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I am worried about Herschel Walker’s candidacy for the senate; I don’t think he’s up to the job. (1 Viewer)

AOC is right up there.  She hasn't accomplished one single thing for her constituents.   Nada, ZERO, bill passed since she took office.
Of course the opposite is true.


LOL. This is awesome. I interpreted JohnnyU's post as claiming that AOC didn't introduce or sponsor any federal legislation that passed. That isn't a meaningful criticism, IMO, but it seemed accurate as far as I was aware.

So I watched that YouTube video, and it seemed to confirm JohnnyU's point ... until it got to Accomplishment #18. It turns out that AOC introduced 30 separate bills welcoming President Joe Biden to the Bronx. Thirty! That is a legislative accomplishment that cannot be denied!

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No real concerns with him not graduating 
Way back in the 90s at Gator Growl (a big UF homecoming party that filled the football stadium), there was a skit where Herschel Walker came back to UGA to get his diploma as fake UGA students stood around to cheer him on.  UGA's president said "Herschel, to get your diploma, all you have to do is answer one question:  what is 2 plus 2?"  Herschel took a moment, and replied, "Um, four."  All the UGA students then started chanting "give him another chance!  give him another chance!"

Why not? This has been the conservative go to for voting since 2016. 

Doubt the 20-30 regular posters here will ever sway the vote one way or the other.

If we pooled all of our votes we would have trouble getting a local school board candidate elected.

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Way back in the 90s at Gator Growl (a big UF homecoming party that filled the football stadium), there was a skit where Herschel Walker came back to UGA to get his diploma as fake UGA students stood around to cheer him on.  UGA's president said "Herschel, to get your diploma, all you have to do is answer one question:  what is 2 plus 2?"  Herschel took a moment, and replied, "Um, four."  All the UGA students then started chanting "give him another chance!  give him another chance!"
If math is racist this post is racist.

My question for all of you that don't like him, would you feel the same way if he had a "D" after his name?

I am guessing if he was running for Team Blue, the narrative would be extremely different. 

If he was running for Team Blue he wouldn't get the nomination. That's the thing.

There are Dem senators who are equally unfit, though. I have zero problem saying that Dianne Feinstein is no longer up for the job and should retire immediately.

My question for all of you that don't like him, would you feel the same way if he had a "D" after his name?

I am guessing if he was running for Team Blue, the narrative would be extremely different. 
If by "narrative" you mean direct quotes, and moment by moment coverage of Walker railing against absentee dads while having multiple children he's ignored, I don't think it would change. 

He is who he is. If he suddenly decided he would support progressive policies, he might get a LOT less coverage from the left, and a LOT more from the right. 

But that's because he's a #### candidate, that Team Red is embarrassed about, and if he was suddenly Team Blue's albatross, Fox News and OAN and NewsMax would find him very compelling. 

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My question for all of you that don't like him, would you feel the same way if he had a "D" after his name?

I am guessing if he was running for Team Blue, the narrative would be extremely different. 

100% would never vote for this guy.  Honestly, if you had told me many years ago that he would be running in 2022 for Senator then I would have thought there was a chance he would be running as a Democrat.

Here is a video posted yesterday of him speaking to a group of people in what looks like a gymnasium. In it he claims he’s an FBI agent (yes he actually says that), and tells a story of a time he took his gun to shoot somebody but didn’t because the guy had a honk if you love Jesus bumper sticker.  


Dude is crazy.  I don't mean this as a joke, I genuinely think he's taken too many shots to the head over the years and isn't all there.

I don't know exactly what "worst" means, but I will say that in my life I have seen plenty of candidates who were dumb, plenty who were awful, and a few who I think were genuinely evil (one of those is currently running in Missouri). But Walker is the first I've ever seen who makes me feel sad. I suppose I shouldn't feel that way, since he's an adult who presumably knew what he was getting into, but he just has no business running for a major statewide office and anyone who played a role in convincing him to do so should be ashamed of themselves.

And the worst part is, he didn't need to do any of this. He could have stayed out of politics and remained a hero in Georgia and well regarded everywhere else. Instead, he's humiliating himself. I don't know if he took too many shots to the head, or if he was never that smart to begin with, but every time he opens his mouth I cringe.

I don't know exactly what "worst" means, but I will say that in my life I have seen plenty of candidates who were dumb, plenty who were awful, and a few who I think were genuinely evil (one of those is currently running in Missouri). But Walker is the first I've ever seen who makes me feel sad. I suppose I shouldn't feel that way, since he's an adult who presumably knew what he was getting into, but he just has no business running for a major statewide office and anyone who played a role in convincing him to do so should be ashamed of themselves.

And the worst part is, he didn't need to do any of this. He could have stayed out of politics and remained a hero in Georgia and well regarded everywhere else. Instead, he's humiliating himself. I don't know if he took too many shots to the head, or if he was never that smart to begin with, but every time he opens his mouth I cringe.

Yeah, I've heard Herschel talk in several different settings over the years and he's always come across as a decent guy and not hateful like some politicians seem to be.  I have no idea why he chose to do this.

100% would never vote for this guy.  Honestly, if you had told me many years ago that he would be running in 2022 for Senator then I would have thought there was a chance he would be running as a Democrat.
I was trying to think of a liberal former pro athlete who came across as unintelligent as Walker does, but I realized that most former athletes who have gotten themselves elected -- on both sides of the aisle -- have been pretty smart: Bill Bradley, Tom McMillan, Steve Largent, Anthony Gonzalez. So then I tried to think of non-politicians who might come across the same way if they did run. Deion? Michael Irvin? Shannon Sharpe? I gotta say, I just couldn't see myself pulling the lever for someone I thought was a complete idiot no matter what party they belonged to

Here is a video posted yesterday of him speaking to a group of people in what looks like a gymnasium. In it he claims he’s an FBI agent (yes he actually says that), and tells a story of a time he took his gun to shoot somebody but didn’t because the guy had a honk if you love Jesus bumper sticker.  


Dude is crazy.  I don't mean this as a joke, I genuinely think he's taken too many shots to the head over the years and isn't all there.
Then what's the excuse for every other cosplaying wingnut out there?

And I'm sorry. I don't mean that to be rude towards Tim. He just provided the soft ball. 

With Randall from the FFA passing along with wikkid not long ago, I find myself with less patience in the forum. I know they were exceptional and not every post can be like them. But man. 

Serious question - what's the point of your "question".  You clearly have your mind made up. Are you just looking for high fives? 
Actually I don’t. A few people have brought up Roy Moore and I think He should be considered. 

And what’s this “high five” nonsense? Do you believe I am celebrating this??? i am depressed that a guy this stupid has a chance to be in one of the most important political offices we have. How did we get to this point? It’s really sad. 

And I'm sorry. I don't mean that to be rude towards Tim. He just provided the soft ball. 

With Randall from the FFA passing along with wikkid not long ago, I find myself with less patience in the forum. I know they were exceptional and not every post can be like them. But man. 

Ah, hell. :(

And I'm sorry. I don't mean that to be rude towards Tim. He just provided the soft ball. 

With Randall from the FFA passing along with wikkid not long ago, I find myself with less patience in the forum. I know they were exceptional and not every post can be like them. But man. 
I don’t think there’s anything wrong or objectionable with any of my posts in this thread and I take VERY strong offense that you would bring up the two people you did as some sort of contrast. Yes they were exceptional. But I don’t believe anything I’ve posted here to be in poor taste. 

Actually I don’t. A few people have brought up Roy Moore and I think He should be considered. 

And what’s this “high five” nonsense? Do you believe I am celebrating this??? i am depressed that a guy this stupid has a chance to be in one of the most important political offices we have. How did we get to this point? It’s really sad. 
seems in poor taste.

Actually I don’t. A few people have brought up Roy Moore and I think He should be considered. 

And what’s this “high five” nonsense? Do you believe I am celebrating this??? i am depressed that a guy this stupid has a chance to be in one of the most important political offices we have. How did we get to this point? It’s really sad. 

Moore I would definitely say is worse due to what he did.  I may be on an island here but I consider almost qualification #1 of a candidate to be a decent person.  I don't care if you and I align on every policy out there - if you are a horrible person then I'm not voting for you.  Moore falls in that category for me - but Walker definitely does not.

Moore I would definitely say is worse due to what he did.  I may be on an island here but I consider almost qualification #1 of a candidate to be a decent person.  I don't care if you and I align on every policy out there - if you are a horrible person then I'm not voting for you.  Moore falls in that category for me - but Walker definitely does not.
Apparently the management doesn’t believe this is something we should be discussing. 

Moore I would definitely say is worse due to what he did.  I may be on an island here but I consider almost qualification #1 of a candidate to be a decent person.  I don't care if you and I align on every policy out there - if you are a horrible person then I'm not voting for you.  Moore falls in that category for me - but Walker definitely does not.
OK, but by that standard isn't Greitens way worse? I'm certainly not defending Moore in any way, but based on the accounts of those women he came across as super weird and creepy, but in a pathetic way. Like he was a guy in his 20s/30s who was such a loser he was trying to date teenage girls because that was all he could get.

Greitens? That dude is straight-up evil. He was having an affair. He tied up his mistress, then took a picture of her and used it to blackmail her. And he was doing all of this stuff right as he was launching his gubernatorial campaign, which means he expected to get away with it. And oh by the way, his ex-wife also accused him of abuse. Hard to top that.

OK, but by that standard isn't Greitens way worse? I'm certainly not defending Moore in any way, but based on the accounts of those women he came across as super weird and creepy, but in a pathetic way. Like he was a guy in his 20s/30s who was such a loser he was trying to date teenage girls because that was all he could get.

 That dude is straight-up evil. He was having an affair. He tied up his mistress, then took a picture of her and used it to blackmail her. And he was doing all of this stuff right as he was launching his gubernatorial campaign, which means he expected to get away with it. And oh by the way, his ex-wife also accused him of abuse. Hard to top that.

I'm actually not a big political junkie so I wasn't sure who that was.  I wasn't suggesting Moore was the worst ever, just comparing him to Herschel.  I have no clue who the worst or best would be - I just don't know or have followed it enough.  My guess is I would find people who are just bad people would make the top of my list - no matter what side of the aisle they are on.

seems in poor taste.
It’s not. 

Herschel Walker is a stupid man who is running for US Senate. Why shouldn’t we discuss this? Are we to pretend that he isn’t stupid so that we don’t offend anyone or hurt somebody’s feelings? 
JMO, but it feels like you're deliberately using an inflammatory word to rile up conservatives. I feel like you could have essentially made the same point with softer language (uneducated, ignorant, etc.)

Also, again this is JMO but we shouldn't discount the possibility that Herschel is suffering from CTE, and if so it would definitely be in poor taste to call the man stupid.

(But if he is suffering from CTE, he absolutely should not be elected to any political office.)

My question for all of you that don't like him, would you feel the same way if he had a "D" after his name?

I am guessing if he was running for Team Blue, the narrative would be extremely different. 

If he was running for Team Blue he wouldn't get the nomination. That's the thing.

There are Dem senators who are equally unfit, though. I have zero problem saying that Dianne Feinstein is no longer up for the job and should retire immediately.
The only D equivalent I can think of is Maxine Waters, where even her own constituents know that she is crazy but they vote for her anyway because GO TEAM BLUE. But Maxine is in a gerrymandered HOUSE district. No way her schtick would get much play in a statewide race.

JMO, but it feels like you're deliberately using an inflammatory word to rile up conservatives. I feel like you could have essentially made the same point with softer language (uneducated, ignorant, etc.)

Also, again this is JMO but we shouldn't discount the possibility that Herschel is suffering from CTE, and if so it would definitely be in poor taste to call the man stupid.

(But if he is suffering from CTE, he absolutely should not be elected to any political office.)
I have no problem using other words to describe Walker’s lack of intelligence. I just don’t think it should be swept under the rug for fear of offending anyone. 


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