How can they tell who is a mule? Aren’t drop boxes in public areas where a lot of people go? How close did they have to be? She quickly understood when I saw it.

Driving today to San Diego for a family vacation we saw a 2000 Mule sign being held on an overpass. Of course my wife wanted to know what it was about, so I did my best to explain the premise. She asked all the obvious questions- what’s a mule? Is that illegal? How can they tell who is a mule? Aren’t drop boxes in public areas where a lot of people go? How close did they have to be? She quickly understood when I saw it.
Sounds like she may be in on the conspiracy. GET OUT!!!!!


Amy Gardner


A computer image from "2000 Mules" purporting to show drop box locations in Gwinnett County, Ga. -- and the routes driven by allegedly criminal ballot harvesters -- are actually stock images of the city of ... Moscow. via



Analysis | Even the geolocation maps in ‘2000 Mules’ are misleading

6:38 PM · May 19, 2022·Twitter Web App

So great


Amy Gardner


A computer image from "2000 Mules" purporting to show drop box locations in Gwinnett County, Ga. -- and the routes driven by allegedly criminal ballot harvesters -- are actually stock images of the city of ... Moscow. via



Analysis | Even the geolocation maps in ‘2000 Mules’ are misleading

6:38 PM · May 19, 2022·Twitter Web App
Only thing that would be funnier is if they turned out to be balls

Since the release of the most successful political documentary in a long time, there has been even more focus on the 2020 results in battleground states.  Self proclaimed fact checkers have been working OT to discredit the film.  However, how legitimate are these “fact checkers” claims?

Expert fact checks the “fact checkers”

Keep up the good work KD.    I have not seen the movie and assume you have.   Does the film show any concrete proof of a single fraudulent vote and if so that is was cast for Biden?

Since the release of the most successful political documentary in a long time, there has been even more focus on the 2020 results in battleground states.  Self proclaimed fact checkers have been working OT to discredit the film.  However, how legitimate are these “fact checkers” claims?

Expert fact checks the “fact checkers”
You’ve done it again KD!

All that article really says is that GPS triangulation is more precise now than it was a few years ago.

It doesn’t address any of the supposed evidence that the film claims it could show, BUT DOES NOT.

You do have some emotional support with these frothy comments:

..."patriots around the country are seeing the truth about the obvious voter fraud that was caught on video..."

"We know about the ones that were recorded and who were sloppy enough to keep their phones with them as they committed systemic voter fraud..."

But still, the movie never shows any evidence, does it...

Nothing in this very successful scam of a documentary will ever end up in court. 

Since the release of the most successful political documentary in a long time, there has been even more focus on the 2020 results in battleground states.  Self proclaimed fact checkers have been working OT to discredit the film.  However, how legitimate are these “fact checkers” claims?

Expert fact checks the “fact checkers”

For an objective person like myself, definitely.  
For an “objective person like” yourself how do you feel about the 5 Michigan GOP candidates signature fraud scandal?


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Washington Post?  Come on. 
Wow source police.  

How about the content?  It’s not and opinion piece, it’s a fact.  Feel free to look it up from any “objective” site and get back to us on your objective viewpoint.  I’m interested. Thanks.  

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Not a thing.

You called yourself an “objective person”. I was curious about your objective opinion on this obvious cheating by the GOP.  
Sounds like incompetence, but who cares. If you are too lazy, too incompetent and/or too disorganized to collect that few signatures, then you are not fit to be Governor anyways.  

Michigan has become a circus in recent years.  Look at their Governor.  

Regardless, None of this has anything to do with the 2020 election unless you are saying the cheating that is documented in this film will lead to others thumbing their nose at election standards, then I tend to agree.  Sadly the alleged actions taken by some as pointed out in this popular documentary to ensure victory in 2020 will have long range implications in elections for years.  

There will be no real response.  I hope its schtick...but at this point even the schtick of refusing the WP while posting stuff from GatewayPundit is not even interesting anymore.
I think this has come up before, but please stick to the subject and not trying to  :pokey:  posters with personal stuff.  Your post has added nothing positive to the thread.  TIA.  

Dude is undoubtedly a grifter, $30 for an internet movie?  Who does he think he is Disney?

However, the videos of people loading stacks of ballots into drop boxes isn't a good look.  I haven't seen the movie, but have seen several suspicious videos that were probably from the movie.  Not s good look, and the #1 problem with drop boxes imo.  I want Blockchain voting.  

More unexplainable voting phenomenon coming out of woodwork after revealing 2000 Mules documentary is released

Michigan ballot harvesting?
Odd…that is a pretty small stack…and filming it…done to claim fraud later?  
More probable this is just more shenanigans by the shady characters on the right.  Something  for Project Veritas to use a clip later and claim it was a massive conspiracy by the left.

GatewayPundit? Come on (right?)

Well, this certainly seems to throw this "documentary" into question... The J6 Committee has responded to John Eastman's election nonsense. The quote below is from the response in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN DIVISION Page 31:


"Further, without analysis or discussion Dr. Eastman cites to articles suggesting the “improbability” of President Biden’s electoral victory and touts a recent documentary claiming a “massive and illegal ballot harvesting scheme.” Br. at 6. In particular, the filmmaker admits that he did not identify one false or fraudulent vote cast, but instead insists that his movie should be a “spur” to investigators “to come up with the evidence of a legal offense.”46 Again, to use the words of Judge Brann from Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar, “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption . . . That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with . . . speculative accusations . . . unsupported by evidence.” 502 F. Supp. 3d 899, 906 (M.D. Pa. 2020)."

Any lawyers here want to wade into this? If there is anything contradictory, I'd love to hear it, but it seems like false claims of election fraud might just be the fraud the right is looking for.

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Odd…that is a pretty small stack…and filming it…done to claim fraud later?  
More probable this is just more shenanigans by the shady characters on the right.  Something  for Project Veritas to use a clip later and claim it was a massive conspiracy by the left.

GatewayPundit? Come on (right?)
Or filming it to make sure they get paid is the most likely option.  

knowledge dropper said:
For an objective person like myself, definitely.  

Objective person?   Even the the filmmaker admits that he did not identify one false or fraudulent vote cast.

This has been the problem all along with Trump and his whole "election is rigged" line.   In more than 18 months they haven't been able to show any proof of fraud.  It is beyond silly that he keeps up with this nonsense and people keeping buy it without demanding proof.

I realize that you think Trump is the bees knees but wouldn't you like some real evidence that actually shows ballots fraudulently cast for Biden?

Objective person?   Even the the filmmaker admits that he did not identify one false or fraudulent vote cast.

This has been the problem all along with Trump and his whole "election is rigged" line.   In more than 18 months they haven't been able to show any proof of fraud.  It is beyond silly that he keeps up with this nonsense and people keeping buy it without demanding proof.

I realize that you think Trump is the bees knees but wouldn't you like some real evidence that actually shows ballots fraudulently cast for Biden?
I think the video evidence provided in many locations is compelling and have yet to see a logical explanation when it is happening in states where ballot harvesting is illegal.  Geo-tracking takes time and resources.  

I think the video evidence provided in many locations is compelling and have yet to see a logical explanation when it is happening in states where ballot harvesting is illegal.  Geo-tracking takes time and resources.  

Is it possible that any illegal ballot harvesting, if it even occurred, could have been done by any Republicans?  

With 2000 Mules, how come we don't have a dozen or more coming forward to explain the whole thing? Feels like $100,000 per person would be more than enough for someone/everyone to spill all the dirty details.


From the same court filing re: 2000 Mules


This is a really enlightening interview with D'Souza about his "evidence" in the movie, or his "theory" about what evidence he's trying to show.

Discussing the Gaps in ‘2000 Mules’ with Dinesh D’Souza, Wash. Post (May 17, 2022), (interview with filmmaker in which he acknowledges quote from film: “I want to make very clear that we’re not suggesting the
ballots that were cast were illegal ballots.”).

I think the video evidence provided in many locations is compelling and have yet to see a logical explanation when it is happening in states where ballot harvesting is illegal.  Geo-tracking takes time and resources.  
Compelling how?  Given D’Souza’s own admission ms posted in this thread including below.


From the same court filing re: 2000 Mules


This is a really enlightening interview with D'Souza about his "evidence" in the movie, or his "theory" about what evidence he's trying to show.

Discussing the Gaps in ‘2000 Mules’ with Dinesh D’Souza, Wash. Post (May 17, 2022), (interview with filmmaker in which he acknowledges quote from film: “I want to make very clear that we’re not suggesting the
ballots that were cast were illegal ballots.”).

Filming themselves committing a felony when they can just check voter records on the internet for free?

”here’s your evidence Officer. Please arrest me now!”
It’s deleted as soon as they show it to their organizer and deleted as soon as they get paid.  Not hard to understand.   

Compelling how?  Given D’Souza’s own admission ms posted in this thread including below.
Smart comment.  He’s putting evidence out there for the court of public opinion.  He cannot tell you what is in the stacks of ballots that mules are seen dropping in the drop boxes, but many know what’s going on.  

Smart comment.  He’s putting evidence out there for the court of public opinion.  He cannot tell you what is in the stacks of ballots that mules are seen dropping in the drop boxes, but many know what’s going on.  
"Many know what's going on" does not instill much confidence that what he's pedaling is valid. Just because the infamous "they" think something is happening doesn't make it so. D'Souza even admits there is no evidence that any of these ballots were illegal. 

This is a money grab, just like everything else related to the 2020 election fraud that some can't seem to move on from. It seems like this is just the new default theory the MAGA's are going to cling to, no matter how much their "evidence" lacks any credible proof.

Maybe the lizard people stole all of TFG's votes. It's just as plausible. 

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knowledge dropper said:
Sounds like incompetence, but who cares. If you are too lazy, too incompetent and/or too disorganized to collect that few signatures, then you are not fit to be Governor anyways.  

Michigan has become a circus in recent years.  Look at their Governor.  

Regardless, None of this has anything to do with the 2020 election unless you are saying the cheating that is documented in this film will lead to others thumbing their nose at election standards, then I tend to agree.  Sadly the alleged actions taken by some as pointed out in this popular documentary to ensure victory in 2020 will have long range implications in elections for years.  
Thank you for answering, I mean that.  

I do find it funny though that you frame the blatant and atrocious cheating here by the 5 GOP contenders as merely “incompetence”, “laziness” and “disorganized” as opposed to what it is, cheating.  Doesn’t feel too “objective” to me. But I digress.  

You ask how this relates to the 2020 election, here’s how.  Them being caught, like the other cases that have been caught and proven, Show that the system is working. Cheaters try and get caught. Here we are well over two years later from Trumps claims, multiple investigations (even highly partisan ones), a documentary and all kinds of discussion and lawsuits yet not one shred of actual proof. Nothing. Nada. Zip.  

You’ve been fooled KD. A world class narcissist can’t stand to have lost and you been duped by his bruised ego into believing something that just isn’t true. Add in your blue team bad bias and this whole thing has you and others like you hooked. Now I know my words aren’t going to change it, as the saying goes it’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve  been fooled, but it’s the truth.  The system works, as these 5 cheaters can attest too, that’s how it relates to 2020. 

With 2000 Mules, how come we don't have a dozen or more coming forward to explain the whole thing? Feels like $100,000 per person would be more than enough for someone/everyone to spill all the dirty details.
Because it didn’t happen.  🤷


From the same court filing re: 2000 Mules


This is a really enlightening interview with D'Souza about his "evidence" in the movie, or his "theory" about what evidence he's trying to show.

Discussing the Gaps in ‘2000 Mules’ with Dinesh D’Souza, Wash. Post (May 17, 2022), (interview with filmmaker in which he acknowledges quote from film: “I want to make very clear that we’re not suggesting the
ballots that were cast were illegal ballots.”).
Won’t be long before we see a Sydney Powell or Alex Jones type of quote from D’Souza.  Something along the lines of the movie is “for entertainment purposes only” 

Thank you for answering, I mean that.  

I do find it funny though that you frame the blatant and atrocious cheating here by the 5 GOP contenders as merely “incompetence”, “laziness” and “disorganized” as opposed to what it is, cheating.  Doesn’t feel too “objective” to me. But I digress.  

You ask how this relates to the 2020 election, here’s how.  Them being caught, like the other cases that have been caught and proven, Show that the system is working. Cheaters try and get caught. Here we are well over two years later from Trumps claims, multiple investigations (even highly partisan ones), a documentary and all kinds of discussion and lawsuits yet not one shred of actual proof. Nothing. Nada. Zip.  

You’ve been fooled KD. A world class narcissist can’t stand to have lost and you been duped by his bruised ego into believing something that just isn’t true. Add in your blue team bad bias and this whole thing has you and others like you hooked. Now I know my words aren’t going to change it, as the saying goes it’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve  been fooled, but it’s the truth.  The system works, as these 5 cheaters can attest too, that’s how it relates to 2020. 
Thanks. I’m good.  I am 100% certain history will vindicate the theories behind what really happened in 2020.  It will take time. 

Sadly, we are stuck with arguably the most inept regime in American history for 2.5 more years. We just need to huddle up and survive it.  

With 2000 Mules, how come we don't have a dozen or more coming forward to explain the whole thing? Feels like $100,000 per person would be more than enough for someone/everyone to spill all the dirty details.
This. The first one to turn gets the best deal.

Thanks. I’m good.  I am 100% certain history will vindicate the theories behind what really happened in 2020.  It will take time. 

Sadly, we are stuck with arguably the most inept regime in American history for 2.5 more years. We just need to huddle up and survive it.  
Yeah, don't you know there are generations of Trump's that will cling to his deluded notions of a stolen election? It will be the heirloom that those grifters keep rolling for generations to come. 

Thanks. I’m good.  I am 100% certain history will vindicate the theories behind what really happened in 2020.  It will take time. 

Sadly, we are stuck with arguably the most inept regime in American history for 2.5 more years. We just need to huddle up and survive it.  
Unfortunately most conspiracy theorists are so you’ll have plenty of company.  But since you are 100% certain despite zero proof you might want to stop considering yourself “objective”.  Objective people require proof to be 100% certain of something.  Food for thought.  

Its been a rough 6.5 yrs there is no doubt about it. 

Smart comment.  He’s putting evidence out there for the court of public opinion.  He cannot tell you what is in the stacks of ballots that mules are seen dropping in the drop boxes, but many know what’s going on.  
He is unnecessarily creating a false narrative of a stolen election to cash in.  And its sad that some believe it…despite him saying there is no actual evidence of fraud…despite actual legal courts showing as much.

Thanks. I’m good.  I am 100% certain history will vindicate the theories behind what really happened in 2020.  It will take time. 

Sadly, we are stuck with arguably the most inept regime in American history for 2.5 more years. We just need to huddle up and survive it.  
History has already shown what happened is Donald Trump legitimately lost the election.  He then went on a tantrum of lies which ended up in his supporters doing the previously unthinkable on January 6th.  That the US House of Representatives held him responsible for those actions…but Mitch McConnell and a complicit group of GOP Senators failed to do their duty to country and let him off the hook.  That he continues to spread the lies and hate about the election to grift more money and some continue to support such a bad person in his quests for money and power in this country. 

History has already shown what happened is Donald Trump legitimately lost the election.  He then went on a tantrum of lies which ended up in his supporters doing the previously unthinkable on January 6th.  That the US House of Representatives held him responsible for those actions…but Mitch McConnell and a complicit group of GOP Senators failed to do their duty to country and let him off the hook.  That he continues to spread the lies and hate about the election to grift more money and some continue to support such a bad person in his quests for money and power in this country. 
CNN must love you.  


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