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Non-Tokers Only: If Marijuana Were Legalized in your State, Would You (1 Viewer)

Would you buy some weed if it were legalized?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 47.8%
  • No

    Votes: 108 52.2%

  • Total voters
Haven't touched it since the 70's. If legality and employment issues were set aside I could see myself in the Summertime with a slight buzz, sitting on my deck listening to some music.
From what I've read, there's worlds of difference in potency between the stuff you toked in the 70's versus now.

I usually pick some up once or twice a year. It'll last a couple of weeks. After I smoke it, I usually don't want any more for a while. I might buy more if it was legal but it wouldn't be much more.

Haven't touched it since the 70's. If legality and employment issues were set aside I could see myself in the Summertime with a slight buzz, sitting on my deck listening to some music.
From what I've read, there's worlds of difference in potency between the stuff you toked in the 70's versus now.
LOL - My son always reminds me of this when I tell him I used to pay $40-$60 for an ounce.

Nah. Hell, I barely drink alcohol anymore, so I doubt pot becoming legal would suddenly make me want to smoke it.
You're a guitar player and you don't like getting high?
I guess not. Thought you played guitar. Are you a musician? Maybe confusing you with someone else.
No. But given how much prog rock I like, some often assume I am since many fans of that genre tend to be players themselves.

Have never tried it and don't ever see trying it regardless of it's legality.

I've known dozens of people throughout my life who smoked and none of them would I consider successful in their careers or look at them and think their life is better than mine. I'm positive there are hundreds of thousands of people out there I don't know that are as successful or more successful than I am and smoke, but from what I've seen, it's not a hobby that leads to career or financial success.

All that being said...I support it's legality for regulation and taxation purposes.

No. The reason I quit getting high 25 years ago is because I loved it so much, all I wanted to do was get high. The only way I'd smoke again is if I was terminally ill or in prison.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.
Yeah, the only reason I even get any is because a friend I know sells it. Back in the day, I'd have to go into some seriously questionable areas in Bushwick and pass my money through a hole in the door. I wouldn't be doing that now.

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I would partake occasionally if it were legal.

Even though < an ounce is "decriminalized" here, it is still a big stigma in my small town if you get busted. I really don't care what people think about me, but my daughter would have to deal with some harassing at school.

Maybe when she gets out of high school I will explore some of the illegal options, because my state will be one of the last to ever legalize it.

Why not, right? If there's no legal downside to doing it at your residence and you have some downtime, I'd view it the same as kicking a 6-pack.

Although in AZ they'd have to significantly change the DUI laws as they apply to marijuana. The way it presently works you really can't drive for at least a couple weeks after smoking. Additionally, I'd probably have to wait for the feds to change the law too for job purposes.

Assuming though that me smoking wasn't illegal, I'd probably buy a little now and then to smoke up on a Friday/Saturday night and view it as akin to drinking a 6 pack or a bottle of wine.

Gave it up in the eighties and it felt like a selfish thing to do when I was married and raising a family on a tight budget. But the kids are grown and out now (and would get me some if I asked, not that I wouldn't have alternative sources) and I'm nearing a comfortable retirement. I think it would be fun to grow a little of my own and while away the slow days with a light buzz.

I have this odd desire for Wal Mart to find a way to become the only legal pot distributor. Then we'll see who is really committed to hating Wal Mart.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
Completely disagree. I think a very large percentage of working adults who drink recreationally would start smoking recreationally as well if weed were treated like alcohol. I know that's the camp I fall into.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
Completely disagree. I think a very large percentage of working adults who drink recreationally would start smoking recreationally as well if weed were treated like alcohol. I know that's the camp I fall into.
Here in Northen Europe there is a very strong anti smoking/secondary smoke emotion going on. I'd assume that the same anti smoking in public (abd begining to be anti smoking in private too) stigma would apply for marijuana so I doubt many more would toke here if it was legalized. As a matter of fact they would have to change the laws for driving under the influence here also as there is a zero tolerance policy for driving on drugs. Not sure how precise the new field testing equipment is though.

Smoked quite a bit in the early 90s but I think only once in the last 10 years. As I aged, I knew less and less people who smoked and now I don't even know how to find a dealer without awkwardly asking around. I don't drink a lot but if pot were legal, I think I would certainly drink even less and choose pot instead when I feel the urge to be altered.

I'm pretty weirded out by people who are sufficiently deterred merely by pot's illegality.
I don't think it's surprising at all. I love Bourbon. But if I had to contact some shady contact to get bourbon and then risk (no matter how small a risk) getting arrested every time I get bourbon, I wouldn't do it. Heck, I probably wouldn't drink bourbon if I had to drive 10 miles to get it. It's not a moral qualm, it's simply a matter of not wanting to deal with the hassle.
This difference of opinion is due to geography. The west coast is a completely diff world. I had to jump thru so many hoops in DC to get buds that it rarely made it worthwhile. Out west you almost have to avoid it. And I live in one of the more conservative areas.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.

I smoked/grew/cooked with until I was about 27. Then it stopped being fun. I would probably smoke more regularly if I could pick the strain, which legalizing it would presumably make possible. A light sativa buzz when doing something creative or exercising is a great thing. The heavy indica stoning is not. I like getting high, not stoned. Or maybe if we went back to the '70s model, with outdoor grown commercial weed with stems and seeds and we'd measure is lids and all that. Sign me up. But this business of needing four hours to set aside to be paralyzed is not for me. It's not a pleasant experience.
Bingo. I rarely blaze these days b/c of this exact reason. Can't become a rotting log for 4 hours.

Occasionally I'll get a couple nugs of medicinal sativa and it's fantastic.

I'm pretty weirded out by people who are sufficiently deterred merely by pot's illegality.
I don't think it's surprising at all. I love Bourbon. But if I had to contact some shady contact to get bourbon and then risk (no matter how small a risk) getting arrested every time I get bourbon, I wouldn't do it. Heck, I probably wouldn't drink bourbon if I had to drive 10 miles to get it. It's not a moral qualm, it's simply a matter of not wanting to deal with the hassle.
This difference of opinion is due to geography. The west coast is a completely diff world. I had to jump thru so many hoops in DC to get buds that it rarely made it worthwhile. Out west you almost have to avoid it. And I live in one of the more conservative areas.
Yeah, maybe that's the difference I don't understand. It'd be so easy to get some for me (even w/o a medical card) in CA, the legal risk is basically nil.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.
Wow. In my state pot possession can be charged as a felony. It's a DUI to merely be driving with its metabolite (inactive THC) in your blood.

If I got caught with weed and charged there's a strong likelihood I'd be disbarred. Major deterrent for me.

I'm pretty weirded out by people who are sufficiently deterred merely by pot's illegality.
I don't think it's surprising at all. I love Bourbon. But if I had to contact some shady contact to get bourbon and then risk (no matter how small a risk) getting arrested every time I get bourbon, I wouldn't do it. Heck, I probably wouldn't drink bourbon if I had to drive 10 miles to get it. It's not a moral qualm, it's simply a matter of not wanting to deal with the hassle.
This difference of opinion is due to geography. The west coast is a completely diff world. I had to jump thru so many hoops in DC to get buds that it rarely made it worthwhile. Out west you almost have to avoid it. And I live in one of the more conservative areas.
Yeah, maybe that's the difference I don't understand. It'd be so easy to get some for me (even w/o a medical card) in CA, the legal risk is basically nil.
Yep. Think 10x the effort for dirty, bricky, seedy, stemy buds. Calling people you don't know, meeting in parking lots or driving up to strangers on the street.

East Coast absolutely blows on this issue.

I think the people who have never smoked it because it's illegal would be the ones who would have a freak out when they legally smoke it. I wouldn't smoke more if it was legal but I'd probably eat a ton more.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.
:confused: Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.
Wow. In my state pot possession can be charged as a felony. It's a DUI to merely be driving with its metabolite (inactive THC) in your blood. If I got caught with weed and charged there's a strong likelihood I'd be disbarred. Major deterrent for me.
This kind of mentality is why AZ sucks. Not your mentality Zow, but the mentality of a populace that enacts such ignorant legislation.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.
:confused: Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.
Wow. In my state pot possession can be charged as a felony. It's a DUI to merely be driving with its metabolite (inactive THC) in your blood. If I got caught with weed and charged there's a strong likelihood I'd be disbarred. Major deterrent for me.
This kind of mentality is why AZ sucks. Not your mentality Zow, but the mentality of a populace that enacts such ignorant legislation.
The force is strong in the religious right in AZ.

What's funny is that in the last ten years there two propositions have passed which 1) prohibited incarceration as a term of sentence for a first time weed possession charge; and 2) made medical marijuana legal. Those things passed, weed possession still remains a felony offense* and with the new medical marijuana laws having zero effect on DUI-Drug laws DUI convictions have actually increased.

What's also funny is when I have to explain all this to clients from California.

*Eligible to be either pled down to a misdemeanor/undesignated offense or outright charged as a misdemeanor.

in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.
Wow. In my state pot possession can be charged as a felony. It's a DUI to merely be driving with its metabolite (inactive THC) in your blood.

If I got caught with weed and charged there's a strong likelihood I'd be disbarred. Major deterrent for me.
I live in Chicago and I don't drive.

I've never smoked weed. I don't know if I would if it was legalized in my state (CA).

I have no burning desire to try it though, and employers do still test for it, so there's that.
Do you think your employers (and CA employers in general) would continue to test for it if it were legalized like in CO?

Would that even be legal?

If you smoked occasionally 15 or 20 years and didn't really like it, try it again. You were probably smoking dirt weed and now you've got access to the medical grade stink. It's night and day!

Haven't touched it since the 70's. If legality and employment issues were set aside I could see myself in the Summertime with a slight buzz, sitting on my deck listening to some music.
From what I've read, there's worlds of difference in potency between the stuff you toked in the 70's versus now.
Louis CK does a bit on this that will have the 40+ crowd smiling and nodding in agreement.

It's a great question. I live in a state where it's legal and I have not had a desire to smoke any. I have plenty of neighbors and friends that openly smoke outside, and will offer a hit and I have declined.

With all that being said, retail stores will be opening this spring and I am going to most likely try it... just for the experience and the fact that in a small way I am contributing to making history.

Nah. Did enough when I was younger. Agreed that it's weird anyone who has never smoked it would try it now. That's odd

Over/under on how many times that Louis CK bit will be posted?

I got 4. 10 if the stoners all show up.

It's a great question. I live in a state where it's legal and I have not had a desire to smoke any. I have plenty of neighbors and friends that openly smoke outside, and will offer a hit and I have declined.

With all that being said, retail stores will be opening this spring and I am going to most likely try it... just for the experience and the fact that in a small way I am contributing to making history.
No you won't.
in the beginning i think some would try that don't usually smoke, but in the long run those that don't smoke wouldn't and those that already do still would.

The legality of weed probably has zero effect on the % of those that will end up smoking it.
I don't believe that for a second. The main reason I don't smoke isn't because it's illegal but because most of the people I hang around with don't. As a result, I would have to go search it out. When I do run into it at a party, I always indulge. If I could pick up a dime bag on my way home across the street from where I get my booze I'd certainly add it into the rotation. While legalization won't cause everyone to start, I think there are a lot of people like me.

Isn't your main concern the collateral consequences on your professional license?
I'm not concerned.
Wow. In my state pot possession can be charged as a felony. It's a DUI to merely be driving with its metabolite (inactive THC) in your blood.

If I got caught with weed and charged there's a strong likelihood I'd be disbarred. Major deterrent for me.
I live in Chicago and I don't drive.
AZ sucks for many reasons, including this. Both of these perspectives are so true, another reason why Chicago >>>>>> Arizona despite the weather.

I'd agree that with legality and convenience, it would be in my rotation more regularly.


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