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Media Criticism (4 Viewers)

Thank you for editing your post and including the article. I’ll check it out.
😆 Boy you are something else.  The article was in there the whole time chief.  The only edit to the post was to correct a spelling error, and that correction was done on Feb. 10 as it clearly shows in the post.

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😆 Boy you are something else.  The article was in there the whole time chief.  The only edit to the post was to correct a spelling error, and that correction was done on Feb. 10 as it clearly shows in the post.
Well, I guess I missed it. I'll read it and thank you for posting it.

I cited the salon article in my post.  

Here’s an article on MBFC’s methodology.

So, I have now read an all-time total of one article on salon.com

And the issue is not the contents of the article (the article is clearly left biased). The issue is Did MBFC rate salon.com correctly…

MBFC says: Overall, we rate Salon Left Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the left and endorsements of political positions affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Bias Rating: LEFT
Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

The title was loaded with language meant to invoke anger, and shock the reader.

“At last, the Republican Party comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy”

(The article itself used the word “evil” one time.)

The terrorism charged in the article is stochastic terrorism. I thought it was going to be a J6 article, but there is only a brief mention of domestic terrorism of J6. Its more of a look into the future.

The article says “Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement behind him have been using the propaganda technique known as stochastic terrorism.”

I had to look it up…

Stochastic Terrorism:  the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:

All and all, this article is an opinion piece written by a pissed off left wing partisan. No doubt.

The range scale at MBFC shows salon.com to be way left.

However, I hate to tell you, he seems to be using facts. From this single opinion article, I can not debunk the “Mostly Factual” rating of the overall website.

This article is not enough to convince me that MBFC, or all fact checking sites are not worth using. I think that is crazy. I’d have to read more articles on salon.com, or hear from others who frequent the site.

I and the link from politifactbias.com?

Wow! I mean, that dude has an axe to grind for sure!

I do appreciate that people give these fact checking sites scrutiny. Nothing wrong with fact checking the fact checkers. His methodology doesn’t really ring true with me, but I’m not going to try to talk anyone out of believing it.

Dozers rating on using mediabaisfactcheck.com and calling people out for bad sources….


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So, I have now read an all-time total of one article on salon.com

And the issue is not the contents of the article (the article is clearly left biased). The issue is Did MBFC rate salon.com correctly…

MBFC says: Overall, we rate Salon Left Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the left and endorsements of political positions affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Bias Rating: LEFT
Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

The title was loaded with language meant to invoke anger, and shock the reader.

“At last, the Republican Party comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy”

(The article itself used the word “evil” one time.)

The terrorism charged in the article is stochastic terrorism. I thought it was going to be a J6 article, but there is only a brief mention of domestic terrorism of J6. Its more of a look into the future.

The article says “Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement behind him have been using the propaganda technique known as stochastic terrorism.”

I had to look it up…

Stochastic Terrorism:  the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:

All and all, this article is an opinion piece written by a pissed off left wing partisan. No doubt.

The range scale at MBFC shows salon.com to be way left.

However, I hate to tell you, he seems to be using facts. From this single opinion article, I can not debunk the “Mostly Factual” rating of the overall website.

This article is not enough to convince me that MBFC, or all fact checking sites are not worth using. I think that is crazy. I’d have to read more articles on salon.com, or hear from others who frequent the site.

I and the link from politifactbias.com?

Wow! I mean, that dude has an axe to grind for sure!

I do appreciate that people give these fact checking sites scrutiny. Nothing wrong with fact checking the fact checkers. His methodology doesn’t really ring true with me, but I’m not going to try to talk anyone out of believing it.

Dozers rating on using mediabaisfactcheck.com and calling people out for bad sources….

Yeah ok

Seeing a lot of headlines other than "Russia Invades Ukraine".  Politico for one.

Worth noting who can't get this basic story right.

This to me seems an opportune time for CNN to get back to what they used to do well.  News with no spin.  Have your editorial sections, sure, everyone does.   But go back to good reporting...especially now when things in Ukraine look bad.   Would be great to see one of the former true news outlet abandon their tabloid journalism and get back to what made them good at one time.

This to me seems an opportune time for CNN to get back to what they used to do well.  News with no spin.  Have your editorial sections, sure, everyone does.   But go back to good reporting...especially now when things in Ukraine look bad.   Would be great to see one of the former true news outlet abandon their tabloid journalism and get back to what made them good at one time.

I have some reservations that they will be able to do so, and it is not clear how the current lineup of puppets could survive after performing as propaganda mouthpieces for leftism for the last 6 years.

They have a new leader, let's give him some time and maybe we can see a return to some journalistic integrity.

I have some reservations that they will be able to do so, and it is not clear how the current lineup of puppets could survive after performing as propaganda mouthpieces for leftism for the last 6 years.

They have a new leader, let's give him some time and maybe we can see a return to some journalistic integrity.
Yeah well, I was in a hotel room last night and decided to turn on Fox.  jeez they are bad.  I mean really bad. All they wanted to do was point fingers at the current admit and it really bothered me.   Not sure if CNN is doing the same, but it's likely.  It's a shame.

Yeah well, I was in a hotel room last night and decided to turn on Fox.  jeez they are bad.  I mean really bad. All they wanted to do was point fingers at the current admit and it really bothered me.   Not sure if CNN is doing the same, but it's likely.  It's a shame.

Correct.  The area of farcical journalism was once the exclusive domain of Fox.  Trump appears to have compelled CNN/MSNBC to also move down that path. Where they were at one time rather reliable.

I have to believe they can go back to being true journalists, and protect people from power.

Where they were at one time rather reliable
MSNBC's entire business model was restructured around countering Fox News. This was going on back in the aughts. So they really haven't been a credible news organization for about twenty years running. Fox has seemingly upped the ante, blurring the lines between government and news to such a degree one could have called it state-sponsored under the Trump administration. CNN went off the rails with Trump, as you note. 

Now that this Biden laptop story has been proven true, do a google search and there are no MSM links to this.  It’s reallY all you need to know about the state of the media and what they want out there now.  

Thought I would go a different direction and search thru DuckDuckGo, basically the same things come up.  This tells us that the MSM has swept it under the rug.  If the liberal media doesn’t cover a story, is it actually a story?  Tim, chime in on this.

If you thought it was more likely that Russians faked thousands of emails than that a crack addict forgot where he left his laptop, maybe you should re-evaluate where you get your news.

Ok so can I get a rundown of this story please?  I don’t really follow the Soap Opera that is national politics too much anymore.

Hunter Biden had some emails?  And they were left on a laptop?  And these emails are a problem why?  


this will also answer your post about why it mattered.  It’s kind of a long read, but it lays it out pretty well.
I got to the part where it mentioned the Deep state, eyerolled, and stopped reading. 

So Hunter owes taxes from income.   Ok.  Is that the whole story?  Obviously this income is very important and he’s the presidents kid but how is this really such a big deal?  Have him pay his taxes or send him to jail.  

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If you thought it was more likely that Russians faked thousands of emails than that a crack addict forgot where he left his laptop, maybe you should re-evaluate where you get your news.

First let me state...that suppressing any of it or just calling it lies and disinformation was wrong...dead wrong.  No excuse for suppressing that it was out there.  They could have reported it with skepticism (given how it came about from Rudy, that would have been wise)...but not just shutting it down, that should not have happened.

But lets not forget that Rudy was involved in the whole finding of the laptop part...yeah, adding him adds in a ton of skepticism from the start.  And where they were wrong was suppressing and Twitter banning the NYPost (which I believe they have admitted was wrong)...they should have reported it more than they did.  They can opine and add skepticism based on the story...but to make outright claims like some did of disinformation or hacked was an issue.

But lets also look at the post story that is proclaiming the NYT authenticated the laptop.  That is not what the NYT story says either...is it?  It says they authenticated the emails.  That and the whole article talking "deep state" is a bit much coming from the POST as well.  I have backed off of supporting the NYT for what it was.  They get $0 from me and therefore, zero real clicks as their stuff is behind the paywall.  I prefer the BBC, AP, Reuters and a few other sources when they come in searches.  But one should also look to new sources of news if you rely on the NYPOST.  They got parts of this story right...Im betting if we look at original reporting of them they also took liberties with the facts.  But they got this gist of it about emails...and credit to them and they get a mea culpa for that.

I got to the part where it mentioned the Deep state, eyerolled, and stopped reading. 

So Hunter owes taxes from income.   Ok.  Is that the whole story?  Obviously this income is very important and he’s the presidents kid but how is this really such a big deal?  Have him pay his taxes or send him to jail.  
You quit reading the article

First let me state...that suppressing any of it or just calling it lies and disinformation was wrong...dead wrong.  No excuse for suppressing that it was out there.  They could have reported it with skepticism (given how it came about from Rudy, that would have been wise)...but not just shutting it down, that should not have happened.

But lets not forget that Rudy was involved in the whole finding of the laptop part...yeah, adding him adds in a ton of skepticism from the start.  And where they were wrong was suppressing and Twitter banning the NYPost (which I believe they have admitted was wrong)...they should have reported it more than they did.  They can opine and add skepticism based on the story...but to make outright claims like some did of disinformation or hacked was an issue.

But lets also look at the post story that is proclaiming the NYT authenticated the laptop.  That is not what the NYT story says either...is it?  It says they authenticated the emails.  That and the whole article talking "deep state" is a bit much coming from the POST as well.  I have backed off of supporting the NYT for what it was.  They get $0 from me and therefore, zero real clicks as their stuff is behind the paywall.  I prefer the BBC, AP, Reuters and a few other sources when they come in searches.  But one should also look to new sources of news if you rely on the NYPOST.  They got parts of this story right...Im betting if we look at original reporting of them they also took liberties with the facts.  But they got this gist of it about emails...and credit to them and they get a mea culpa for that.
Perhaps you should just step down from being the source police.

The Post's partisan rhetoric aside, it seems like the "story", such as it is, is about allegations that the Biden family, including Joe, was getting substantial sums of money through payments by foreign investors via Hunter.  The story comes through some of the e-mails and was supported by Tony Bobulinski.  Which, if true, certainly seems like a story unless your opinion is that this sort of corruption is rampant throughout Washington and therefore a dog-bites-man story.  Which is sadly a fairly defensible position.

As far as the "media bias" angle of this, if you compare the treatment of the laptop to the 2004 Rathergate Texas Air National Guard story, wherein a document supposedly printed on a 1973 typewriter could be exactly duplicated using the default Microsoft Word settings but somehow was not-so extensively scrutinized before being aired as fact in a national broadcast during the runup to an election, well, there's certainly a contrast there that will be noted by a particular partisan group.  How indicative it is of a broader problem will most likely involve pages of back and forth and talking past each other.

That pesky lame stream media is at it again. CBS this time. First they hired Reince Priebus last year and now Mick Mulvaney.


So Mulvaney is "a former Office of Management and Budget director" and not that he was Trump's chief of staff?  Okay CBS.

Cool.  Maybe we'll get 50+ years of Conservative bias in 99% of the MSM now to make up for the last 50 years of overwhelming liberal bias.

Fair is fair, after all.

I got to the part where it mentioned the Deep state, eyerolled, and stopped reading.
Why though?  You ever read about the CIA or how they illegally spied on us?  The ways we subvert other countries in the name of democracy?  Protected Saudi Arabia from scrutiny for 20 years running now since 9/11, despite the victims’ families begging the US government for accountability?  Never wondered why nothing ever changes regardless of who is in power?  

I didn’t click the article but I think it’s really uncritical when people say stuff like this 

Israel murders Palestinian journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh (of Al Jazeera) in the street.  She was wearing her press vest.  And the New York Times can’t bring itself to say who killed her in the headline.  She just arbitrarily ‘died during clashes’.  But it does take care to distinguish between “Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen”.  




It sure does seem like Israel gets a free pass from US media more often than not. But at least NYT is mentioning it. I did a cursory glance around cable news the evening it happened and there was nary a word anywhere. 

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It sure does seem like Israel gets a free pass from US media more often than not. But at least NYT is mentioning it. I did a cursory glance around cable news the evening it happened and there was nary a word anywhere. 
They did report on it at least.  I checked out of curiosity just to see how they’ve been curating the story- changes in headline, changes in abstract- it’s just the passive voice through and through. No singular entity fired the weapon, she just up and died it seems.  


I imagine they would not have spared the aggressor like this if it were Russians killing a journalist in Ukraine, or China killing one in Taiwan.  Just think it’s passed the point of absurdity how supposedly credible media institutions cover these things.  

maybe George Washington  Floyd University?

This is just a student opinion. But it's unclear whether it's a fringe position, and if so, why it being published and magnified?

Of course George Washington wasn't perfect, but perhaps the closest comparison to him in 2022 is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Volodymyr will have to follow up the current Ukraine war by surviving, winning the war and having a significant hand in creating the greatest democracy of the 21st century - good luck to him. 

maybe George


  Floyd University?

This is just a student opinion. But it's unclear whether it's a fringe position, and if so, why it being published and magnified?

Of course George


wasn't perfect, but perhaps the closest comparison to him in 2022 is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Volodymyr will have to follow up the current Ukraine war by surviving, winning the war and having a significant hand in creating the greatest democracy of the 21st century - good luck to him. 

and then 200 years later be erased from history because of some made up injustice or Outrage Du Jour.   

Now that I think about it, Ukraine should probably just surrender to Russia now. 

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I stopped reading a third of the way through. Because he states that the core BLM narrative is that blacks are shot by police  more than whites. That’s simply false. The BLM narrative is that blacks are mistreated by police more than whites. And it’s correct. So I’m pretty sure, after reading that, that this guy is manipulating data to try and make a political point, and that’s why he was fired. I’m guessing justifiably. 

I stopped reading a third of the way through. Because he states that the core BLM narrative is that blacks are shot by police  more than whites. That’s simply false. The BLM narrative is that blacks are mistreated by police more than whites. And it’s correct. So I’m pretty sure, after reading that, that this guy is manipulating data to try and make a political point, and that’s why he was fired. I’m guessing justifiably. 
One of the things that makes woke ideology sort of unique is how people will say stuff -- like that black people are unjustly shot by police more often than whites -- and then when that turns out to be untrue they'll just blithely deny that anybody ever said that.  As if we weren't there at the time and weren't listening.

Not sure why folks don't think that carries a reputational consequence.


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