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*****Official "Truth Social" Thread***** (Trump's social media platform) (3 Viewers)

DWAC trading under $16/share this morning. Down 30% for the week. Almost 50% for the month. DWAC Army continues to "buy the dip". People losing marriages because they spent their kids college fund. People opening asking about how to borrow more money to spend. A survey on Reddit shows most peoples average spend is $55/share or higher. People are buying now to get that down into the $30s. Will be interesting to see if/when it hits $10.
DWAC trading under $16/share this morning. Down 30% for the week. Almost 50% for the month. DWAC Army continues to "buy the dip". People losing marriages because they spent their kids college fund. People opening asking about how to borrow more money to spend. A survey on Reddit shows most peoples average spend is $55/share or higher. People are buying now to get that down into the $30s. Will be interesting to see if/when it hits $10.

It's not enough to destroy the country on a macro level, Trump continues to do it to on a personal basis as well. It's so sad what his cult of personality has done.
Is it possible to short this yet, or is it still impossible due to all short positions getting snapped instantaneously still?
Is it possible to short this yet, or is it still impossible due to all short positions getting snapped instantaneously still?
Unfortunately, no. I've been trying since it was in the $50's. I'll try again Monday as I do every day.
PM me if it's ever possible. I'm comfortable betting on this going to $0.
If it ever gets launched as publicly traded company, I agree. As a SPAC the lowest it reportedly can go is $10.
Not much to discuss lately. DWAC has hovered between $16-18/share all week. Ortex Short Interest data (I'm not going to pretend I understand it all) shows shares that have been shorted at under 12%, a decent drop from where it was about 10 days ago. Of course, DWAC Army is blaming that on weak, paper handed wimps that are selling to the shorts. At least one honest comment that they haven't banned says "yeah, it's easy to cover with these depressed numbers".
The DWAC Army has been "buying the dip" and "getting those discount shares" for the better part of six months. Prices this week are between $16-17 per share. They did a poll on Reddit today: What is your average share price?

Out of 75 votes, here are the results:
  • 27 votes - less than $50
  • 22 votes - $50-75
  • 6 votes - $75-90
  • 1 vote - $90-100
  • 13 votes - over $100
Now, we know every poll is flawed and it could be those with TDS that are hitting the over $100 button, but this shows, in a group that is real upfront about drinking the Kool-Aid and buying shares with every paycheck, they are still way upside down. When this thing goes the way all things Trump go, a lot of people are going to be broke and angry and wanting to lash out at someone besides themselves and Trump.
The DWAC Army has been "buying the dip" and "getting those discount shares" for the better part of six months. Prices this week are between $16-17 per share. They did a poll on Reddit today: What is your average share price?

Out of 75 votes, here are the results:
  • 27 votes - less than $50
  • 22 votes - $50-75
  • 6 votes - $75-90
  • 1 vote - $90-100
  • 13 votes - over $100
Now, we know every poll is flawed and it could be those with TDS that are hitting the over $100 button, but this shows, in a group that is real upfront about drinking the Kool-Aid and buying shares with every paycheck, they are still way upside down. When this thing goes the way all things Trump go, a lot of people are going to be broke and angry and wanting to lash out at someone besides themselves and Trump.
Sadly, this could be the proverbial straw that breaks the stranglehold Trump has on his supporters.
Sadly, this could be the proverbial straw that breaks the stranglehold Trump has on his supporters.
I doubt it.

Many of his supporters probably don't own shares, and if it goes belly up, well you know, that danged Deep State prolly sabotaged them.
It’s already open conversation that they are going to sue the SEC, every trading company and Biden himself when this stock tanks.

God and Jesus are on their side, and they are going to get rich one way or another.
Sadly, this could be the proverbial straw that breaks the stranglehold Trump has on his supporters.
Ha ha ha.

The actual number of Trump supporters who are going to lose their shirt in the Truth Social fiasco is just a drop in the bucket compared to the number of his overall supporters. He can easily afford to lose them, just as he can easily afford to lose support from the now-disgruntled rioters who were hung out to dry after January 6th.
God and Jesus are on their side, and they are going to get rich one way or another
We need to stifle the reasoning that these are rational people, who will wise up.

The Rational Train left the station a long time ago. We are now dealing with uneducated, Koolaid drinking, cult members. As $DWAC climbed a buck and change today to $18/share, you saw the following on Reddit:
  • "TO DA MOON"
  • "had to buy 100 shares at $17.76 cause 'Merica!!"
  • "Why going up?" "Because it’s a $100+ per share growth company with unlimited potential, the best people and God’s Devine blessing!"
  • "What the SEC BS is out of the way and we have a clear runway, this ***** will rip past $200 in no time."
  • "next stop tree fiddy" "Tree hunnerd fiddy!!!" (which I think is the same value in white person trying to be hip slang)
  • "Why is it going up now?" "Something is cooking" "That’s what I’m thinking as well. Somebody knows something and is buying before news hit ! I would blow my ****ing load if we heard that the merger is happening !!! It’s ridiculous that it can even be held up by the SEC like this"
  • "Did Trump talk about DWAC at MI rally? The vote?" "He sure did but he said if the SEC doesn’t get there act right he may have to take it private . Something is cooking ." "So do we get a big buyout if he takes TMTG private?" "No. We do not want to go private." "I just want TMTG to succeed!"
  • "Don't forget his dealmaking, which typically centers around bluffing that he can walk away from something. Saying he'd be perfectly happy to walk away and then pursue legal action leaves the SEC with a lose-lose situation on this. The fact that he stands to have 73M shares of the new merged venture, each worth $10+ (probably a lot +), means that this is not small potatoes to him."
  • "I think the 'take it private' talk by the previous poster is FUD. He kind of 'slipped' it into the conversation." (They will ban anyone from posting if you post "FUD" and aren't 1000% positive on the stock.)
(They will ban anyone from posting if you post "FUD" and aren't 1000% positive on the stock.)

That's not really true. I've posted a few times making fun of them or questioning why they post on Reddit if they love TS so much and I haven't caught a ban yet.

Also, the tree fiddy thing is a South Park reference.
nice! I haven't taken the time to post over there, I just see/hear that a lot of bannings are happening.
Musk getting closer to buying Twitter. That would explain the stock price bump of DWAC if you believe that Musk would then buy TS. Of course it doesn't make any sense why Musk would do this and drastically overpay but I know there's plenty of people that subscribe to this theory.
As of today:

DWAC - 65.12/share - Market Cap - 2.46B

TWTR - 33.34/share - 26.81B

As of today:

DWAC - 17.18/share - Market Cap - 637.86M

TWTR - 47.93/share - Market Cap - 36.68B

Elon Musk going forward and buying Twitter at 54/share pops the dreams of DWAC Army that Musk was going to come in and buy Truth Social and crushes the stock price.
Advertisers on Truth Social targeting QAnon believers.

The best thing ever:
A company called Patriot Survival placed an ad on the platform this week. First flagged on Twitter by journalist Liz Elkind, it advertises a solar-powered “indestructible” radio and torch while using the well-known QAnon trope of a coming storm as a way to get the platform’s users to make a purchase. The site is selling the device for $32.99, “with free delivery for all patriots”, which the company claims is a significant discount from the previous price of $59.99. However, a quick search on Alibaba reveals that the item can be bought for as little as $7.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
My first thought is that if Musk buys Twitter, and makes it a safe space so conservatives stop whining, TS becomes even less necessary than it currently is.
If the play is to reinstate Trump's Twitter account, then this x1000. It will suck the life right out of TS and he won't care one bit for those holding the bag, book it.


He will blame the media and liberals for everyone losing their money and they'll believe it.
My first thought is that if Musk buys Twitter, and makes it a safe space so conservatives stop whining, TS becomes even less necessary than it currently is.
If the play is to reinstate Trump's Twitter account, then this x1000. It will suck the life right out of TS and he won't care one bit for those holding the bag, book it.


He will blame the media and liberals for everyone losing their money and they'll believe it.
The DWAC Army on Reddit has already turned against Elon, saying how he has personally ####ed them over, they always knew he was a snake and this is Big Media winning again.

Of course, nothing is Trump or his team's fault.
Advertisers on Truth Social targeting QAnon believers.

The best thing ever:
A company called Patriot Survival placed an ad on the platform this week. First flagged on Twitter by journalist Liz Elkind, it advertises a solar-powered “indestructible” radio and torch while using the well-known QAnon trope of a coming storm as a way to get the platform’s users to make a purchase. The site is selling the device for $32.99, “with free delivery for all patriots”, which the company claims is a significant discount from the previous price of $59.99. However, a quick search on Alibaba reveals that the item can be bought for as little as $7.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Joke's on them, if the core explodes there will be no power to light up that sign!
Advertisers on Truth Social targeting QAnon believers.

The best thing ever:
A company called Patriot Survival placed an ad on the platform this week. First flagged on Twitter by journalist Liz Elkind, it advertises a solar-powered “indestructible” radio and torch while using the well-known QAnon trope of a coming storm as a way to get the platform’s users to make a purchase. The site is selling the device for $32.99, “with free delivery for all patriots”, which the company claims is a significant discount from the previous price of $59.99. However, a quick search on Alibaba reveals that the item can be bought for as little as $7.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
"it is immoral to let a sucker keep his money" - Mike McDermott
DWAC up the last two days and up for the week, moving up and down based on the Twitter/Musk news. Someone put it so eloquently on Twitter: DWAC is like the guy in the basement going "Well, Kim and Pete broke up, I must be her boyfriend now."

One more full day of trading before their new vote on Oct 10th. That should either put the final nail in the SPAC or let it float on for a few more months.
DWAC up the last two days and up for the week, moving up and down based on the Twitter/Musk news. Someone put it so eloquently on Twitter: DWAC is like the guy in the basement going "Well, Kim and Pete broke up, I must be her boyfriend now."

One more full day of trading before their new vote on Oct 10th. That should either put the final nail in the SPAC or let it float on for a few more months.
It will be interesting.
DWAC was suppose to vote to extend the timeline for a merger with TMTG for a year, but have now pushed that vote another month, to November, as they didn't have enough votes to reach the 65% threshold for the extension to pass.

Trump has done little to nothing to help with this issue. One user, @jcn7817, tagged Donald Trump writing, “i Need You to focus On DWAC, I put My Life savings into it! Please Help and Fix That today!” Meanwhile Patrick Orlando went on a QAnon show this weekend to try and find some votes .Trump Media exec: “One way or another, this company is going to go bankrupt" #TruthSocial

Everything is going just fine.
This is going to make this week interesting. People smarter than me said that the ideal stock price for the PIPE investors was somewhere around 16.50/share to get their max value if merger passes. Now as they start bailing in masses, might be nothing left to prop this price up.

News of the vote not passing drop the price, but only about 5% to around that 16.50/share. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
From the Reddit Peanut Gallery:
  • "I get paid on Friday and I’m buying as much as my budget allows. Might ask my folks to chip in and turn their retirement savings into solid gold baby! 🚀🚀🚀"
  • "Can’t loose if you never sell keep the faith and ye shall be delivered unto ye manifold riches in His name! 🙏🏻"
  • "With all these setbacks… once the merger happens TMTG should give shareholders atleast 1:1 share bonus.. that will take away all these struggles and disappointments…" "Agreed, maybe special one time dividend of $20 a share for DWAC’s most loyal soldiers?"
  • "Yes. This is a killer price. I get paid on Friday and will averaging down. Eating Ramen and asking my mom to drive me to work to save on gas."
  • "Patrick will explain what’s really going on when he gets back from vacation I’m hoping."
  • "Patrick on vacation....? Elon proceeding with Twitter... Probably don't have the votes and Patrick is job hunting. My guess. Nothing like watching my retirement burn. FU Bandon and the SEC."
  • "Yup, if DWAC is liquidated it will expose the demonic deep state SEC so the next Maga SPAC can be successful and take Truth public (unless 45 wants to keep it private). Either way, big success is coming for TMTG!"

Meanwhile, DWAC closes at a new post-announcement low: $16.01/share
Reading those comments is really sad. I feel bad for those people.

I feel bad for their families and loved ones that are going to feel the loss of money, but the actual investors, I don't feel bad for. They have been calmly and politely explained on every platform (TS, Reddit, FB, etc) what was and is going to happen and they shut every single one down. They refuse to even listen to one bit of advice or info that isn't 100 percent pro-Trump, pro-TS, pro-DWAC.

Tough lesson to learn. Hope they can rebound for their family, but I don't feel sorry.

DWAC dropping below $16/share this morning. At this point, investors need to be hoping and praying for a liquidation and getting their $10/share back. If the merger does happen, there is no safety floor for how low the price can go. "Buying the dip" at 2 bucks a share is going to be beyond sad.
From Reddit today (so take it with a grain of salt): Guy casually bragging about Charles Schwab "begging" him to loan his shares. 21345 total shares. He also shared that his cost avg is $71/share. So, that is $1,515,495 that you have "owned the libs" down to $344,508. But he's not worried, because "there is a day of reckoning coming soon."

Also hearing rumors that Trump does not own any shares of DWAC at this point. And Patrick Orlando has been MIA online for almost a week. Everything going great.

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